
XP => New Create Groups?

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Hello Profaner...

gives it a Possibility within WindowsXP new (local) groups to create or need one moreover Additional tools?

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If I on my XP Home try local User and groups To install, I will on Benutzerkonten In the Control Panel verwiesen.

under XP Home there something like as Gruppenverwaltung means not at all. here would one own program means In any drop of benefit. on it would I too participate.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Michael...

first once: the I vorhabe has apparently in none point something with the Tool MMC To do. MMC shows not yet once any groups on, in them one User Member is.

The entstehende View source must to profane²7.5 kompatible his, otherwise can I sometime not any more join - and - inwieweit can you following terms with life fill :
Access Token, Zugriffsrechte, Privilegien, groups, SID, LUID.
If you gladly Explanations would have, mail I you gladly beforehand in Etappen what own by E-Mail To. is integrally simply To understand.

Oje - I faith, before I such a thing Opensource anpacke, must I well first once for something Grundlagenwissen care. If I me The Systemtools of Microsoft to Gruppenverwaltung so ansehe, can I me present, that there in the principle none whom Durchblick has.

Hello Profaner...

me missing another Possibility, Privilegien in a group standardmäßig To enable. has someone there a idea? The Link on a web page would me already wealthy.

usually müßten these attributes one LUIDs the Privilegs just as as LUIDs the Gruppenprivilegien self in the Registry abgespeichert his.
If no response on this Thread comes, I will me into next Meet time my windows2000 system zerschießen and directly in the Registry to whom Attributen search.

If IF me suitable Lexikonrubrik in the O-Doku einrichtet, I will too for ausreichendes Hintergrundwissen care. in the moment have I the local, that itself nobody so correctly. present can, what the go should and none irgendwelches know over groups within one NT-based Systems has - is the so?

soon goes it then with this thing in the Opensource area moreover. first becomes it then circa grundsätzliche Planungen to surface the program weg - one area, with the I on each drop eure Help need will be, so the Prog bedienbar, schick and einleuchtend becomes. Source are then first not necessary, simple Zeichnungen and Proposals wealthy me (I own no talent in such things, can only calculate ).
Since I for this proposition gladly Franks List view.DLL had (must yet something save) what about me in the august into leave drive, go the first Source in the Opensource area well first in the september come (I hope your believes me, that the here no Luftschlösser are).

over again:
two Listviews the Tool can?
New Groups with beliebigen Privilegien create
vain groups with want delete
Explanations to a group Show and Change
In of/ one group available User List
User of/ one group zuordnen
Privilegien of/ one group add
Privilegien a group Remove
Show, whether it itself circa local or Netzwerkgruppen deals
Show, which Privilegien in a group to Time present are

what had I, if it goes, yet gladly?
Privilegien standardmäßig in a group enable
with want any groups Show, in them one User Member is.

the Program might around the 10000 Lines big go - Perhaps yet integral larger. rewards the trouble, or knows someone one Tool, the such a thing regelt?
If it the in windows not gives - How valuable would so one Tool?
Can such a thing somewhere download/buy???

If IF me suitable Lexikonrubrik in the O-Doku einrichtet, I will too for ausreichendes Hintergrundwissen care. in the moment have I the local, that itself nobody so correctly. present can, what the go should and none irgendwelches know over groups within one NT-based Systems has - is the so?

becomes happen.

be thereby,



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Andreas Hötker

in the moment have I the local, that itself nobody so correctly. present can, what the go should and none irgendwelches know over groups within one NT-based Systems has - is the so?

present already, but in the XP Home is there nothing To make.
Grade today again XP-Konfig into fingers get.
Gruppenrichtlinien - NOT in the Home-Edition
User and groups - NO reaction of Program

there existing really a large hiatus.

Andreas Hötker

(I hope your believes me, that the here no Luftschlösser are).

no question, and at the latest to PA can itself eachone of it convincing the this laity one waschechter Profi is.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Sorry that I immo so little here rumturne - but the täuscht - be with the Server and on the side with the XPSE engage.

To denne, David.

Hello Andreas!

have straight with a ours Admins spoken.
the fell adhoc following items one:
in the Dosshell:
net user
net localgroup

A small, altbekanntes Tool: Grep

and the Adminpak (spare downzuloaden of M$)

Hiezu a couple left:
Info To windows Server 2003 Administration Tools gentry for Windows XP:

Download under:

MS Managementconsole:

Ev. for you interesting Site:

Perhaps helps you the a or others a morsel of moreover.

love Regards,
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Cristian...

best Thanks, The Homepages I will me standing, if I with my night shift ready be - I wealth time, the have I sought.
The DOS-Tools know I, i want But over windows having.

I have me grerade The Gruppenrichtlinien of 2000 under MMC time respected. Zumindestens to that part can there too Privilegien take on - I The Klamotten only of program since know, having ichs saponaceous overlooking.

the create new groups goes with something Trickserei too over MMC. so is the proposition for me not any more integrally so interestingly become - I The Results but well yet for others projects use can, Better get going In any drop yet completed (once I little more as 10minutes Time on the Piece have ).


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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