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| Hello! have The ProSpeed.dll herruntergeladen and the Help ausgedruckt. I faith there have you got unglaubliches done and here The first question/Why stay: if You already so far come are, warrum entwickelst You The dll not to eigenständigen Programming-Language? what I now (as Beginner) miss is a Einsteigerseminar. the could so looks, that the program one Spielchen step for step explains becomes (so what like a Hello world-Program). I find as Beginner is the Help not very hilfsreich, there it only a manner reference is. too The example-programs are at the beginning verwirrend... otherwise super! |
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| Hello and thanks, Maurizio !
The reason is simply, I Have not enough Time...! i'd gladly one Einsteigeseminar create, but my Time is concise proportion. Since there it indeed yet The List view.dll and then would like I once in a while too time integrally what other try. Sometime time...
an Dll is yet long no Own Programming-Language, what missing is the Kleinigkeit one Parsers interest had I already, who knows.....
Greeting, Frank |
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