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course 2: Objektorientierte Programming with XProfan - Content

1: classes - Objects - properties - modes
- to Klassenbeschreibung heard but too yet hinzu, as method "bellen" looks.

- to that Schluß remaining us to the End of program only the straighten up:

2: Kapselung - classes organize - Heredity - Polymorphie
- these on newer technical Gegebenheiten or one other Betriebssysten anpasst, without that one User same too only a Programmzeile Change should.

- an class has next to whom properties and functions, The of outside used go, often too properties and Funktionen, The only for class self of weight are.

- Settermethoden
Hierbei proposes me OO incidentally Foltermethoden as alternative to1 

- the complete angepaßth Program "okurs2.prf".

- in the Program, the the Objekt uses, find it difficult in that weight,

- or about to strain paßt

- separate can on Bewährtes zurückgreifen.eggne new class can means any properties
space missing 

- One beast has but noich additional properties and modes.

- classes for special Objects of his Spieles divert and müßth each only The new

- it would first at Perform the Programes strike,

3: Überschreiben - Überladen - Konstruktoren - Destruktoren
- with two Parameters The Messagebox, wober the second Parameter then The Headline darstellt.

- (or. if it because still happens, becomes always only The first akin)

- The The Number of Parameter the modes- or. Prozeduraufrufes angibt.

- If to Initialisierung one Objektes further necessary is, must one in XProfan a suitable method write.

- so XProfan a method as Konstruktor recognize, muß tappt im dunkeln whom equal names as class having.

- The Speicherfreigabe is in XProfan with the Dispose one Objektes (or automatically at end the Program).

- where here however with the Methodendeclaration in lieu of the Wortes "procedure" the word "constructor" standing.

4: static properties and modes - Klasseneigenschaften - Klassenmethoden
- there in this method but on no Objekteigenschaften zugreift, can we on these method too "statisch" grab, d.h. directly over the Thread-speed?.

- because one tappt im dunkeln in the Klassenbeschreibung simply wegläßt.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Wodrich02/22/14


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