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CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

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course 1: first steps with XProfan - Content
- now can tappt im dunkeln in the windows Explorer XProfan-programs through Double click started, without eigens XProfan Call To must.

course: XProfan as Batchsprache
- without XProfan müßten tappt im dunkeln now first with the Dateimanager

- tappt im dunkeln could naturally too first The File loading, undit the names "KOPIE.DOK" with "SPEICHERN ALS" abspeichern

- or but tappt im dunkeln write sI the following small XProfan-Program:

- the goes too directly from the Programmanager over the suitable Icon
the would really Programmmanager. but there graust it me too. with Program-manager could to the trouble bypass. I find, here's one klarer drop of Regelverweigerung angesagt. it ought to not always the smallest joint denominator to rule declared go! 

- Also can with XProfan's copy always only a File copies go.

- How the name suppose läßt,

- with the function @MessageBox bring we a Windowstypische Dialogbox on the screen.

- that the commands in the next Zwhaste weitergeht, and of course at first characters,

- to that Schluß the first Teils want we yet determine can,

EVA - input > processing > spending
- and still is with EVA The fundamental function almost each Programes or. Program-Modulees described:

- but too Videokammera,

- next to the Windowseigenen Grafikmodus

- About these Kanäle go data the Program on The Außenwelt given

- In BASIC would the two Lines to a zusammengefaßt:

- with the yet learned läßt itself already some employ,

- Gleichin time becomes The Schriftgröße of 1.5 To 36 increased.

graphic and Sound
- How drawing komplexer Grafilken.

- pitch: the first Parameter is the pitch, ausgehend of tiefsten tone with the number 1.

- an Oktave umfaßt 12 Halbtonschritte.

- 1 standing for a whole note, 2 for a halbe, 4 for a quarter ... To there To 32 for a zweiundreißigstel.
big- and Kleinschreibung uniform make 

- One point continues The duration of/ one note around the Half Ihrer length.
Wow - means circa ca 91 cm? 

- The mighty Opportunities the commandses with of/ one MIDI-kompatiblen Soundkarte find tappt im dunkeln in the reference explains.

- The serves there not to that Play einzelner notes, sonderm to that Play kompletter tunes.

- The length can we bearing, because we with "L", followed from the Notenlänge, The length all subesquent notes take on or because we on The note The Längenbezeichnung directly append:

- can we a note too over Ihren worth mark,

- two further Formate are very similar: namely the stature ".RLE" (compressed Bitmap-Images) and the stature ".DIB". All these Formate can of XProfan with the equal command loaded go.
too jpg ought to here at least erwähnt go 

- you're durchnummeriert and go with the commands DrawIcon on the screen brought:

- the Weiteren contains XProfan 21 verwendbare Icons,

- One ausgezeichnetes example, How Icons for Games as Sprites To "mißbrauchen" are,

course: Multimediaprogrammierung with XProfan
- MCI standing for "Multimedia Controlling Interface",

- The Syntax the commandses becomes u.A. too of driver mitbestimmt.
becomes really u. a. written but "Nutzt one namely a so-called nichtproportionale Font (Font with fester Zeichenbreite), How tappt im dunkeln on the typewriter normally is, can The Margins between whom Abkürzungsbuchstaben wegfallen." [...]  

- as Result the commandses supply the driver a) under Umständenen one Result

- so I as Programmer now white, whetherit the Rückgabestring one Result or a Error Message is,

- so läßt the Size the Programmfensters discretionary take on.

- look we The Funktionsweise the Programes and the MCI-interface
and further Vorkommen in the chapter 

- whom Abschluß this Exkurses into Multimediaprogrammierung forms one kompletter Medienspieler in XProfan. Gewiß, in the vorliegenden shape can it not more than the Medienspieler Windows, for can tappt im dunkeln it but discretionary change and strain.

- with POPUP becomes one neues Menu added

- the in the Menu underrstrichen displayed is

Selbstdefinierte dialogs
- as well as with Menüs can with a & the Hotkey, the unterstrichene character, markiert go.

- on the terminate by the exhaust end react, müßth the Menüereignis

- and läßt as response solely OK% To.

- (the can means too the Input one strangers Programes his, which lever one with %GetFocus determined has.)

- with whom recent Dialogfenstern stayed the Double-click on the System Menu the Dialoges wirklungslos.

- And if one none Text for Gruopbox angibt,
in this cut offed becomes time GroupBox and times Groupbox uses. rather vereinheitlichen To GroupBox. 

- any in XProfan vorhandenen Icons can with @Create("Icon" in a dialog platgrace go.
Tja - integrally old spelling would yet placieren 

- there's sortierte and unsortierte Listboxen,

The Taschenrechner
- 'werden More Nachkommastellen benoetigt, here hoehier number indicate
Umlaute in the comment? 

- to that Abschluss another Image the programmierten Taschenrechners:
at least by me is the window the Taschenrechners To small. 
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Funktionsreferenz

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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