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CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

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Error in the Help: introduction

Error in the Help: introduction Topics 20 - 20.15


20.1 - dialogs - Grundlagen
- should the users nothing other make can, before the dialog worn out is, must the program (wants hot: tappt im dunkeln as Programmer) for worry carry, that only on Events the dialoges reacted becomes.
Although strain not Dativ but ... [...] 

- The eckigen clinging <...> to put Placeholder
the are pointed clinging

- too the Anwählen one Buttons or others Steuerelementes over ALT and the unterstrichenen letters not working.

20.2 - Buttons, Check boxes and Radiobuttons
- If it pressed and losgelassen becomes, resolve it one incident from.

20.3 - Group boxes, Texts and icons
- in the Contrast To all others Dialogelementen can for a Icon no Size set go, there tappt im dunkeln of system set voreingestellt is.

20.4 - Einfache Editierfelder
- with SetText is it possible, whom Text in the Input by Program To to determine.

- for Special Cases, How about Datums- and Zeitangaben or Inputs of numerischen Values, are The suitable special Edit-Controls vorzuziehen.

- inverse can one with @MoveHandleToList whom kompletten Text the Editbox row by line in The Listboxliste take or with @GetText$ read.

- The horizontale Scroll bar won't displayed and a word, not More in a row fits, becomes automatically into next row brought.

20.5 - Special Editierfelder
- circa Zahlenwerte type using one gladly Eingabefelder, with them on the left edge with high- and down-Button the worth tuned go can. Hierfür using one there in XProfan the SpinEdits-Control.

- Ist it one String, can this 1 To 3 through Semikolon separated values include.

- he's the date in the landesspezifischen Kurzformat,

- at that Click on the arrow down opens itself one Calendar to that komfortablen einstellen the Datums.

- the landesspezifische stature läßt itself over The XProfan-function Date$(4) read.

- at that Click on The Pfeile can, according to position the Cursors hours, minutes or sec tuned go.

- Text can of course with SetText allocated and GetText$(), SetText - SetCheck read go,
SetCheck and read?

- Hierbei is R& the lever the RichEdit-Controlls and s$ the Dateiname. the Result the function is 0 with successt or a Fehlernummer.

20.6 - ListBoxen
- The ListBox there in several Ausprägungen, The by the type-Parameter gesteuert werwhom: unsortiert or sortiert, with Einzelauswahl or Mehrfachausdwahl.

- The Number of Entries in a Listbox is with @GetCount determined
time Listbox, time ListBox - Perhaps times the Konsistenz to check on

- circa to get, which entry markiert (select) is, must The Funktion @GetCurSel akin go,

- is wParam one, then lead Changes in the ListBox too to a Repaint, is it hinigegen zero so becomes The ListBox not new aufgebaut.
rather two Sätze:
is wParam one, then lead Changes in the ListBox too to a Repaint. is it hinigegen zero, so becomes The ListBox not new aufgebaut.

- '-1. ListBox flackerfrei fuellen--------------------------------------

20.7 - AuswahlBoxen
- here The usage of Listbox/ListBox vereinheitlichen

- through Anklicken the Pfeiles down can, a list of Auswahlmöglichkeiten, a row select go. .

- The AuswahlBox there in several Ausprägungen, The by the type-Parameter gesteuert werwhom: unsortiert or sortiert,

- around the index the chosen Eintrages To detect, can The Funktion @GetCurSel akin go.

20.8 - GridBoxen
must The Funktion @GetCurSel akin go,
jaja - C&P. interestingly, that The Fuktion time uses go can  and times must ...

take we on, we wanted to one Grid to Nachnahme and First name sort.

20.11 - Statuszeile - Toolbar - Tooltips

- with the Create-function "Toolbar" can a window a Button-groin therezugefügt go.

- twoo Beispielcodes find itself in the Syntaxbeschreibung To @Create("Toolbar".

20.12 - TreeView (Baumansicht)
with @TreeView("GetParent" can determined go, whether a entry übergeordneten entry has and @TreeView("GetSelected", which entry instantly select is.

20.13 - TrayIcons
- About tappt im dunkeln sustain one in the rule direct Access to programs, The without sichtbaress Window in the background walk.
- you can on The rights Mouse button,( )left Mauistatste
generally time to double space Search and these supplant

- there the TrayIcon know must, which Window with one clicking To inform is, must these (what?) indicated go.
(Kontextfehler: from the set is not forth, what indicated go must.)

20.15 - arbitrary Dialogelemente
- there's externe DLLs, The Own Dialogelemente include, and in windows there Dialogelemente, The XProfan not yet supported.

- circa these To use, watts The function @Control created, The one arbitrary Dialogelement Show can, which Klassenname registered and famous is.

- Very interestingly is too The Using the XProfan-own Fensterklassen with the @Control-function, because one then of course The Window with beliebigen Stilkonstanten slip can, but nevertheless The Fensterprozeduren of XProfan grab. so can in this Windows then keyboard-, mouse-, Menu- and other inquire How dwelt treats go. The Fensterklasse the Mainwindow in XProfan is "FENSTER", The the with @Create("Window" opened Fensters is "DIALOG".
the understand I do not. Can with Control("Fenster",...) one HWnd produce?
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Funktionsreferenz

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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T Rümker05/21/14
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