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26 - OpenGL in XProfan
- the standing The entire OpenGL-API available, without that it a Headerdatei need or externe functions umständlich definiert go must.
rather: umständlich define must 

26.1 - OpenGL - Grundlagen
- open means hierbei too, thereß this standard not only Windows dull is, separate on others Betriebssystemen implementiert is.

- windows supported this OpenGL-standard since whom first 32-bit-versions: windows NT 3.51 and Windows 95.

- then sorgten in the integral OpenGL-driver the Betriebssystems for these, for damalige Time amazing, skills.

- The direct hardware-Support of OpenGL and so The deutliche Beschleunigung the Grafikausgabe, erfolgte first into subesquent years with always leistungsfähigeren Graphic-Cards.

- Farbwerte and Texturwerte übermittelt go must, so thereß it rasch some 100 Lines with almost so many API-Call go,

- so reicht to Initialisierung with, for most Cases useful, Defaulteinstellungen a only row.

- who itself over The Syntax einzelner OpenGL-functions informieren wants, launch on the Besten with this Overview over The OpenGL-functions.

26.2 - 3D-Sprites for OpenGL
- wished one Appearance or movement the Sprites Change, mußten solely

- with the 3D-Sprites for OpenGL becomes in XProfan something very ähnliches nachgebildet: too here muß itself the XProfan-Program not any more circa each movement this Sprites kümmen.

- movement and turn per Zeiteinheit, etc. first once staid,

- These is in XProfan 10 already solid integrate and muß therefore not first with STRUCT or CLASS definiert go.

26.2 - the XPGL-stature
- The Idea To XPGL coming me then, as i me with the vector-functions of OpenGL befaßte, The it make possible, for Vertex (Coordinates), colour, Texturabschnitt and Normalwerte apiece one Datenarray (= vector) anzugeben, and the whole then with a only OpenGL-commands on the screen To bring.

- and so into memory red becomes, thereß tappt im dunkeln with a OpenGL-commands showing can.

- with @oGL("LoadXPGL" can a XPGL-datei into memory loaded go.

- (4 values, through comma separated)
Why then Semikolons? 

- the V for Vertex muß always present his.

- in the entrapment of "VT" stand means in eachone row first of all The three through comma separated Coordinates, then follow to one Semikolon the two through one comma separated Textur-Coordinates.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Funktionsreferenz

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Michael Wodrich02/22/14


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