Forum | | | | - Page 1 - |
|  | Hi, i will one Menu write where one different activities select can How z.B. Shutdown, Neustart, Log off, Benutzerwechsel .Find but nirgendwo what what How I z.B. whom Neustarten commands address, or How it at all is. Würd the but gladly know because I would whom yet gladly in my Script install. Please posting me How the order is and if it yet others Commands in these direction gives. here time my Script: CompileMarkSeparationWindow 10,10-200,350
WindowTitle "Shutdownmenu"
Declare herunter&, abmeld&'eingefügt
declare uhrzeit&' eingefügt KHR
declare Text$,Titeltext$
Cls rgb(0,255,0)
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
herunter& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren",10,90,170,50)
abmeld& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abmelden",10,160,170,50)
uhrzeit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Uhrzeit",10,230,170,50)
While 1
If Clicked(herunter&)
ExitWindows 0
ElseIf Clicked(abmeld&)
ExitWindows 3
elseIf Clicked (uhrzeit&)' geändert KHR
Text$ = "Wir haben jetzt " + Time$(2) + " Uhr."
Titeltext$ = "I N F O"
Perhaps know your what still in so one Menu for functions install could. simply post!
Julian57 |
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| | | | | - Page 1 - |
|  E.T. | an Solution, to Ewigkeiten time "zusammengebrutzelt"

not very beautiful aussehend, but funktionierend. the "schön" ought to too time yet go, but wenn's once functions and in use is, is with the the "verschöner'n" always so 'ne thing... |
| | | Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 10/13/10 ▲ |
| |
| |  Dietmar Horn | Hello Julian,
look you still simply times the first 2 or 3 Volumes of my small XProfan-Lehrbuches on.
additional Tools and tons of demonstration-Source code find You in XProfan-manager and the MMJ-Quellcodesammlung in the Download Area of [...] 
Greeting Dietmar |
| | | Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 10/13/10 ▲ |
| |
| |  | Hi, have me moreover decided the program still selbstzuschreiben. Have however, a couple ask 1.question: with take off a commands can the program terminate? 2 question: How can Buttuns again Remove, d.h. the tappt im dunkeln not any more showing. because I have another Untermenu written where though yet The Button of Hauptmenu under dennen of untermenu lying!!!!! 3 question: How can a input of user desires and these in a Variable Save? 4 question: is the On building from the Program I same post go meaningfully or can it yet improve? CompileMarkSeparationMein Programm:Window 10,10-200,490
WindowTitle "Shutdownmenu"
declare herunter&, abmeld&,neustart&,exit&
declare uhrzeit&
declare verzögshut&,timeshut&,normalshut&,abort&
declare Text$,Titeltext$
Cls rgb(0,255,0)
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
herunter& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren",10,90,170,50)
neustart& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Neustarten",10,160,170,50)
abmeld& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abmelden",10,230,170,50)
uhrzeit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Uhrzeit",10,300,170,50)
exit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Beenden",10,370,170,50)
While 1
If Clicked(herunter&)
cls rgb(0,255,0)
Window 10,10-230,420
Windowtitle "Herunterfahren"
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
verzögshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Verzögertes Herunterfahren",10,90,200,50)
timeshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren nach Timer",10,160,200,50)
normalshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Sofortiges Herunterfahren",10,230,200,50)
abort& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abbrechen",10,300,200,50)
While 2
ElseIf Clicked(normalshut&)
ExitWindows 0
ElseIf Clicked(timeshut&)
ElseIf Clicked(verzögshut&)
ElseIf Clicked(abort&)
ElseIf Clicked(abmeld&)
ExitWindows 3
ElseIf Clicked(neustart&)
ExitWindows 1
elseIf Clicked(uhrzeit&)
Text$ = "Wir haben jetzt " + Time$(2) + " Uhr."
Titeltext$ = "I N F O"
ElseIf Clicked(exit&)
MessageBox("Möchten Sie das programm schon Beenden?","F r a g e",4132)
if %Button=6
i am pleased on Answer!!!!
Julian57 |
| | | | |
| |  | Hi!
1: End - but rather naturally terminate/ run out let
2: DestroyWindow(...
3: See Input$( or Create("Edit",... and var and declare - CompileMarkSeparation |
| | | | |
| | | | - Page 2 - |
| |  | Hi, "end" Have I in my Porgramm Yes stand but it power a Shutdown and exits the program not.
Julian57 |
| | | | |
| |  | when exits it the program not? |
| | | | |
| |  | 1: I have a Button prepares and if I because press then power it a Shutdown. the Source is supra kannste nachschauen
2: How can comments make?
Julian57 |
| | | | |
| |  | Zeig me times the Quelltextstelle The not functions should...
comments How normally by // and /* ... */ and but too '. |
| | | | |
| |  | Hi, here: ElseIf Clicked(exit&) MessageBox("Möchten tappt im dunkeln the Program already terminate?","F r a g e",4132) if %Button=6 end EndIf EndIf
Julian57 |
| | | | |
| |  | Hello, I finds comic if I my Program vereinfache then funktionierts with the terminate Button: CompileMarkSeparationWindow 10,10-200,490
WindowTitle "Shutdownmenu"
declare herunter&, abmeld&,neustart&,exit&
declare uhrzeit&
declare verzögshut&,timeshut&,normalshut&,abort&
declare Text$,Titeltext$
Cls rgb(0,255,0)
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
herunter& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren",10,90,170,50)
neustart& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Neustarten",10,160,170,50)
abmeld& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abmelden",10,230,170,50)
uhrzeit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Uhrzeit",10,300,170,50)
exit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Beenden",10,370,170,50)
While 1
If Clicked(herunter&)
cls rgb(0,255,0)
Window 10,10-230,420
Windowtitle "Herunterfahren"
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
verzögshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Verzögertes Herunterfahren",10,90,200,50)
timeshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren nach Timer",10,160,200,50)
normalshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Sofortiges Herunterfahren",10,230,200,50)
abort& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abbrechen",10,300,200,50)
While 2
ElseIf Clicked(normalshut&)
//ExitWindows 0
ElseIf Clicked(timeshut&)
ElseIf Clicked(verzögshut&)
ElseIf Clicked(abort&)
ElseIf Clicked(abmeld&)
//ExitWindows 3
ElseIf Clicked(neustart&)
//ExitWindows 1
ElseIf Clicked(uhrzeit&)
Text$ = "Wir haben jetzt " + Time$(2) + " Uhr."
Titeltext$ = "I N F O"
ElseIf Clicked(exit&)
MessageBox("Möchten Sie das programm schon Beenden?","F r a g e",4132)
if %Button=6
EndWh >
And if I it bebelasse not CompileMarkSeparationWindow 10,10-200,490
Window Title "Shutdownmenu"
declare herunter&, abmeld&,neustart&,exit&
declare uhrzeit&
declare verzögshut&,timeshut&,normalshut&,abort&
declare Text$,Titeltext$
Cls rgb(0,255,0)
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
herunter& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren",10,90,170,50)
neustart& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Neustarten",10,160,170,50)
abmeld& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abmelden",10,230,170,50)
uhrzeit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Uhrzeit",10,300,170,50)
exit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Beenden",10,370,170,50)
While 1
If Clicked(herunter&)
cls rgb(0,255,0)
Window 10,10-230,420
Windowtitle "Herunterfahren"
print ""
Print " Shutdownmenu "
Print ""
Print ""
Print " by Julian57 "
verzögshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Verzögertes Herunterfahren",10,90,200,50)
timeshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Herunterfahren to Timer",10,160,200,50)
normalshut& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Sofortiges Herunterfahren",10,230,200,50)
abort& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Abbrechen",10,300,200,50)
While 2
ElseIf Clicked(normalshut&)
//ExitWindows 0
ElseIf Clicked(timeshut&)
ElseIf Clicked(verzögshut&)
ElseIf Clicked(abort&)
ElseIf Clicked(abmeld&)
//ExitWindows 3
ElseIf Clicked(neustart&)
//ExitWindows 1
ElseIf Clicked(uhrzeit&)
Text$ = "Wir having now " + time$(2) + " watch."
Titeltext$ = "I n F O"
ElseIf Clicked(exit&)
MessageBox("Möchten tappt im dunkeln the Program already terminate?","F r a g e",4132)
if %Button=6
can someone say Why? Achja Have time the Shutdown "deaktiviert"
Julian57 |
| | | | |
| |  | Hi, has everything Done!!!! i think herewith is the Thread closed
Julian57 |
| | | | |
| |  | you see already because of the automatischen code-Einrückung here in the Codevorschau, that with the code something not is correct.
so sees one z.B. same: CompileMarkSeparation what not aufgeht there erstes If If his must not ElseIf. ^^ CompileMarkSeparation Own Topics as Done Mark can self and zurückmarkieren if one eingeloggt is -
Have for you time on "erledigt" clicked. ^^ |
| | | | |
AnswerThemeninformationenthis Topic has 4 subscriber: |