
Version list 1.1 is ready !!!

Hello together,

The List view.dll goes now in round 1.1 !!!
now can Version 1.1 of of my Webpage runtergeladen go:


- Search text (), seek a Text inside the Listviews.
- CopyColumnTo(), copies a complete slot of a List view into other List view.
- CopyLineTo(), copies a complete row of a List view into other List view.
- ListviewToDbf(), read one Listviews in a dBaseIII-File (.dbf).
- GetIndex(), determined whom actually worth, with the SetIndex() operates
- GetChecked(), determined, whether and which row whom Listviews lastly a Checkbox klicked watts.
- SetCheckboxState(), markiert or entmarkiert a (or any) Checkbox(en) in a list view-Control.
- GetCheckboxState(), determined, whether a Checkbox in a list view-Controlarkiert markiert or entmarkiert is.
- EnableEdits(), allows in a list view editierbare Itemtexte (or not).
- Zusätzliches Flag in DbfToCsv() installed, konvertiert automatically Datumseinträge into lesbares stature (z.B. 20020326 becomes 2002.03.26).
- small Bug in DbfToCsv() fixed, the a additional Itemeintrag causes having.
- small bow fixed in tab()
- investigation the rechten slot in IColumn() now safer resolved
- IColumn() / InsertColumn functions now too together with SetIndex()
- ListviewToMem() watts umbenannt in ListviewToCsv() *
- SetItemsFromMem() watts umbenannt in CsvToListview() *
- small Pfeile into Spaltenbuttons let now The lastly sortierte slot and Sortier-direction discern
- four new Sourcescodes (PureBasic) of H. Brill enclosed. More Info moreover in the Readme-File.
- any List view.dll functions support now at least 65536 Lines (sofern Briebssystem-conditioned possible...).

* The both functions get the Logik halber umbenannt. yet count but additional too yet teh folks names. This will but not any more long the case his, teh folks names should means now not any more using go !!!

plenty Fun !!!

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank
wonderful 1.1 is there .
an Why stay would have I there yet for SearchText(), expansion the ? Happen?:
Suchstring must with the beginning the Itemtext coincide.
I use one List view to that Show of data (integrally what new ), by Click on Buttons with the Aufschriften A ..... Z becomes then even to the suitable row gescrollt. momentarily power the a Own procedure The quite slow is (with 2000 Lines brauchts until Z couple sec).
If I there now nothing in your function overlooking Have is the momentarily you don't say so.
Very interesant would find so did i if the Sortierfunktion directly of Programmer benefit ließe (means without Click on the Column Button).
How always bewundere How You the everything create and the simple management your functions.
Greeting Thomas

Hello Thomas,

so one Flag ließe itself simply install, Why not .

Hm, a programmed Sorting ? ought to neither too costly his, mach so did i ready .

Well, I try really always, everything so simply How possible To style. Windows API/Messages are already tricky enough...

such Posting How your are me too always on the dearest, no Error Message, for good new anwenderfreundliche ideas.

Greeting and Thanks,

Hello Frank

<Solche Posting How your are me too always on the dearest, no Error Message, >
sincere said Have I from the new functions only SearchText ausprobiert, but the others comes too yet .
<Hm, a programmed Sorting ?>
i think that for a ApiFunktion gives (The not under Profan To use is ), or. nehm I at times that your Sortierfunktion on these basiert and You it so extended have, that the Click in the Column Button The Sortierfunktion launch.
Greeting Thomas

Hello Thomas,

No, for Sorting there no API-function (except ex Windows XP). there's only a circa downward To sort, though only to letters.
The complete Sorting is selfmade.

the Flag for SearchText() is ready.
the manualle sort configures itself still something tougher, because it in the Messagestruktur eingebettet is and badly of outer angesprungen go can. but no worry, the I get already there

Greeting, Frank

Hello Thomas,

these function is hinzugekommen and standing ex List view.dll 1.2 available:


Sortiert one List view-Control by hand.

H : Long - lever one with CreateListview() erstellten List view Controls
I : Long - index the column of H, The sortiert go should (nullbasierend).
F : Long - Flag

with ASortListview() can a by the User implemented Sorting one Listviews activate go.
sometimes can But too meaningfully his, the the Programmer self a Sorting distinguished can. very to serves SortManual().
prerequisite is, the The Sorting for slot I activate watts !
I is the number the column, The sortiert go should, F is a Flag, what The Sortierrichtung certainly:

0 = List view becomes ascending sortiert
1 = List view becomes absteigend sortiert

whether a Sorting to letters or to numbers results, watts already before with ASortListview() certainly.

Greeting, Frank

Greeting Thomas


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael W.07/03/16


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