
Y2k Problem with dBase III+


be integrally new here and with my first Gehversuchen with XProfan on the following trouble punched:

I have over 25 years long with dBase II/III worked, sowohl professional as well as private, though under MS-DOS or. later notgedrungen under the DOS-Shell in MS-windows. So I'm with the Kommandozeilen-orientierten operating of ase III+ and the write of Programs for dBase-Interpreter (PRG Files) still well intimate and would like the too furthermore use can. If I however a with my good middle-aged DOS-dBase (anno 1986) erstellte scheduler in XProfan open, ggf. machine have and then again schließe, is in the DBF-Header the byte-worth for "year of last update" circa 100(dez) or. 64(hex) increased been and the File can itself with DOS-dBase not any more open: with Values over 100(dez) or. 64(hex) appear a Error Message "keine dBase-Datei".

naturally can itself with einfachen File-Editoren, if need be even the middle-aged DEBUG from DOS, the "year of last update"-byte on a for DOS-dBase verträglichen worth zurücksetzen. my suggestion would, in XProfan on The "gut gemeinte" Y2k-Korrektur gänzlich To dispense, because The question, To welchem centenary a defined dBase-File now really heard, can ohnehin only anhand another criteria relatively sure answers go - suitable wären The complete Entries "Datum the letzen Änderung", The any MS-Dateiysteme always provided having (of FAT12 To FAT32 and now NTFS). it would too imaginable (circa with the already introduced not To break), for all command and functions, The to that write back or Closing of/ one DBF-File lead, a option anzubieten, The The Y2k-Korrektur controlled - z.B. with of/ one function db("Y2K", n) with N=0 for "nein" and N=1(default) for "ja".

in the übrigen would like I to that expression bring, I The idea, dBase III as basis for data base-Programming with Profan too for new versions beizubehalten, for greatly wise stops. many releases, particularly for Verknüfungen more dBase-tables with unterschiedlichen Structures, The I former first through export in sequentielle Files (copy field a,b,c to xyz.txt delimited) and anschließender processing with others Programs (z.B. PowerBasic) release could, can now with Profan "unter one Hut" manage.
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

cordial Welcome Falk!

have You a idea, as an XProfan-function looks could, The this Flag zurücksetzt?

means if ichs me right consider, becomes this trouble with whom most Profanern well sooner so seldom appear, that the Implementierung of/ one such Y2k-Korrektur into general Function/Befehls-amplitude of XProfan hardly lohnen would. I have me therefore two short Procedures ausgedacht, The each to and to the actual edit of/ one dBase III-scheduler carryed out go.
proc saveY2K

    assign #1,DBF$
    openRW #1
    seek #1,1
    close #1


proc restoreY2k

    assign #1,DBF$
    openRW #1
    seek #1,1
    putByte #1,YLUpdate% MOD 100
    close #1


--- Hauptprogamm -------------------------------------
declare DBF$,YLUpdate% ,... (further globale variables)
DBF$ = "Test.dbf"
saveY2k   the worth of YLUpdate% ought to now not More changed go!
edit the scheduler

from heutiger visibility is it pity, that the "year of last update" only one byte spendiert watts, because The uncertainty for the "richtige" centenary isn't To to fix. The Umstellung the Dateistruktur at change of dBase II on dBase III in the year 1984 (to Orson Welles the Beginn the "Big Brother"-Zeitalters) would one geeigneter Time for introduction one eindeutigen Datums been, but the people of AshtonTate having well not on it virtual, that it too to 2000 yet people gives, The with dBase III gladly works. I remember, that a crowd SysOps therefore fear to the large catastrophe at Jahrtausendwechsel had, but so bad is it Yes to that Happiness not come. now Remove we always moreover of Y2k and the next Problems would first again on the 1. january 2101 To expect his. but by then is Yes another good Weilchen Time.

I have whom local, that not any Datenbankoperationen to a Änderung the "year of last update" lead. the I will Perhaps in the running the Time accurate find out and then here above report.
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Falk Fallenstein04/08/19


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