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 | Hello Profaner...
I have the following trouble: on the attempt windows herunterzufahren must one Program of me properly react.
i know, the windows at Shutdown The Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION on each Program sends and on a positive feedback wait. How can I these Message with Profan intercepting and properly treat? has someone a idea???
Profan 7.5 => windows2000/XP |
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 Frank Abbing | straight found: [...]  Andreas has something like already written  |
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 | over again best Thanks, Frank. the shows me really already, that I The thing correctly. understood have. i'll me time on Andreas Homepage umsehen. Bislang know I only The Possibility, with SetWindowLong The address the new procedure To transfer, Perhaps come I there yet on new ideas. |
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 | Hello Frank...
your Tipp was goldrichtig and has me almost any of my ask at a single blow answers . Can Subclassing too with external DLLs release, or must The procedure within of my Program stand? |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
No, a externe Dll goes naturally too. See Message.dll  |
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 | there have I really a whole crowd dazugelernt . unfortunately shows me the but too, that I with my jetzigen Profanversion on none drop weiterkomme.

I have now following large Please contact each of you: I need for one of my shareware programs a with UPX compressed XProfan EXE as Freeware. this Program should through Subclassing The Message WM_QUERRYENDSESSIN intercepting and, if these Message aufgetreten is, windows with the Profanbefehl ExitWindows 4 Shutdown. the from the EXE begot Window must invisible his. whether the program in the Taskbar appear, is alike (Übergangslösung, To I XProfan have).
the hears itself Perhaps quite tricky on, in reality are the but only a couple Lines View source. almost everything, what To this Program need - even whom biggest part the Quelltextes (namely the Subclassing the Message WM_QUERRYENDSESSION) - finds one really already on the XProfan Homepage of Andreas Miethe. the whole might means only a work of a couple minutes his.
i know, that the a very large Please is, what about me would neither angry, if me this wish nobody erfüllen would - but gigant forward would I already. |
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 | No eigendlich no large Please - You fetch you simply The neuste XProfan-shareware ausm Download Area and proggst what You need. the Compilieren inne Exe becomes sure someone for you take.
salvo, iF |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
mach whom code to your imaginations ready and mail it me quiet To. I kompiliere it for you and mail you The Exe back. yet rather would it, You lay you XProfan to...  |
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 Michael Dell | Hi,
means your so about? CompileMarkSeparationDef CallWindowProc(5) !"USER32.DLL","CallWindowProcA" lpPrevWndFunc&,hwnd&,MSG&,wParam&,lParam&
Def SetWindowLong(3) !"USER32.DLL","SetWindowLongA" hwnd&,nIndex&,dwNewLong&
Declare gHW&,lpPrevWndProc&
Proc NewWindowProc
Parameters hw&,uMsg&,wParam&,lParam&
Declare Ant&
Case (uMsg& = &WM_QUERYENDSESSION): ExitWindows 4
Return CallWindowProc(lpPrevWndProc&,hw&,uMsg&,wParam&,lParam&)
Proc Hook
gHW& = %hwnd
lpPrevWndProc& = SetWindowLong(gHW&,&GWL_WNDPROC,ProcAddr("NewWindowProc",4))
Window Add(%maxX,10),100-25,25
While 1
Have the time with Profan2Cpp & UPX on 76kB pressed: [...] 
Perhaps isses Yes useable.
Michael... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 02/22/05 ▲ |
 | Hello Michael...
Denk you a lovely cover for the Window from and kompiliere the to EXE - the should it his! to that testing the program kanns You simply Notepad started, a small Text and not Save. If you then the program launch and Windows thereafter Shutdown can, should windows without demand exits go.
@IF... my computer is with Profanversionen until Stehkragen filled - ongoing there Problems The right Help started. therefore ziehe I me now not The Shareware Version - but soon The Full Version.
Vielen Thanks all for your Help!
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 | for solcherlei Problems gibs still aba whom XPSE. 
Well and the Help... there need one still eigendlich imma only The Latest.
salvo, iF |
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 | Hello Michael...
au bion I stupid! Have whom Link integrally overlooking - Program is already ready! Werds tommorrow same testing!!!
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 | Hello Michael...
the Program functions inspired and is spot-on and To aufs I-Tüpfelchen very the I having wished! ~pressmee~
...Perhaps helps it Yes yet irgendeinem moreover, if I now time accurate on The differences at Shutdown Windows eingehe:
windows95/98/ME=> it'll on each Toplevelfenster The Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION gesendet. first if any Window a 1 zurückgeliefert having, becomes The Message WM_ENDSESSION on The Window skillful, The any ongoing programs exits. supply one Window as response on WM_QUERYENDSESSION 0 back, becomes The Message WM_ENDSESSION not abgeschickt.
WindowsNT/2000/XP=> it'll on each Toplevelfenster The Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION skillful. each Window, the a 1 returns, sustain then The Message WM_ENDSESSION , what moreover lead, that the concerned Program terminates. supply one Window on WM_QUERYENDSESSION 0 back, becomes the whole Process aborted and it'll on The nachfolgenden Window weder The Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION yet The Message WM_ENDSESSION gesendet. which Window first The Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION get, depends of it ex, when the dazugehörige Process launched watts (of my Meining to a extreme unideale Variante the Shutdowns). |
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