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 Claus Santa | Benvinuto ann any,
who knows itself with windows Designs from? be überwigend one TUX the GTK/GTK+ & QT uses try but time windows(R). How can I Designs enable? 
momentarily wisely I only:  -> DIR: WindowsThemes*Dynamic Linked Libraries (resourced only!) -> REG: SystemParamInfoA...
have How in the GNOME a WinHover function (reel in) program. gives it a windows(R) function: z.B. ChangeStyleDesign() so I tappt im dunkeln integrate kan?  I have yet no found... but no ones like my loard!
P.s.: HOFFE MAN KANNS VERSTEHEN... THANK YOU DUDEN! Freue me too over Grammatikfehlerkorrekur. ;)
| Snoozel, [[StA/oXr]] // life is just'n bugfree, cos coding is life | 10/30/05 ▲ |
 | What exactly mean You with enable ?
Dou you mean with OnTheFly Perhaps the Manifesto to Laufzeit To toggeln?
salvo. |
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 Claus Santa | i want to Laufzeit (=on the fly?) the window-solid/-Layout Remove. Fensterleiste and -title should duch my Fensterersetzt go. These Window include button controls, How hb_Close, hb_MinRe, hb_MaxRe, hb_Shade, ht_WCaption ...
How do I do the? ( have Windows little ahnung - program normal under Unix/Linux... 
| Snoozel, [[StA/oXr]] // life is just'n bugfree, cos coding is life | 11/03/05 ▲ |
 Michael Wodrich | During You with Linux directly in whom Eingeweiden wühlen can is it with windows already almost unmöglich only time on the lacquer To scratch.
there must You you well a Own Fensterverwaltung building. only time so on The speedy How with Linux is not done.
XProfan can windows quick useable make but Changes How You tappt im dunkeln map are already something costly.
Search still time with Microsoft to Opportunities. In www.msdn.com ought to In any drop something brauchbares his, otherwise look under technet.microsoft.com.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/03/05 ▲ |
 Claus Santa | hmm..... I have me something consider:  - Windowstil all Window andern -> without Titleleiste (via SetWindowLong) - per Window a Titleleiste create (via Create(...) with with Buttons)
goes the?  if so could I Yes a Warper write. know You The Mail-Addresse of RGH? i'd it then the provide. then would Profan for Linux not only Konsolen-Basierent. to hardship helps Yes WINE 
Thank you. |
| Snoozel, [[StA/oXr]] // life is just'n bugfree, cos coding is life | 11/05/05 ▲ |
 Melanie Brayer | Hi Sani, (are you the Claus Santa, Santa pink, CA? PM...)
the functions with MS-Win(R) too ONLY a Hooker; faith I?!? i'll time einwenig on my system fummeln... ( Weichei is finally there To there! )
my unspektakulärer suggestion: The DLLs in the WINDOWSResourcesThemes-Verzeichniss having of course The expansion .msstyles, include but the Pixelmaps for Styling. the reicht from, if you on The Hover-function dispense would! i'll but time look, whether one not a Callback-function there under bring could, The You but in your Heimatsprache ASM basteln müstest, there XProfan not for something like, separate for simple Windowing ausgelegt watts.
The Warper-idea is Genial! the erspart plenty code-Converting. Well then, schlürf not To plenty Kaffe... ( #coffeshocking# - was still so, or? ) |
| mele (¯`·.¸¸.{ WinXP Pro, XProfan9, XPIA }.¸¸.·´¯)
<Bugs zählen ist besser als Schafe zählen, da der Computer nur so schlau ist wie der der Mensch der ihn bedient.> | 11/08/05 ▲ |
 Claus Santa | @mele: The DLL-idea I had too. Please login you if You yet what found have. now, so far so well.
nevertheless THX. |
| Snoozel, [[StA/oXr]] // life is just'n bugfree, cos coding is life | 11/08/05 ▲ |