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 Ulrich Milde | it is not integrally simply the Info stückweise zusammenzusuchen, Specifically if The Anfängerscheuklappen itself almost automatically to The eyes klappen as well as Assembler, DLL and ähnliches auftaucht. XPSE sought, found, sucked and then? Exakt the wars, namely one grosses question mark. XPIA schwirrte into Ergebnissen the XPSE Forensuche too dauernd by the countryside. class, there gabs Info The me weitergeholfen having! XPSE does now presumably the, what it should, but now slopes I again solid and white not further.
what I will at all and why? because Zeitgeber jeglicher manner in Profan Mangelware are and the only Timer with the regelmässigen pollen the seriellen interface that's all right engage is i was on the Search to Alternativen. time$ coming because of the unfavourable Formats only very ungern and zähneknirschend in question. The Solution would Unixtime, that I in the Codebibliothek found having. therefore too XPSE,and XPIA. Dummerweise shining in the first Unixtime sooner one Testprogramm To his and secondly be I yet dümmer if it around the Einbinden from the goes, what Unixtime power. (DLL - Scheuklappe klapp...) The Number of sec, The since one day sometime into 70ern vergangen are would very properly for a Timer. well, is not small as a second and isn't rücksetztbar, but so can I well get along.
IWie I'm going with the circa what XPSE outputs? the only brauchbare shining me The erstellte DLL To his, if I because know How I with the umzugehen have. moreover comes yet that möglicherweise the Profancode to that try too yet along into the DLL stick . CLS, Waitkey and Co. can I for sure not use...
it would very nice if itself someone move would and me says I How To do have so Unixtime the does, what it should.
Vielen Thanks, Regards and Tschüss!
PS. Schade that such a thing well brauchbares halbvollendet in the Codebibliothek to itself hinschlummert! Unixtime would very correctly.,- because a Mallet the all sorts of things in all Zeitsystemen converting can, whom custom I really not.. |
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 Michael Wodrich | The procedure UnixTime is a Sekundenzähler, the on the 1.1.1970 launched is. The since then verstrichene Time in sec becomes zurückgegeben. Unix relating from this counter its Zeitberechnung.
on the Testcode under the function can whom appeal read. here another example: CompileMarkSeparation {$Cleq}
$H C:ProfanIncludeWindows.ph
Proc Unixtime
Declare Buffer#, Bufferptr&, Zeit&
ist Struct TimeBuffer = FTimeLo&, FTimeHi&, DivLo&, DivHi&, BiasLo&, BiasHi&, ErgebnisLo&, ErgebnisHi&
Dim Buffer#,32
Bufferptr& = Addr(Buffer#)
~Getsystemtimeasfiletime( Buffer# )
Long Buffer#,8 = $00989680, 0, $D53e8000, $019Db1de
Asmstart _tounix(Bufferptr&)
mov esi,para1
mov eax,[esi]
mov edx,[esi+4]
sub eax,[esi+16]
sbb edx,[esi+20]
mov [esi],eax
mov [esi+4],edx
xor edi,edi
or edx,edx
jns @tu1
inc edi
neg eax
adc edx,0
neg edx
mov [esi],eax
mov [esi+4],edx
mov ebx,[esi+8]
mov esi,[esi+12]
or esi,esi
jns @tu2
inc edi
neg ebx
adc esi,0
neg esi
jnz @tu3
or ebx,ebx
jz @tu8
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,edx
xor edx,edx
div ebx
xchg eax,ecx
div ebx
jmp @tu6
bsr ecx,esi
inc cl
push ebx
shrd ebx,esi,cl
shrd eax,edx,cl
shr edx,cl
div ebx
mov ebx,eax
mul esi
mov ecx,eax
pop eax
push esi
mov esi,para1
mul ebx
add edx,ecx
jc @tu4
cmp edx,[esi+4]
ja @tu4
jb @tu5
cmp eax,[esi]
jbe @tu5
dec ebx
pop esi
xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,ebx
dec edi
jnz @tu7
neg eax
adc ecx,0
neg ecx
mov esi,para1
mov [esi+24],eax
mov [esi+28],ecx
jmp @exit
xor eax,eax
dec eax
mov ecx,7fffffffh
jmp @tu6
Asmend (Zeit&)
Dispose Buffer#
Return Zeit&
Declare Sek1&, Sek2&
Sek1& = UnixTime()
sleep 4000 schlafe 4 Sekunden (4000 Millisekunden)
Sek2& = UnixTime()
print Startzeit:, Sek1&
print Endezeit:, Sek2&
print vergangen in Sekunden:, Sek2& - Sek1&
I have a DLL (MwDate) in work with etlichen date- and Zeitroutinen. there I will too The UnixTime with take in. the lasts however, a Weilchen.
DLL therefore, because the Assemblerteile so leichter manage let.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 03/03/07 ▲ |
 Michael Wodrich | had You really already this found?
Millisekunden-detailed Zeitmessung [...]  |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 03/03/07 ▲ |
 Ulrich Milde | No DLL, only one little Profan, what the abfragt what with windows tickt. the sees Yes well from, very well even! this is the second Timer whom I missing having. so can I a independent Timeout Is it Unikode during itself %wmtimer moreover the pollen the RS232 kümmert. Timer$ comes too yet on The row, if I to that protokollieren the Messwerte come.
Michael, many Thanks for Tipp and Regards of Ulrich! |
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 GDL | if you The Timer yet go out should, I read with the Thread.pcu my Interfaces one.
Hello Georg |
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