course 4: OpenGL with XProfan - Content during XProfan explicit mächtigere OpenGL-command bid. so gobecomes z.B. a several hundred Lines long C++ Program one XProfan Program with explicit less than 30 Lines!
- The Lektionsnummern follow whom erwähnten Vorbildern, means Please not wonder, thereß here The Lektionsnummern not exakt fortlaufend are!
- the happens to that part therefore, thereß The numerous OpenGL-functions in a überschaubare number XProfan-oGL-functions zusammengefaßt go. to that others part go Standardeinstellungen chosen, The into most Make suffice. so becomes one presumably zumeißt of these oGL-functions get along.
- ungewöhnliche perspectives und much More. for these shows the following Kursteil, thereß too The complete OpenGL-API under XProfan very easily To benefit is,
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4 ... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...