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CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

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Error in the Help: introduction

Error in the Help: introduction Topics 24 - 24.6


24 - Syntax and Programmaufbau
24.2 - Ereignisorientierung
- To each Window, eachone Dialogbox heard one Program, thes The for it/your designed Events auswertet.
rather:  ... Program, which The for designed ...

- das zugehörige Program filtert now The out, The it gesondert treat wants, The aAnderen should windows by Standardroutinen Edit.

- further Events are the Change of Eingabefeldern, the leave of the same, The selection in Listboxes, etc.
rather:  same

24.4 - The usage of Units
- principleiell can a Unit everything include, what too a Includedatei include could.

- so this functions, must the author the Unit then the names the functions, Procedures, etc. The characters ?_ prefix.

- If I the ganze now as meant.prf abspeichere and kompiliere, becomes The File meant.pcu created.

- and as exception only whom commands behind Case/Casenote into same row To write.
I knew none, that one since the electoral has 

24.6 - comments in the View source
- comments are arbitrary Zeichenfolgen within the Quelltextes the program, The of Compiler and Interpreter ignoring and be solely the information the Programmierers serve.
rather:inside the Program-Codes, 

here comes time one Disclaimer of me: my Kommakorrekturen should sooner as recommendation viewing go. so integrally sure be I me there too often not. I try, if I me uncertain be, something in the network To investigate but the usage ought to on Own menace erfolgen 

- everything, what in this physikalischen Programmzeile behind the Kommentarzeichen comes, becomes as comment viewing.

- in the Contrast to that, from the BASIC übernommenemn, REM can it too behind one commands in a row stand:

- with this Kommentarzeichen is To mind, thereß it itself around the einfachen apostrophe deals, not To confuse with the typographischen quotation marks and Akzentzeichen.

- In Anlehnung on many others Programmiersprachen can, in lieu of the Apostrophs, too the double slash (Doppelslash) akin go. (too C, C++, Java, Delphi and many others kennen these Kennzeichnung one commentes.)
The clinging would I here omit. 

- everything, what between this Zeichenfolgen standing, becomes as comment viewing.

- One comment, the went /* begins, can in the middle in a row, Yes even in the middle in a Befehlswort begin, over several Lines weg and end first at next */.

- (within one Stringliterals these characters naturally without weight and even part the Strings.)
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

only so time in between: whether I now everywhere The Rechtschreibreform respect wants, white I not yet. others books writes one indeed not circa. I must there once more drüber cogitate.

XProfan X2
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


no trouble. Mach the, what you fits. Perhaps can I David Yes yet breitschlagen, a Solution incorporate, with the You single spots as Done Mark can, without in the my Posts To edit.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

How I it understood have would like Roland Yes garnichts as Done Mark separate only a list work out.

otherwise is with 1 Click on "erledigt" (under with whom Topic-Options) Yes already simply as Done To Mark.

Yes, but if it z.B. The "neue" spelling override wants, go etliche things even not worn out.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

so are you for it still but Done and so can it tappt im dunkeln indeed as Done Mark so someone other sees "ah, kennter already, hatter already, ...".

If Roland itself such Topic for later remember would like then could it Yes the means the Topics-Remember-List benefit or. simply under with whom Topic-Options on "Merkliste" clicking.

Zur Funktionsreferenz

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Wodrich02/22/14


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