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![: 05/21/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello IF...
I have me with [...] time your demonstration to THREAD.PCU a little bit respected. thereby is me noticed, that You there quite no Threads beget:
As I said - instead of four Threads only one Thread, namely the Profanthread. from the Stehgreif falls me there really only a method one How one otherwise yet self-employed ablaufende Programmschleifen produce can (You Timerprofi You). comes you evtl. to of it something famous to (...what so everything for Schrott in Heaps finds if one time with TNT something accurate seek...![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) MXTRD_ID3&=@,user32.dll,SetTimer,0,0,S&,@161,0)) S&=time-out value ??? MXTRD_ID3&=ID the Timers for 3.Thread??? @161=Erzeugt over The Profanfunktion @External and the Profan @ProcAddr in @External with installed??? 0,0,=Der Timer has no ID and no Window???? => missing naturally what and is verstümmelt - I hope but, You erkennst there Bruchstücke... ![](.././../../i/s/lach.gif)
your idea and the Umsetzung find I really pointed, you should but already open say, that the what You there beget not plenty with a Thread To do has. myself be (before I XProfan having) self longer Time of it gone out, that one with XProfan really ongoing Threads produce can and I too some of my previous ask hereon related - the was but unfortunately one mistake.
what distinguish a Thread from the IF-Thread method? means first once that here (Zugriffsrechte):
then has eachone Thread another Own, independent änderbare priority - what important is can means first Prozessorzeit get, the remainder standing hinten on. Since there it naturally yet some More on distinguished (The partly too yet plenty More in that weight entrapments), it would but too long last, that here everything To (it)clarify.
As I said, circa Irtümer and Irrwege To avoid: The THREAD.PCU created no zusätlichen Threads! nevertheless: an hervorragende Solution for the trouble, independent ongoing Programmschleifen with Profan produce To must! |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![: 05/21/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | iF has but number of times erwähnt, the no real Threads created go. it'll only a similar Funktionalität created. real Threads, without additional DLL or ähnlichem stops I IMHO for almost unmöglich. Support should already in the PrfRuntime integrate his, only by API on my own becomes the of my opinion to nothing. |
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![: 05/21/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | see I ditto so, wished only once more hereon attentive make, I not any more so often here be and IFs Statement not red have. Aso over again: who think it can alone with jetzigem Profan einn additional Thread produce, is on the Holzweg... |
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![iF: 05/21/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | @Thomas: very. [quote:e01aaea108]your idea and the Umsetzung find I really pointed, you should but already open say, that the what You there beget not plenty with a Thread To do has.[/quote:e01aaea108]ES WERDEN NO ECHTEN THREADS CREATED is IMHO open-said enough. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498551.gif) |
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![: 09/05/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello IF...
I hope, I nerve you not:
there You there Callbacks beget => can ähnliches too with the THREAD.PCU [...] . with the trouble in Profan hit I already since my Posting here around - having always a suspicion Why the lying, could this but (because of Quelltextmangel) bislang not understand. my opinion: what no Thread is, ought to neither Thread hot - How should man because there without View source irgendwelchen Problemen on The track come? |
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![iF: 09/05/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | be I your opinion, only Thread is nunmal - How everything else naturally too - naturally not eindeutig definiert, umso accurate but describe the name The Opportunities the Unit.
If you mean the The Thread.Pcu because of which not MS-API-Threads created go ihren names misses has, then would I contradict, simply therefore, because the Bezeichnung the Unit moreover there's circa possible short To describe which Opportunities tappt im dunkeln bid. On whom speziellem ways The Unit this does must not The Namensgebung come in - it would kontraproduktiv.
Through the Thread.Pcu can with XProfan threadähnliches behaviour into own Programs produce/program.
[quote:4bf640f867]there You there Callbacks beget => can ähnliches too with the THREAD.PCU occur?. [/quote:4bf640f867] i know not - the should one simply test times.
[quote:4bf640f867]How should man because there without View source irgendwelchen Problemen on The track come?[/quote:4bf640f867] Anhand the Threads here's measurable whether a derartige Problematik at all yields, sodaß The from you angesprochenen Problems zumglück (yet?) mere hypothetisch are.
On what want You very out? |
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![iF: 09/05/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | I have here time a infamy ausprobiert - by me runs Fehlerfrei - mean You something like? CompileMarkSeparation |
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![iF: 09/05/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | from the Ini sustain I:
[1] 2=2/23638218 4=4/23637906 3=3/23637906 1=1/23638218
means 2=2 4=4 3=3 1=1, could one insist it comes too with writeini & readini nothing confusion..?!?! |
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![: 09/05/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | [quote:878d7d43ab=iF]be I your opinion, only Thread is nunmal - How everything else naturally too - naturally not eindeutig definiert, umso accurate but describe the name The Opportunities the Unit.[/quote:878d7d43ex] One Thread becomes from the jeweiligen APIs as Thread displayed, has Own Zugriffsrechte and can a own Token having - is means eindeutig, what a Thread is and what not.
i want not, that you whom View source offenlegts - i want but at least know, with I it with of/ one PCU To do have and not of utterly incorrect lowdown go out so I The Problems too on the right place Search and properly hereon react can. If you times the USER32.DLL diassemblest become You check, the WM_TIMER (and WM_SYSTIMER) Messages quite different treats go, as the remainder the Messages. others treatment - others Problems. using You WM_TIMER?
If none vermutet, the a problem evtl. on the PCU lying could, because it of integrally others lowdown ausgeht, become You too no Rückmeldungen in reference on Error receive and the this trouble too with the PCU appear could remaining furthermore hypothetisch... |
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![iF: 09/05/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | [quote:0b4d1bf92a]One Thread becomes from the jeweiligen APIs as Thread displayed, has Own Zugriffsrechte and can a own Token having - is means eindeutig, what a Thread is and what not.[/quote:0b4d1bf92a] Hm nö - there be I do not your opinion. this is Perhaps The Definition one MS-Prozessthreads - but these Defi isn't universally valid and weicht too from the general Threaddefinition ex. (See Wiki) and I eindeutig say that I no real (means MS-Prozessthreads) beget...
I use wm_timer and I me [...] zunutze made. |
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![: 09/06/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello IF...
OK, the Error could means too with the THREAD.PCU appear. i'll The PCU time soon something accurate on these thing there testing. mandatory same time in Sebastians Forum, the has apparently another größeres Completed: Timmern .
Andreas |
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