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 | Sers people, I have me latterly XProfan 8.0 from the hiesigen Download-area "für lau" Downloaded. ditto have I recently red, that in the JDS-Online-Shop The "XProfan 11.0 CD-Version Upgrade version of 4/5/6/7/8/9.x " available is.
my question: functions this Update too with the XProfan 8-Version, The here as Freeware in the Download-area available standing? or there there little differences to Version, The einst only käuflich erwerbbar was? Can means The here erhältliche (Free) Full Version XProfan 8.0 on XProfan 11.0 upgraden, with the product, what with JDS available is (https://www.jds-online-shop.de/index1.html, XProfan 11.0 CD-Version Upgrade version of 4/5/6/7/8/9.x)?
If someone help on could, would I very happy 
LG, Vincent |
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 Dietmar Horn | The jetzige Freewareversion XProfan 8.x is 100%-ig identical with the to years only käuflich erwerbbaren Full Version XProfan 8.0.
The buy the actually Full Version of XProfan 11.x rewards itself really, because of XProfan 8.x To XProfan 11.x has it really gewaltige "Quantensprünge" given.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 08/04/10 ▲ |
 | OK, many Thanks! means only so we now not wrong understand, if I with JDS the Upgrade of 8 on 11 buy (and not The CD-Full Version, The first thing product in the list standing), runs the then too definitiv, or? not, I hereafter 40 Euronen for nothing ausgebe 
greetings, Vince |
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 | what, now be I confused  |
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 | Ähm!
its so, that a Freeware of XProfan not allows-to-get-updates.
One erstandenes XProfan 8 against would to that Updatepreis on XProfan 11 aktualisierbar, otherwise would it z.B. too unfair to whom Käufern (of Roland time foreseen).
You can means not The XProfan 8 Freeware to that Updatepreis on XProfan 11 update.
Dietmar horn
The jetzige Freewareversion XProfan 8.x is 100%-ig identical with the to years only käuflich erwerbbaren Full Version XProfan 8.0.
the is correct not, The Freeware has Einschränkungen. |
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 | therefore my question, because I To dato (speak to Dietmars response ) of it gone out be, that The XProfan 8 Version identical with the then erhältlichen Purchase-Version is, there indeed Profcomp.exe and profruntime32.exe (or as exe too always is :-P) present are, what Yes z.B. with XProfan10Free and 11Free missing. otherwise would it Yes mere technical none possible, or? means Upgrade buy or not?  |
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 | OK, the last Posting answers my question  |
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 RGH | Hi, I faith, I ought to time light into mist the Irrungen bring:
1. of technical since corresponds to The Freeware-Version of XProfan 8.0a 100%ig the then Purchase-Version! and technical seen, there too only The same XProfan-11.2-CD with Update or Full Version.
2. but: Because of license exists one Difference: from the Freeware-Version is no Update possible. Freeware-versions are fundamentally without Support and Update-Legitimacy!
concise: - who then for a Full Version 8.0a (with JDS or in my Shop) payd has, payd for the Update version of 8.0a on Version 11.2 whom with JDS angegebenen Update-Price. - who The Freeware-Version of 8.0a has, payd whom Vollversions-Price.
Info: who means, particularly schlau To his, and to Freeware-Version of 8.0a only the Update on The actually Version fetch, for a couple Euros To save, cut itself in that Own meat: but not a couple Euros To save, has it its Euros for the Update to that Window throw-away, there it then still not occupancy of/ one valid XProfan-license for actually Version is. One Update is without The Vorversion(en) null.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 08/06/10 ▲ |
 | I meant indeed not, "besonders schlau" To his, separate have therefore, because I me diesbezüglich not sure was, my question here in the Forum set, The Yes answers watts. nothing Schlimmes means. |
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