
Stumbling block "Positionen and Zählschleifen"


Hello together...

In last Time stolpere I öfters over a Kleinigkeit in the Help my XProfan 9.1.

If I to that example The Whileloop Loop viewing supply me these in the Variable &loop at first durchlauf a 1 .

If I me though to that example whom commands Word or The function Word viewing becomes The first Position in of/ one Memory-Variable with 0 marks.

And so zieht it itself through any command and functions of XProfan, and with keinem standing in the Help with which it starting To count....with the zero or the one....

Ne list would Real time helpful....the erspart each crowd try To one The any raushat...
or there about a rule on The I hold can circa liquid program to??

thanks Schonmal in the ahead...
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

now such a list must hold warscheinlich first manufactured go.

it standing Yes each spare this To do.

an platform for is Yes already manufactured - You could in the Online-Doku a Sheet namens count lay out and there simply short The different mutants present.

this is then Teamwork.


I habs me time short respected.....booooaaaahhhhh....I there everything present must....

there can Yes Real become afraid...
one place itself to I carry there Bockmist one...I faith soviele Jaffa boxes have I do not for rotten tomatoes...

therefore time one appeal of me on any The More experience having with the verständlichen write a such Sheet anzulegen and To cherish, I faith to know as Positionsangaben and Zählvariablen begin is for each helpful... or??
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

as far as i know, catches except Whileloop everything with the zero on.
and this is Yes not so one trouble,
Whileloop 0 , 5
instead of
Whileloop 6
To write, or? with others Programmiersprachen must one finally always a Anfangswert indicate(as far as i know! ).
So I having with such a thing so well How never Problems.
Nico Madysa

[quote:aef83c3d0e]as far as i know, catches except Whileloop everything with the zero on.
Yes almost.
The reaches and the lists begin with a index of 0.
The strings with a index of 1.

where with the whom Strings sooner another Altlast from the Time is, where The Längenangabe to the String stood (255-characters Strings). an Kompatibilitäts-Altlast sozusagen. because intern begin too The Strings with zero.

the has but too its advantages, so becomes one with SubStr$ even not first the nullte separate the first word supplied.

means the Merksatz:
is it was with Stringbearbeitung, then a 1 otherwise a 0 first thing index. where The Strings in reaches itself hold on the surroundings (means the area) orientieren.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

The Indexerwähnung is incidentally in the Help present. If one not only on whom individual functions orientiert, separate too The Einführungsabschnitte in the Help reads becomes one fündig. - now well, some is objectively only into Kursen erwähnt.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Michael W.02/05/16
Peter Max Müller11/26/11


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