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Jörg Sellmeyer | this Thread [...] has me on The idea brought, time Tooltips To manipulating. unfortunately sends XProfan no wmnotify, if one Tooltip auftaucht. one can WM_NOTIFY but as UserMessage deklarieren, then comes The Message on. I get but no reasonable values into suitable structure. has already someone so rumexperimentiert and is on better Results come? I Have what in C found, but so can I nothing begin [...] comments best to the started complete Remove, because the itself on The Absturzwahrscheinlichkeit work out. CompileMarkSeparation'Achtung! Das knallt andauernd! Testcode - auf eigene Gefahr einzusetzen!
$H Messages.ph
Def &TTN_SHOW , -521
Struct NMHDR = hwndFrom&,idFrom&,code&
Declare NMHDR#
Proc GetNMHDRInfo
Parameters b#
NMHDR# = b#
Dispose b#
Var s$ = Str$(NMHDR#.hwndFrom&) + " " + Str$(NMHDR#.idFrom&) + " " + Str$(NMHDR#.code&) + " " + Str$(&gettickcount)
Dispose NMHDR#
SetText txt&,s$
Var btn1& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Test 1",100,100,100,30)
Var btn2& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Test 2",210,100,100,30)
Var tt1& = Create("ToolTip",%hwnd,btn1&,"Test 1")
Var tt2& = Create("ToolTip",%hwnd,btn2&,"Test 2")
Var txt& = Create("Text",%hwnd,"",0,30,400,24)
UserMessages $10,~WM_NOTIFY
While 1
Print %hwnd,btn1&,tt1&,%notifycode,&lparam'," "
Locate 1,1
If %umessage = $10
ElseIf %umessage = ~WM_NOTIFY
If (&wparam = btn1&) Or (&wparam = btn2&)
'hier wundert mich, daß ich als Notifycode nur -12 erhalte.
'eigentlich erwarte ich -521 für TTN_SHOW
'Außerdem sollte dann &lparam ein Zeiger auf eine Struktur NMHDR sein
'Die Werte darin sind aber für mich nicht in Einklang zu bringen mit dem,
'was in der Api-Hilfe steht.
'Wenn dieser Kommentar vor dem Funktionsaufruf steht, knallt es übrigens häufiger!
Dispose NMHDR#
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/17/11 ▲ |
| If windows a Message on a wndProc gives So one call on The wndProc absetzt and Adressen commit then existieren The Adressen not absolutely too yet after The wndProc exits is what but with Erhalt of/ one UserMessage long ago the case is.
adopted "Windows" power:
int speicher=createSpeicher() call wndProcOfDaApp, wnd,wm_irgendwas,memory,0 freiGibSpeicher(memory)
then ists from visibility the UserMessage long ago To late.
I habs for this drop not screen but something like ought to one deliberating.
secure remedy creates since the SubClassProc or if mans verlustfrei need then simply a nProc as wndProc settle. |
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| Nachtrag: something dizzy becomes me too with CompileMarkSeparation because You WinXP? Yes not copy separate with the Adressen wurstelst.
You disposed Yes NMHDR#
Übernimm The Adressen in 32 bit simply as int32 or. long and later with 64bit as int64. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer |
then ists from visibility the UserMessage long ago To late.
the would naturally explain, Why in the structure nothing drinsteht. it reichte Yes really from, that XProfan wmnotify too at come along one Tooltips sends and the Systemvarablen correspond to equips. then could one itself that here save... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/17/11 ▲ |
| Or others Worten are User Messages for this drop unfit but there's Yes The SubClassProc. |
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