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 Rolf Koch | good tommorrow there outdoors in the weitern world
I can me not any more remind, as under Win98, WinMe aussah: gives it there something like How: C:Own DateienUser.... ? background this question is, that I Noctramictermine in this jeweilig announced Userprofil Save wants. under XP works correct, however How see it on older Betriebsystemen from?
thanks time in the Vorraus RnR |
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 | Hello Rolf, who ca. 185 € in the comparison To VMWare save would like, must one small slightly moreover do 
Voraussetzungen for my example: QEMU Bootfähige Win98 CD concise 3GB Plattenplatz
1. Festplattenimage (empty) with 2 GB create Batchdatei with names Create_HD.bat with folgendem Content: [quote:4e7445a234] REM prepares HD-Image fuer windows @ECHO OFF Start qemu-img.exe create WIN.img 2000M CLS Exit [/quote:4e7445a234] 2. installation the Betriebssystems: Bootfähige Win98-CD in CD-Rom lay (ps: with a iso-image goes it too) Batchdatei with names Install_W98.bat with folgendem Content: [quote:4e7445a234] REM Starte installation of CD-ROM @ECHO OFF REM Laufwerksbuchstabe fuer CD-ROM is by me T: start qemu.exe -L . -m 64 -hda WIN.img -cdrom //./t: -enable-audio -localtime -boat d CLS Exit [/quote:4e7445a234] The CD-ROM Laufwerksbuchstabe (here T: ) is anzupassen. installation manage, until 2.ten male one Neustart desires becomes.
3. our Start-Skript (bootet of Festplatten-Image) Batchdatei Start_W98.bat with folgendem Content lay out: [quote:4e7445a234] REM launch our windows @ECHO OFF REM Laufwerksbuchstabe fuer CD-ROM is by me T: start qemu.exe -L . -m 64 -hda WIN.img -cdrom //./t: -enable-audio -localtime -boat c CLS Exit [/quote:4e7445a234] with the third Skript can our new Win98 now always launched go. Sound and networking should functions, where the networking yet To konfigurieren is.
Greeting Thomas
PS: Gottseidank own I VMWare  |
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 Rolf Koch | WOW - thanks yet works it with the installation! If the works, can really its programs under others Systemen testing (so far one others orig. systems own). I faith is something Offtopic here. Perhaps kannste me yet ne Page betray, which The Parameter complete describe.
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 | Hello Rolf, How always is Date your bester friend  though most Beschreibungen itself but Windows under Linux relating (power me as well as Linux-User not plenty from), Have I still time a Link found [...] 
Greeting Thomas
PS: If Time there's, I will time a small GUI program. |
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 Rolf Koch | thanks you! Klappt super. come in that network and everything else functions fine. now can I my programs really testing u.s.w Genial Rolf |
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 Rolf Koch | Yes then is Yes everything clear. thanks all, The here Tipps given having. have Qemu launched with Win98 and really fixes, that C:WhileLoop & existing and must there really only yet whom Nutzernamen append. Klappt then correct. data go written. Teste again with eingeschränkten Rechten with Guest on XP and then I will The days go on can.
Achso, I would Yes not RocknRolf, if I there not directly again what basteln would 
[img:fd07011bae]https://www.rokosoft.de/Test/qemu.png[/img:fd07011bae] THX Rolf |
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 | Hello Rolf...
what with the Guest Account is and where this registered becomes, would me too very interested.
to File-Security: At the latest if any User one Systems on The same data base grabbed having should, there extreme Problems if You whom Security Descriptor not settle can.
The thing is really not schwerer as others APIs too - only of Microsoft umständlich declared.
One Tipp for future: learn, what a Token is and engage you with the Zugriffsrechten... The only reason, Why You in the moment with of/ one Weiterentwicklung of NT work and not of/ one improved Version Windows98 are the Token and the Zugriffsrechte. If you these things not understood have, have you got quasi no idea of your Betriebssystem for the You in the moment program and become sometime with one your programs (How so did i) ongoing on Problems and Rückmeldungen prod, The You you not explain can. Token, Zugriffsrechte and Privilegien to determine quasi everything on your computer. You get only nothing of it with, because You as software developer only as Admin on your PC sits.
Mach not whom same Error as most developer and program only for Admins - this is not future... |
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 Rolf Koch | OK Andreas, with the Security stuff Have I yet never terrific auseinandergesetzt - for are You Yes there  its no data base, there are Textfiles. And if Anwendungsdaten really for each released are, then ought to it still klappen C:Own....NoctermineUndhierderangemeldeteUser. or is the still the incorrect Lösungsweg? If of/ one Schreib- Leseverbot has, then can it anyhow nothing with Noc begin, just as How with another software.
but How said, I were, To You time here vorstellst (The File heard me) and look me the on and will be hopefully something schlauer :/: 
Rolf |
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 | @Rolf.
is eigendlich alike whether You wherever Write right or Leserecht have - if you hold in the program properly respond.
its still as long as no trouble How your programs hold z.B. say couldn't open - etc. only if simply weitergearbeitet becomes without on it To react - then crashs.
and therefore have I Yes The File.Pcu manufactured.
with assign & co is it sooner one langwieriger lane- tidy To program.
If you however always beautiful z.B.
if f& <<!!!
fgets(etc.) fclose f&
else aix - Error endif
then Gibts eigendlich no trouble.
AHs Securitysorgen are first step 2 the Thematik.
If first one fopen failed - then can the prog Yes investigate warums net klappte. (z.B. Security etc)
naturally can such a request To ungunsten the performance too before each fopen make.
and naturally - ums AH beforehand To take - can sure too before each fopen first for care - the one The compel rights own.
nothing so withal is the most important one ordentliches react on The Rückgaben of functions.
and ought to the local enstehen I find AHs Securityanmerkungen for less important - so täuscht this. i'm ditto very tensely on The Results and Erfolge which through its investigation first make possible. this is ne integrally fantastische thing!
salvo. |
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 Rolf Koch | LOL - is really each argument einleuchtent here  is correct, The use I Yes anyhow in Noc, The File.pcu. but whom say I the?  Rolf |
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 | Hello IF...
time the following example: in the care works we with the Program Vivendi. this is a data base, The our Bewohner contains and the we our daily care document. One Administrator, The management, The care, The Pflegedienstleitung, The Heimleitung and the Begleitender service works with the Program. as colleagues having we naturlich no Adminrechte - nevertheless must eachone colleagues from each area Access to The data base having. You hit means to, with so one Program a Info incorporate, that the Bewohnerdatei not opened go can, we're as colleagues on the PC sit? your serious??? or want You then, that itself eachone colleagues with a Adminaccount einloggt?
@Rolf: you mußt no Source for Security area write can - the ture I, there have you got right - if You but NT/2000/XP Mehrbenutzeranwendungen write want, should You very very know, what there to itself goes. not only the Dateisystem separate almost everything in the Betriebssystem depends there dran - u.a. too The Registry. You setting you still too in no car without to know, where The break sit - or? someone, the to that example RegOpenKeyEx with the Access $1F01FF uses, circa a Key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE auszulesen, becomes as Admin no large Problems get. operates but another User of these Program, there under Umständen one böses wake up... |
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 | @AH - it can't my serious his there You me then wrong understood have.
my Beispieltext goes of Problemen another Nature.
salvo. |
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 | [quote:1af949e1f6=iF]@AH - it can't my serious his there You me then wrong understood have.
my Beispieltext goes of Problemen another Nature.
salvo.[/quote:1af949e1f6] would have been me too very dismay...
;D |
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