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![Detlef Tussing: 04/15/08](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | who can me say, which DLL I take can, circa activities on the USB-Port auszulesen.
The background
I have a Programiereinrichtung (Hard- and software) on the USB-Port, and would like gladly with a own geschriebenem Program protokolieren what there happens. means müßten quasie 2 programs on the USB-Port grab.
has itself so already someone engage ??
I have a IO.DLL found, has so already someone engage ??
and does it at all, the two programs on a interface grab?? |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 04/15/08 ▲ |