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![GDL: 11/29/04](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi,
be Profanneuling and Try with %wmnotify.What do I do in the folgendem code wrong, there %wmnotify always zero(means not staid) is. CompileMarkSeparationdeclare ende&,ende%,test&,wer&,wert&
windowstyle 520
windowstyle 31 geht auch nicht
proc abfrage
If %wmnotify
Let wer&=¬ifywnd
Let wert&=%notifycode
drawtext 200,150,wer&
drawtext 200,150,wert&
Let wer&=0
Let wert&=0
drawtext 200,200,wer&
drawtext 200,230,wert&
drawtext 200,250,%wmnotify
clear ende%
whilenot ende%
mit getmessage gehts auch nicht
if %key=2
let ende%=1
elseif getfocus(ende&)
let ende%=1
drawtext 200,200, ¬ifywnd
many Thanks for eure Help and friendly greet Georg |
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![Rolf Koch: 11/29/04](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Hi Georg, zuerstmal: ¬ifywnd What is because the? The Variable at the beginning is me yet never over the lane come. or ought to it &NotifyWnd lauten? then (one möge me improve), uses it you garnichts Buttons u.s.w to %Wmnotify abzufragen, there these pieces at all no %Wmnotify Send, except these own a Tooltip (mean I at least). but so deeply Have I too not yet with the Topic engage. means means, that one Dialogelement with designed Ereignissen vorausgestattet his must.
How written: one möge me improve, if I irgendeinen balderdash here labbere :biggrin:
Rolf |
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![GDL: 11/29/04](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi Rolf
i hope so works now.
If I the &(kaufmän. and) here in the text box eintippe and on Preview go works. once I but something from the Clipboard here in that Text box copy go any &(kaufmän.and) The on the Wortanfang or alone stand only abgeändert übernommen. Wörter The with & terminate but not.comic.
reason of my question is,I Buttons with three functions(left or.rights Mouse button or Double click) furnish would like.
with friendly greet Georg |
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![: 11/30/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Georg...
Why take You no 3-status Stalter??? CompileMarkSeparationWINDOWSTYLE 31
WINDOWTITLE "Button als Schalter"
WINDOW 0,0-640,440
Declare Schalter&
LET Schalter&=@Control("Button","Zustand 0",$40000000+$10000000+$400000+$1000+6,20,20,300,30,%HWND,2112,%HINSTANCE)
while 0=0
Drawtext 0,0,@str$(@GetCheck(Schalter&))+" "
Drawtext 0,0,@str$(@GetCheck(Schalter&))+" "
Settext Schalter&,"Zustand "+@str$(@GetCheck(Schalter&))
| 11/30/04 ▲ | |
![GDL: 11/30/04](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Andreas,
be not only Profanneuling,separate have too under windows with Help the API yet nothing programiert.will be naturally there also hineinschnuppern,what but not so slight his might,there my Englischkenntnise since almost 30 years not any more used get.
your example goes correct,only with getcheck(n) come I do not integrally clear.
in the Profanhilfe standing under getcheck(n):
n : LongInt - lever the Fensterobjektes
Result : Integer - status: 0=nicht activate / 1=aktiviert
The function gives whom status the Checkbox or. the Radiobuttons with the lever n back: 0 - Checkbox/Radiobutton isn't activate 1 - Checkbox/Radiobutton is activate
Related: SetCheck
wieso goes with you getcheck(n) too with a normalen Button? Why has getcheck(n) at a single blow 3 states?
Since I yet not yet any Stylewerte entziffert have,take I at times,that it so zusammenhängt. unless,comment it me Please,I me into Profanprogr. deepening would like.
over again thanks for Tipp and friendly greet Georg |
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![: 11/30/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Georg...
an Checkbox is nothing differently as one Button with a designed Style (for Groupbox counts the incidentally too). CompileMarkSeparationWINDOWSTYLE 31
WINDOWTITLE "Drei-Status Checkbox"
WINDOW 0,0-640,440
Declare Checkbox&
LET Checkbox&=@Control("Button","Dies ist ein Test",$40000000+$10000000+6,20,20,300,30,%HWND,2112,%HINSTANCE)
while 0=0
Drawtext 0,0,@str$(@GetCheck(Checkbox&))+" "
| 11/30/04 ▲ | |
![GDL: 11/30/04](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Andreas,
Mach I saponaceous,would like still know as API used go can.
with friendly greet Georg |
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![: 07/11/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | because I it yourself strain accurate know wanted and then this Posting found have, here yet to appendix: WM_NOTIFY Messages Send only Controls from the COMCTL32.DLL, means Treeview, List view... normal Controls Send WM_COMMAND Messages. DA WM_COMMAND of Messagehandling of Profan manages becomes (setting u.a. %MENUITEM), becomes one vernünftiges intercepting this Message well only over USERMESSAGES functions. thereby is then in &ULPARAM the lever the Controls and &UWPARAM a combination from the ID the Controls (quasi %MENUITEM) and Notifigaction code (z.B. LBN_DBLCLK=2 for a Double click in a Listbox). into oberen two Bytes of &UWPARAM standing the Notification code, into downstairs two Bytes The ID. One intercepting this Message over USERMESSAGES affects vastly the Program from, there u.a. %MENUITEM not any more staid becomes. |
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