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CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

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Error in the Help: introduction

Error in the Help: introduction Topics 23 - 23.7


23.1 - Allgemeines To Ressourcen
- Ressourcen are "Vorräte", available stehende items, everybody can possibly benefit can.
diving number of times on. only hereon respect, that the "Resource Hacker" so remaining.

23.2 - Icons from Ressourcen
- DrawExtIcon ... DrawLibIcon. this commands is in each drop vorzuziehen.
The Info on DrawExtIcon and DrawLibIcon ought to out (particularly there under both Begriffen hereon hingewiesen becomes, that the commands not any more supported becomes) and instead on Create("Icon",... and Create("hIcon",... verwiesen go.

23.3 - Cursor from Ressourcen
- both left under UseExtCursor verweisen on UseCursor

23.4 - Bitmaps from Ressourcen
- too this area ought to revised go, there it The new Opportunities with DrawPic or Create("HPIC",... not time erwähnt, separate on antiquated command verweist.

23.5 - Strings from Ressourcen
- During any others Ressourcen over names marked go,

- On these point can itself too manches international Program, z.B. from the shareware, for private employment eindeutschen.
I würd Yes so a Info none first reinschreiben...

- deference: an Disclosure derartig manipulierter programs contradict in the rule whom copyright-Clauses, to them Sharewareprogramme only unchanged weiterverbreitet go can.
...then need one neither same a Disclaimer hinterherschicken...

23.6 - Menüs from Ressourcen
- with UseExtMenu becomes on onee Menu from whom Ressourcen zugegriffen.

23.7 - dialogs from Ressourcen
- here becomes on DrawExtIcon verwiesen, instead of on @Create("ExtDialog"!

- The under XProfan usually not supported go. The quality "Untergeordnet" (or. "Childwindow") sorgt to that example for,
the there in the meantime in XProfan

- with whom Dialogelementen, How Listboxes, Scrollbars, etc.

- The Return Value is, as well as with @Create("Dialog", the lever the Dialogs.

- circa now How dwelt in a WaitInput-Loop on The Events the Dialoges react to, need tappt im dunkeln yet The lever the individual Dialogelemente. there these lever firste with the statement the Dialoges give away go, need tappt im dunkeln The function @GetHandle, The to jeweiligen Identifikationsnummer one Dialogelementes the suitable lever zurückggibt.
lever-Mehrzahl would Handles. i'd sooner with the Einzahl stay: ... need tappt im dunkeln yet the lever the individual Dialogelemente. there this lever ...
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Funktionsreferenz

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Wodrich02/22/14
Uwe Lang07/28/13


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