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 | I have one Program, the 3 listviews uses. by the selektion of each of/ one row into first both LVs and anschließendem pressing one buttons, go The selektieren zeilen verknüpft and the 3. LV displayed.
yet is it I do not been successful The selektion of/ one row in a LV to obtain if one into 2. LV clicking. does it at all ? the lane whom I now realized have, because I with the You can The zeilen Raise with Line() einfärbe, functions of course, is umständlich and slow (there my Program not only the You can wait, separate in background schuftet).
r.r. |
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 | Hi,
with the Selektion and Focus find so did i a seltsame thing, by the so did i not yet correctly. mounted be. But apparently a Eigenart the List view Controls... attempt time one vorangestelltes SetFocus or BringWindowToTop, etc.
Greeting, Frank |
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 | Hello Frank,
I use this Thread time same, circa similar Questions Selektion of Lines To to put.
-in the Explorer are many Split inaktiv, the means one can The row not Mark if one tappt im dunkeln anklickt. For this can there but one Auswahlrechteck großziehen, which I gladly not only to that selektieren separate too to that scroll use - possible?
-In Listboxes can I everywhere with gehaltener Mouse button scroll, can the release?
-Mark with List view without Focus would find I very How Ragnar too important.
-Zeilenmarkierungen ought to with Rechtsklick not aufgehoben go. the power itself none well with Rechtsklick-Menüs, which on a row relating. even so How in the Explorer...
Perhaps can we in the next Version on The one or others function To this Topic forward?
Sincerely, Sven |
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 | Hello Sven,
> Hello Frank, > > I use this Thread time same, circa similar Questions Selektion of Lines To to put. > > -in the Explorer are many Split inaktiv, the means one can The row not Mark if one tappt im dunkeln anklickt. For this can > one there but one Auswahlrechteck großziehen, which I gladly not only to that selektieren separate too to that scroll use > - possible?
Yes, though does it only in the first slot. too so a Listviewsache, for it no Einstellungsflag gives.
> > -In Listboxes can I everywhere with gehaltener Mouse button scroll, can the release? >
As I said, in the first (left) slot.
> -Mark with List view without Focus would find I very How Ragnar too important.
For this there one Flag: to the Create one Listviews the Flag set via SetStyle(8). so can any LVS_ Styles staid go. the Flag, the with CreateListview() transfer, is LVS_EX_ Style.
> -Zeilenmarkierungen ought to with Rechtsklick not aufgehoben go. the power itself none well with Rechtsklick-Menüs, > which on a row relating. even so How in the Explorer...
Sven, The List view.dll creiert Yes no own (selbstgemachtes) Control, separate vereinfacht the Handling with SysListview-Controls. I can of course some inside the Subclassings Change/add, but here there border. The Explorer operates with Ownerdrawn Listviews.
> Perhaps can we in the next Version on The one or others function To this Topic forward?
i'll me thoughts make. If it again radiator is
Greeting, Frank |
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 | to that actual Topic the Threads again:
if and(hardship(GetSelectedLine(box&)), gt(lastsel&,-1)) SelectLine(box&,lastsel&,0) endif
if gt(GetSelectedLine(box&),-1) lastsel& = GetSelectedLine(box&) endif
functions but flackert unfortunately, there the List view whom Schwindel immediate notice and the Mark again pick up would like. i know You verwendest only normal Listviews and them isn't everything possible still this must it really a Style Parameter give, because one sees this in very many Programs. |
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 | Vergiss my last Posting, have you got already answers and functions so too - The heat... 
I have incidentally with the the Selektierung with Rechtsklick hinbekommen. simply one SelectLine() to the Trackmenu and the row remaining markiert. one would like still know, whom Datensatz one straight machine. |
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 | Hi.
yet rather. though is SetStyle(8) The better Solution.
Greeting, Frank |
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