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 | my question on Andreas Miethe, what richtigerweise with working stand could, around the Painting all individual Entries the ListBox so self To take, that one hPic drawn becomes instead of z.B. the Eintragstext.  CompileMarkSeparationcls
var h&=create(ListBox,hWnd,0,10,10,200,200)
var hPic&=create(hNewPic,15,15,$1278FF)
subClass h&,1
addString(h&,Hallo Welt)
addString(h&,Hallo Welt2)
while 1
if &sWnd=h&
drawPic hPic
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | OK - now Have ichs too. having forget into Projekteinstellungen the new Runtime anzugeben. Runs means except for The Interpreter-/Runtime-Seltsamigkeit, The You supra erwähnt have. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 02/22/09 ▲ |
 | the example shows, that it pity is, that The SubClassProc only WaitInput clutching.
go in the Programmablauf first of all The Listboxes created and befüllt, wonach then The Hauptschleife with WaitInput access becomes.
because The Messages lost are, go first of all no Items displayed. |
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 | Hmpf, even if I z.B. wm_drawItem additional as UserMessage deklariere circa the Hauptschleife mitzuteilen, that in ListBoxen Entries to drawing wären, then sustain I (naturally) weder in uwnd, ulparam yet uwparam a brauchbare Info - so I new draw could.
might one _nur inside the subClassProc and inside the waitInput addString indicate so The Entries too showing. :/
I teste time, whether one wm_command as UserMessage benefit can - ought to Yes with lbs_notfiy shipped go with lever the ListBox in the ulParam.
Nachtrag: wm_command won't triggered of addString - ldr. (too) no Solution. |
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 | wm_compareItem would (half-way) suitable as UserMessage, only pity that one for lbs_sort on, and lbs_hasStrings turn off should. :/ |
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 Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | |
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 | understand I do not integrally.  |
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 Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | so wished I intimate, that my suggestion, SubClassing on wish of WaitInput independent To make, thoroughly meaningfully is, because this a expansion the Opportunities would  (in the Contrast to the Vorschlägen, The only on Vereinfachungen abzielen)
SeeYou Pascal |
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 | The wish existing but already long. 
particularly, but not first since invention of subClassProc, mecker I and wish here and as a Stack not only for ProcAddr*. 
*) might too the subClassProc-trouble to fix.
started hats with the User Messages and Start/EndPaint Better get going not terminate. 
in the principle are The gestackten User Messages and the SubClassProc only one Workaround - it shining well everything else as simply The procAddr-Calls To stacken (with which everything else unnecessary would How userMessages and subClassproc).
Perhaps regt Roland very about time the talk shop on. 
I can of course present How and why the so difficult is and How to the trouble to fix could - but these imaginations be based on one spekulierten XProfaninnenleben. |
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 | show itself these Listboxes correctly?
I try strain whether it you don't say so is, such Listboxes somehow standardisiert with XProfan view without Anzeigebugs.
means CompileMarkSeparationreact The ListBoxen in the Exe correctly and flimmern not? |
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 Thomas Freier | you'll not always new aufgebaut. particularly if only the Scrollpfeil using becomes (Image). becomes one other Window above pulled, becomes new aufgebaut. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/04/09 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | is correct, very How Thomas says it'll new drawn. |
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 | well, so are The Opportunities to there - reliable LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED ListBoxen without gefährliches procAddr mere by subClassProc are you don't say so.  |
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