Hello, iF! after my Gutachtenprogramm NT jedesmal a kapitalen crash produced has in the momentum, where the thread active watts, have I this part time auskommentiert - since then runs NT klaglos. D.h., The thread.pcu is from irgendeinem reason not compatible with NT. the would for me not so tragic, but could it his, that so too The Abstürze under Win98 and ME zusammenhängen? The find under Win98 and ME always then instead of, if the program terminates. M.E. to have I but no releases of Berichsvariablen and DLLs etc. overlooking.
Hello, iF! No, then does it Prog NT - then becomes hold klarerweise The Time only anybody action updated. I have moreover To Versuchszwecken too times the ältere thread.pcu-Version probiert - was ditto immediate Dr.Watson there.