
Those who have since there eingeloggt???

Hello Profaner...

gives it irgendeine secure Possibility whom User To to determine, which Registry in the Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER standing?The Trickserei, The me in the moment einfält, goes NT not and is too To umständlich...

Meinst You something like?
as Batch-commands:
@net view > C:Who.txt
WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800

it means well sooner:
winexecwait(getenv$("COMSPEC")+" /c net user>c:\outp",0)
shell "notepad c:\outp"e>

No, I faith the my I do not => I werds once more something hither explain:

On one computer loggt itself one User over The keyboard one. If this happens, go too its personal Settings into Registry loaded.
something later launch itself in another Account (in the same Session) one service.
How get now the service out, who itself over The keyboard eingeloggt has??? everything what me bislang falls in is large Trickserei...

Try The obigen Examples still simply from.

I use z.B. a Datensicherung, which in the Admin-Account launch. the goes integrally simply: Batchdatei write, (Systemsteuerung - performance u maintenance) mapped Tasks Call, The Batchdatei under Adminkonto Call (Password necessary).

The mapped task can now with right Mouse button on entry too directly started.
so can You then testing, what these task determined has. The Examples lay Yes a File on.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Michael...

The net commands is under whom individual Windowsversionen very different -> Parameter are differently.
I had both things by me under windows2000 already tested:
IFs example power z.B. something utterly other (shows everything Usernamen on). whether it XP so goes - no idea...
my schwammige lying means not on it, that I do not white, what the Source power (or it not tested have), separate on it, that it Perhaps XP the make could, I beabsichtige - How said, no idea whether the so is.
Also would like I with one so important Programmteil How this possible on DOS dispense. there, where The application under Umständen later walk should, is DOS abgestellt.

have time in the Registry sought:

The Current User can from subesquent Key in the Registry read go:
under Logon User name.
this is under Windows XP so. Then it too in Win 2000 same his. under windows 98 standing the Current User about
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINENetworkLogon (username)
or another suggestion:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl (Current User)

Kanns unfortunately not accurate say, I my PC on my own use.
WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800

Hello Peter...

first once many Thanks! I have already inige Registryeinträge screen, can but not very say, whether these dazugehören.

with this Einträgen stood there really the CurrentUser, means the the in the moment a Process executing (and the I will Yes not, because there's Yes yet Impersonation - and then has the, what there standing nothing more with the Settings To do, The there loaded been are).

i'll me In any drop these Key once more exactly standing and login me then back.

I kanns now in the firm not testing, but....
in the Environment standing USERNAME.

If one itself one Program writes:
worth$ = GetEnv$(USERNAME)

and times abprüft, whether the under Admin-right launched Program then whom Admin-names or - How I suspect - whom einfachen Usernamen zurückgibt...

the could The Solution his. even if DOS abgestellt is - The Environment-story becomes always dragged.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I have it time durchgetestet.

unfortunately writes windows there integrally artig whom User into, the the Programmrecht has.

means Normaluser A and Admin B are given. an mapped task with Admin B Rechten becomes automatically launched, during User A active is.

now sees one in the Taskmanager a Process, the under Admin B runs. And if this task The Env-Variable ausliest standing naturally too Admin B drin (really logical).

so works it means not, unfortunately.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Peter...

your suggestion skin wonderful there and is very the, I sought have! best Thanks!

that I these Solution not found have lying on it, that I mainly with REGEDIT and not REGED32 work. with REGEDIT there a merkwürdigen effect, whom I I do not so integrally explain can...

no trouble

over ands over again gladly
WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800


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Peter Max Müller06/09/15


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