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 Dirk Kuntzmann | Hello together, I Search here something to Ansteuerung and query of USB-Ports, there dummerweise newer computer no com-Ports More having. withal Suchfunktion becomes me weder here yet on the Original-Profan-Page To this Topic something displayed. can someone moreover something say, or goes a such Ansteuerung / request with Profan not, so that In any drop one Converter using go must?
Greeting Dirk |
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 | the goes so neither - and the has too nothing with Profan/XProfan to do, I drücks time amateurish from.
[offtopic]be Please so nice and schreib in your Signatur your XProfan and windows-Version[/offtopic]
under windows speaks one not directly with the hardware - accordingly neither directly with USB or RS232.
one uses suitable APIs which sometimes too first through driver allows/provided go.
the Show the Bildes of/ one USB-Webcam results in example neither over communication between the anzeigenden Program and the USB-Port, separate one uses suitable APIs which itself against The installierten driver zunutze make around the Image darzustellen.
The question is So how You you the on the USB-Port associated unit To use make can - and this must one first know circa which unit it itself very deals.
If you a rs232-Anschluss benötigst then can You naturally too a Converter on USB anschliessen. this has driver which it make possible with the Port To talk as would it one normal ComPort. |
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 H.Brill | Yes, there has IF right. I have such one part (cables -> USB To Seriell) of Vivanco. functions lovely. one must whom driver install and already standing a new ser. interface available (by me COM 5). |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 02/08/08 ▲ |
 GDL | Hi,
these Page has me integrally well helped for Eigenentwicklungen [...] 
Hello Georg |
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these Page has me integrally well helped for Eigenentwicklungen
hey Georg, The Website comes Yes integrally from of my sew - Heidelberg-Boxberg - there can I Yes hinspucken. same time anmailen  |
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