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| Hi Frank!
already time over Bitmap-Rotationen thought? z.B. NeuExtbmp&=RotateBmp(Extbmp&,Grad&)
it shining there already some Vorlagen in ASM To give, at least what The Berechnungsgrundlage concerns. somewhere have so did i already one seen, the whom Bresenham-Algorhythmus with einbezieht, because apparently is it so, that one simples GetPixel-SetPixel-Routinchen too in ASM yet too slow for Echtzeit is, say nothing of Basic!
well Yes, is only son thought. but i think Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gäbs there so some..
Sincerely, Mischa |
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| Hi Mischa,
you are not the first, the over so a routine thought has. is correct, Get/SetPixel bremst Assembler naturally just as from How others Languages too, is has very very slow. Thorsten Haggert has on it already attempts, but the Ergebniss was plenty too slow. ex WindowsXP Gibts there faith I now a function, only having The wenigsten WindowsXP. an Rotate-function on basis the Bresenham-Algorhythmuses would already ideal, if I time plenty plenty Time have, I will me on it try (be no great Mathematiker).
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hi,
I had plenty plenty Time...
Greeting, Frank |
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| and that is?
you have it already hinbekommen??
ProSpeed 2.4?
Sincerely, Mischa |
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| Hi,
Yes a Rotate function is ready, on Get/Setpixel-Base. unfortunately not Echtzeit, but circa Sprites vorzuberechnen reicht it. i want too another second Rotate function on Bytearray-Base make, The promising integral faster To go, is though too for a multiple anspruchsvoller 8-() otherwise becomes ProSpeed 2.4 yet Pixelexplosionen afford and Sternenhimmel.
Greeting, Frank |
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