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 Bernd Kaiser | Hello Frank,
I have the following trouble: In my Datenbestand find itself into Textfeldern (unfortunately) too Kommas (Kommata???) (z.B. Mausefalle, vergoldet), The ListView as Separator use would like. now can whom Users all kinds of characters (|,#,@) in Textfeldern prohibit, at comma is the sooner you don't say so. what do?
at that SQL-export go already Pipes as Separator eigesetzt.
let itself the Separator analog To Excel or Access not variable, z.B. as Parameter, style?
Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 04/20/05 ▲ |
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 Michael Wodrich | is the CSV-stature not anyhow so definiert, that only Zahlenfelder for itself stand but the Textfields in quotation marks locked in go?
then is a comma or several Kommata (or Kommas; both correctly) in the text box still no trouble.
each Program the CSV-konform writes, becomes with vorkommendem Separator in the text box these data in Anführungsstriche settle.
each Program the CSV-konform reads, becomes with beginnendem quotation marks to the abschließendem quotation marks for the Feldende search (and so encompassed Separator ignore).
there's too CSV-exportierende programs, The here several different mutants offer. then dial always The Variante, The whom Text in Anführungsstriche setting.
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 04/20/05 ▲ |
 Bernd Kaiser | means, I have so far I know none influence the stature the CSV-File, there these over SQL a paradox-scheduler in Profan created becomes (SQL.DAT). there is the Pipe the Feldtrenner and the Feldinhalte stand simply between. then writes Profan by SQL well no right CSV-Files.

and How already supra said, on The application and your manner the Datenspeicherung have I none Einfluss. be I objectively the first, the this Completed: the SQL.DAT has? incredulous guckt. 
The SQL.DAT first with Profan-Mitteln To change and any Feldinhalte in To settle likes so did i not, the cost everything only Time. or remaining me objectively no another lane?
Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 04/20/05 ▲ |
 | Profan writes already right CSVs.
CSV is Yes only - the itself on one Separator geeinigt watts. Hierbei game the Separator self no role.
@Michael: The Problematik is neither simply with done - stell you simply to someone uses in the Text - and already catch we again of in front on.
therefore say I Yes - The only Possibility CSVs correctly. To write would - the one to the Scheiben whom CS (Characterseparator) from the Text herausfiltert - or. ggf. into other characters konvertiert.
with the display the CSV must the naturally again cancelled go.
means still everything no trouble - Translate$ is indeed not slow.
salvo. |
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 Michael Wodrich | so far me famous, can with Profan too several characters as Separator indicate.
what hälst You of it, the following anzugeben: , (means 3 characters: quotation marks, comma, quotation marks)
now missing as Nachbearbeitung only yet the führende quotation marks integrally in front and the abschließende integrally hinten. I can it for want of data base not testing, versuchs simply time...
MfG Michael Wodrich
PS: If you the Separator so not definiert get (because of the quotation marks), then set: CHR$(34)+CHR$(44)+CHR$(34) |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 04/20/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | Hi,
Michael has already right. the CSV-stature sees The Solution the Problems, because The Items in quotation marks stand. and each seriöse Ausgabeprogramm supported this feature. The List view.dll can with both mutants bypass, in quotation marks or without. Separator are standartmässig the comma or the Semikolon. too of these characters can The Dll bypass. even Variable Separator are no trouble. The List view.dll holds itself accordingly all Standarts. have you got already attempts, your File in others Tabellenprogrammen To use? I bezweifle, that the at construction your File so functions. you become means hardly umhinkommen, with the Generierung your Files hereon To respect, the Items in quotation marks gebettet go. the quotation marks yourself must You into Itemtexten naturally avoid. use instead of the still the ¨ or the ». I could too a small function dazunehmen, The whom Sonderfall within quotation marks under berücksichtigung the Separator investigating. |
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 Bernd Kaiser | Hi,
first time best Thanks for many suggestions. The problem has almost of self resolved. through one other trouble be I on a Parameter in Profan attentive become, with the the Feldtrenner with SQL define let. accordingly stand now The boxes in eingebunden, separated through Kommas.
the resolve of course not everything, z.B. in the Feldinhalt, help me but first once moreover.
best Thanks. Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 04/22/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | Nachtrag:
the has of course nothing with Bernds trouble To do, fit but too hierhin. Bislang could diverse Zeichenkombinationen the Csv-stature to confuse, particularly at Reading Quelltexten. still can the Text indeed quotation marks include and these are within of/ one Csv-File even not allows. One example would:
x&=Create(Button,%hwnd,new row,0,300,62,20)
therefore come in the next Version list view.dll The functions ListviewToRaw() and RawToListview() hinzu. the therein genutze stature is the Csv-stature very similar. only becomes as Split-Separator Chr$(2) using and as Zeilenende-recognition Chr$(3) uses. so can all Listviewinhalte sure archived go, because Bytes 2 and 3 there never vorkommen go.
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 RGH | only a small Note: in the german Sprachraum is the standard at CSV-stature, that the boxes through one Semikolon separated go, there the comma Yes as Dezimalzeichen with Zahlenwerten vorkommt. at least holds it z.B. one deutsches Excel so. in the english Sprachraum is the comma Standardtrennzeichen and the Dezimaltrenner one point. Strings should naturally always in quotation marks stand, there sowohl the a as well as the others Separator vorkommen can.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/20/06 ▲ |
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 Frank Abbing | just as handling it Yes The List view.dll. comma or Semikolon are as Trenner allows, quotation marks are ex- or zuschaltbar. How my oberes example shows, is the Csv-stature however quick überfordert. |
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 | [quote:6e95db2616]How my oberes example shows, is the Csv-stature however quick überfordert.[/quote:6e95db2616]where we with whom EscapeSequenzen wären... or at least How in many Languages. |
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 RGH | [quote:a6decc9c14=iF][quote:a6decc9c14]How my oberes example shows, is the Csv-stature however quick überfordert.[/quote:a6decc9c14]where we with whom EscapeSequenzen wären... or at least How in many Languages.[/quote:a6decc9c14] is in XProfan q. |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/20/06 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | I fürchte only, so go my generierten Csv-Files inkompatibel To others Programs go, The Csv-Files reading can. and only from this reason I had these Possibility created. |
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