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![Edwin Camdzic: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Edwin Camdzic | Hi,
me has the Vista solid so fasciated, I it in my XP-programs install wants. but it depends there scho integrally at the beginning. because whom Aero effect have I already hinbekommen, one can for but the window not move (stupid). now bräuchte I Please a, the me says How I one Window without title bar and without Menüleiste move can. be for each Help grateful.
thanks in the Vorraus!
circa Aero hinzubekommen, using the window whom Desktop as background. If to the Window now move would, so would still the background the old boy his and not update? Can against it something make?
bye |
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![Nico Madysa: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | Hmm, gundsätzlich can nothing against it do, but You could the window outside the Bildschirms create. subsequently copy You whom Desktop as Bitmap The Memory-Bitmap and müsstest with eachone Fensterverschiebung whom Content update. CompileMarkSeparationdeclare randbreite% , randhoehe%
Window %MaxX , %MaxY - 0 , 0
MCls %MaxX , %MaxY
StartPaint %Desktop
CopyBmpToMem 0 , 0 - %MaxX , %MaxY > 0 , 0
SetWindowPos %hWnd = 0 , 0 - 640 , 480
randbreite% = (%WinRight - %WinLeft - width(%hWnd)) / 2
randhoehe% = (%WinBottom - %WinTop - height(%hWnd)) / 2
MCopyBmp (%WinLeft + randbreite%) , (%WinTop + randhoehe%) - width(%hWnd) , height(%hWnd) > 0 , 0 ; on>
Habs now only in all speedy zusammengetippt, testing müsstest You it alone. |
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![Frank Abbing: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | In each drop must You your Window subclassen, so You on diverse Messages react can, before tappt im dunkeln wirken. in the Subclassing respond You properly on Mouse button and movement the Zeigers, circa your Window yourself To move. I rate you moreover, the Subclassing through XPIA vorzunehmen, because Profancode simply too slow would and your Window hereafter in that stutter tools. this is too the reason, why I at all to that Subclassing rate. Profan reacted To lazy and unfortunately weg too always Messages lost, what in your drop but not occur must. |
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![Edwin Camdzic: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Edwin Camdzic | on Nico Madysa, with the the Hintergrun have I now so somehow understood, is eh not so heavy. thanks.
To Frank Abbing, i'm no really guter Programmer, the would probably To high for me, but would not possible during the verschiebens, whom Fensterinhalt To delete and at release the mouse it again aufzubauen?
If you me Please show could, How one with the ProfanCode make would would it very nice, because The application is nothing very anspruchvolles, only füe Eigengebrauch. (d.h. stutter never mind)
Thank you! |
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![Nico Madysa: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | Have whom Schwachpunkt in my code already gefunden; the background must not changed go. |
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![iF: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Momentmal - I find any here suggested Solutions incorrect - the whole goes even very simply! I werd time sowat hinpinseln and here whom code post.
point one is means simply - point 2 is however you don't say so. |
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![Nico Madysa: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | Pun´kt 1 is ...what? The Bildschirmhintergrund? The is certainly possible, and point 2, the Umherschieben without Titelleiste guaranteeing too, I Have there Schonmal so some Codesnippets seen. time bad... |
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![Nico Madysa: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | so, here Have I two Codes found, gucke time, whether tappt im dunkeln your tack erfüllen. |
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![iF: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | goes still well: CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
seterrorlevel -1
mem globmousepos=8
long g_mousex,g_mousey
windowstyle 80// ohne titel und ohne menüleiste
window 100,100 - 640,480
cls 0
do {
case %key==27 : break
case mousepressed : case mousey<20 : movewindowproc
dispose globmousepos
paintwin {
long xx=width(hwnd)
long yy=height(hwnd)
usepen 0,0,$00FFFFFF
usebrush 1,$0000BBBB
rectangle 0,0 - xx,yy
usepen 5,0,0
usebrush 1,$00FF0000
rectangle 0,0 - xx,20
movewindowproc {
long omx=g_mousex
long omy=g_mousey
long x=winleft
long y=wintop
do {
casenot mousepressed : break
sleep 10
setwindowpos hwnd=(x+g_mousex-omx),(y+g_mousey-omy) - 640,480;0
getmousepos {
g_mousey=long(globmousepos,4 span class=s2>)
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![Frank Abbing: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Simple Solution, well only for a small Testprogramm well. During the Verschiebens come no Fenstermessages More on. would have at least a Timer bring into action can. an reasonable Solution contain Subclassing, everything else bring not plenty except Problemen, once the program grows.. |
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![Edwin Camdzic: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Edwin Camdzic | CompileMarkSeparation Habs of these code geschafft, depends but yet with the Wallpapers, it wants not update . |
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![iF: 04/06/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Tjah - hätteste my code taken could whom slight ausbauen. otherwise counts too for you: [tb]minimalbeispiel[/tb] |
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