Help Files

CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

Helpfile (CHM)- Bugs

Error in the Help: introduction

Error in the Help: introduction Topics 22 - 22.5


22.1 - Window-Menüs
- (an Trennlinie wetd too created, if with AppendMenu the Text one "-" is.)

22.3 - Waiting on Events
- he's the comprisedste the command, The on one incident Waiting:

- closer Notes herezu find itself in the chapter over The Spezialitäten of XProfan.

- One typisches Windowsprogramm has per Window (or. dialog) only a place, on the the adjacent incident is determined, followed of Verzweigungen, tributary of aufgetretenen incident.

- look at too The Grundstruktur one Windowsprogrammes in the cut offed Window-Menüs.

- wanted to tappt im dunkeln with the Systemvaraiblen herausbekommen, whether The mouse in a given area befindet, ergäbe the a right long nested function.

22.4 - Hotkeys
- If one now the Hotkey The same Menünummer spendiert, How the suitable exhaust, need one The Menu-request not even anzupassen.

- In each drop becomes WaitInput leave and has the worth 102.
rather: In each drop becomes WaitInput leave and %MenuItem has the value 102.

22.5 - Icons and colours for Menüs
- with 0 becomes no Icon used, but the Anwenderdefinierten colours (s.u.), -1 works so, as were it whom Parameter not, d.h. then go The Standardmenüs akin.

- Set("MenuBackCol", C&): setting The Backgroundcolor the Menütextes
Set("MenuBorderCol", C&): setting The Backgroundcolor under whom Icons
sooner without colon

- becomes no the colours tuned, has the Menu The equal colours, How the Standardmenu

- with of/ one further Set-function can The Size the MenuIcons tuned go:
Set("MenuIconSize", n%) - Info: The Size works only,as they larger is, as The, by the Schrifthöhe the Menütextes pretended, Mindestgröße.

- separate too another moreover kompatible Toolbar-Bitmap with large 32*32 Icons moreover designed.
one doppeltes "dazu" konnen we unfortunately not mitzählen...
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Funktionsreferenz

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Jochen Roxlau04/15/15
Michael Wodrich02/22/14


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