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- Page 1 - |
 Andreas Koch | Hello together,
can someone explain, as korrekte usage of oglOrtho sounds? I have now already different versions ausprobiert and come not further. How must I the following example adjust, so I instead of Quadern Rechtecke displayed get? CompileMarkSeparationWindow 0,0 - 500,500
$H opengl.ph
oGL("Init", %hwnd, 1, 1, 1, 1)
oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -8)
oGL("Cuboid", 1, 1, 1)
oGL("Origin", -2, 0, -8)
oGL("Cuboid", 1, 1, 1)
oGL("Origin", 2, 0, -8)
oGL("Cuboid", 1, 1, 1)
Ogl("glViewport",0,0,Width(%hwnd), Height(%hwnd))
Ogl("glOrtho", 0, 500, 0, 500, -10, 10)
oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -8)
oGL("Cuboid", 1, 1, 1)
oGL("Origin", -2, 0, -8)
oGL("Cuboid", 1, 1, 1)
oGL("Origin", 2, 0, -8)
oGL("Cuboid", 1, 1, 1)
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- Page 2 - |
 funkheld | Hello, where find I these Spacechip.tga and these Stencil ?
Thank you.
greeting peter |
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 | in the already named Thread ( [...] ) have I 2 functions
posted with them You either a TGA or from 2 BMP Files
a TEX File produce can and a TEX-Loaderfunktion is too in the
oglhelper.inc include - means everything what need. an TGA-File create
(had but not there 2 BMPs well plainer To produce are) can You with
different Grafikprogrammen How IrfanView or Gimp. One BMP is simply
the RGB-Image and the 2. BMP can You as Stencil use - according to the
How You The function anpasst can You to determine How the Stencil wirken should
or. whether transparent or semitransparent etc. simply circa a RGBA-Tex-
File To produce. |
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 funkheld | I have now 2 BMP-Images made. The go too to a Tex gewandelt. The shadow is To see. but which colour must as see through colour chosen go for the Hauptobject ? at this time can I nirgends where durchschauen .
How can I only one Hauptbild produce of BMP-Image without these shadow (Stencil) with the Umwandelprogramm ?
Thank you.
greeting peter |
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 | The Bytewert the Variable a places whom Alpha-transparency-worth or. The
Durchsichtigkeit the angegebenen colour solid - You can so play and in the code
self determine whom worth a with which colour holds or whether/ when a 0 or 255
or a worth between has. |
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 funkheld | this is Yes Mist, the one there no solid colour as Duchsichtigkeit determine can,
I have zero drin in the Image , but appear Black.
greeting peter |
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 | what write You there? the standing with regard to content Yes very in the Widerspruch to the what
I in previous Posting wrote. You can a still on 0..255 settle as you
popular, z.B. with of/ one designed colour or or... |
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 funkheld | How can the image on the Farbwert : FF00FF transparent go. The others visible colours are then of Farbwert : FF00FF abweichend.
greeting peter |
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 | in the code is a:=getrvalue(getPixel(x+xx+1,y)) vorgemacht, means that the
Durchsichtigkeitsgrad itself on the Rotanteil the Pixels orientiert. Mach still
instead something like How a=if(c==$FF00FF,0,255) or. a=c==$FF00FF*255 |
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 | Gib time everything in a Zipdatei then schausch what there verwürgt is. |
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 funkheld | this is clarified. the Schattenbild have I Black made . therefore were any both Images transparent (disappeared).
How do I get the normal Image with whom black to put now transparent ?
Thank you.
greeting |
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 | I faith You want this here:

to that understanding: You benötigst for this object no of actual Pixelmaterial
abweichendes Stencil-Image there You Yes simply The in the Image located colour 0 with the
Alphawert 0 into TEX take off want. the abweichende Stencil-Image needed
one Yes only then if one additional not Spritebild located Information
for Stencil needed. I have you means a TEXMaker for the Sprite and a
for shadow prepares and for whom OGL-code something minimizes. |
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- Page 3 - |
 funkheld | Oh, thanks. this is a crazy thing now with the Sprite. have you got beautiful simply configures.
Thank you.
greeting peter |
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