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CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

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Error in the Help: introduction Topics 28 - 28.14


28 - XProfan for advanced
- or for Programmer, The something deeper into materie penetrate want.

28.1 - The Programming of Bildschirmschonern
- The XProfan-Linker carry the Notwendige into Header the Programes one and gives it The Endung ".SCR".

- and with beliebigem Keystpressure

- 32 - the Window using whom Bildschirmhintergrund as background.
even if it a enumeration is - The others spots sound to complete Sätzen, only the here's so verstümmelt 

- The dissolution the Bildschirmes experienced we over The Systemvariablen %MaxX and %MaxY.

- around the Cursor vanish To let, settle we whom commands ShowCursor one.

- to the end the Programes must the Cursor again eingeschaltet go, unless, sie want windows solely with the keyboard valet.

- as nächstes verharrt the program as long as in the While-Loop, To one Tastendruck or a Mausbewegung results.

- circa this to ascertain using, we The Systemvariable %GetInputState.

- with %ParCount becomes screen whether at least one Parametit vorliegt.

- or whether it quite one aquarium simulate or Toaster over the screen fly läßt ...

- '-The Bildschirmaufloesung becomes on 800 time 600 Pixel geaendert-----

28.2 - Neuzeichen self take
- as though the Windowsbildschirm one dreidimensionalit to- and one after another knows,

- what windows power is folgendes: it monitors, whether a Window neugezeichnet go müßth and sends the Window

- benötigt the XProfan-Program no Kenntnis over these invitation.

- Dialogfensters WaitInput verläßt and the Systemvariable
you have so often that and must to new RS uses, that You too let and fit always using should 

- always on The Size the Haupfensters angepaßt having would like.

- In this case becomes The windowsBotschaft wm_Paint,

- The routine, The Beim appear of/ one wm_Paint-Message called becomes,

28.4 - Messageverwaltung self take
- The Ressourcen used and Messages sent go can.

- once these eintrifft, go The System-Variables

- here's in the Zweifelsfalle try angesagt.
alternatively: in the Zweifelsfalle... 

- in the 32-bit-Windwos are both Parameter 32-bit wide,

- both versions both System-Variables as Longint- Systemvariablen ausgelegt.
here could one yet consider, whether The spelling LongInt To prefer is. Also ought to to the Longint- no space stand. 

- it can on these point too selbsterzeugte Messages treats go.
here ought to too another Verweis on User Messages stand , even if in the next chapter in detail hereon eingegangen becomes. 

28.6 - Notify-Message
- The Message WM_NOTIFY informed one Window above, thes one enthaltenes Steuerelement one incident triggered has.

28.7 - to usage of DLLs
- circa tappt im dunkeln from the speicher To Remove, is the commands FreeDLL To use.

28.8 - Druckerkontext / Print with API
- About The Systemvariable &PDC läßt itself the Druckerkontext read

- '-Druckausgabe on ausgewaehltem printer
has it a designed reason, that You in Kommentaren no Umlaute verwendest? 

- with process the Programes appear the Druckerauswahldialog
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

28.10 - CallBack-functions
- And if it still not ausreicht, can a benutzten Callback-Space again enable,

- naturally can @ProcAddr too everywhere akin go, where The address ar procedure needed becomes.

- there XProfan presently not in the site is, two Codeteile in a Process parallel ontzurufen. in the obigen example is these circumstance Yes given, since the procedure "Fonntliste" Yes from the API-function "~EnumFontFamilies" called and is first to termination the API-function the XProfan-programm weiterläuft.

28.11 - Reguläre expressions in XProfan
- @Translate$

- (short cut: "RegEx" of "Regulare Expression")

- here's though To mind, thereß some characters,

- usually, go these, as well as Ersatzzeichen in XProfan-Strings, with the "\" eingeleitet.

- have I for Reguläre expressions in XProfan the "~" as Escapezeichen chosen.
Perhaps rather: ... in XProfan The Tilde (~) as ... 

- in the Text Search would like, müßth I

- the Potenzzeichen at the beginning the Musters sorgt for, thereß only one Vorkommen the Musters at the beginning the Textes found becomes, at Dollarzeichen muß it on the Endes the Textes stand.

- The previous expression or. the previous characters muß in a designed amount vorkomen.

- the expression muß 0 or 1 time vorkommen: "10?" finds "1"And "10", there the characters "0" one- or keinmal vorkommen muß.

- the expression muß at least 1 time vorkommen: "10+" finds means z.B. "10", "100" etc, but not "1"
yet number of times "muß" in the further Text. i'd the absolutely correct, there so a Programming-Language indeed always a gewisse Aktualität radiate ought to. 

- (?i) toggles The sameheit of big- and lower case one,

- (of me on XProfan angepaßth)

28.12 - SubClassing with XProfan
- each Window or Dialogelement in windows has a Fensterprozedur, which The The Messages processing, The on this Window skillful go.
rather once "welche" using 

- On these Fensterprozedur has the XProfan-Programmer in the rule none Einfluß,

- but we can The Messages for a (or several) Window ersteinmal first once to a own procedure redirecting, in the because we the Fensterklasse our Own procedure as Fensterprozedur unterschieben.

- to the Presiß on The Original Windowsprozedur moreover,
either Original-Windowsprozedur or originale Windowsprozedur 

- In XProfan there a Special procedure for the the Edit the detoured Messages:

- integrally important is here The function Set("WinProc", ...), because these places solid,

- usually muß The Windowsprozedur for all Cases called go,

- unheard on The ursprüngliche windows-procedure weitergeleitet go

- this is important, we're several Window/Dialogelemente ssubclassen.

- and so the inquire something plainer becomes, there a new function:

- should The Message to the treatment not any more from the ursprünglichen windows-procedure treats go,

28.13 - File-Mapping - Speicherdateien
- these Speicherdatei grab, circa tappt im dunkeln then with @FileMap("Map", ...) on amn suitable area To lay.
or: one suitable area to take off 

- for several variables recommend itself, a structure To use.

- the Program, the The SpeicxsincerFile created, ought to The equal Structures verwebnwhom, as programs, The tappt im dunkeln open and benefit.

- the example functions sowohl compiliert as well as in the Interpreter.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

28.14 - Multiprozessing with XProfan
- it was always possible, a XProfan-Program a further Process To startenn, without thes therefore a further complete EXE-File necessary would.

- One Program, thes from whom Found too always several processes needed, needed means only a EXE-File and the others processes can as compilierte Module (in the Normalfall Files with the Endung .prc) added go.
would be I simply rauslassen. power whom set unnecessary tricky. 

- (already the Beispielprogramm DEMO.EXE the first public Profan-Version (Profan 1.3) nutzte these engineering, then yet under the 16-bit windows 3.0)
is still super - Why means in clinging hide? 

- In this case is no Access to globale variables, Konstanten or Structures the Programes possible.
comes yet number of times to 

- in the Interpreter means the Interpreter (in the rule PROFAN.EXE) self), at finished Program which EXE.)

- the Module becomes as eigener Process asynchron launched,

- the Result is is The Process-ID the launched Prozesses.

Proc SetTitleTime

    Parameters handle&
    Var ende% = 0

    WhileNot ende%

        SetText handle&, dt("getDate", 6)
        case GetText$(handle&) = "" : ende% = 1
        Sleep 100



WindowStyle 24 + 512
Window 100,550-500,200
pExec("|SetTitleTime", %hWnd)
Var ende% = 0

WhileNot ende%

    case %key = 2 : ende% = 1



The Codes any very uneinheitlich format. it sees sure rather from, if The Schreibweisen whom Begriffen in the Help follow. I Have here time any Schreibweisen umgestellt. If you what dran lying, can I later time any Source thereupon go through. plenty later... 

- can also with the Finktion isWindow(handle&) fixes go.

- an new Containerfunktion process() allows whom advanced Use with Prozessen:
I would find it sinnvoller (and professioneller!), a spelling durchzuziehen. 

- with "Suspend" becomes the Process becomes immediate angehalten.

- and the Sendde Program remaining hang.

- One example for three functions "Kill", "Suspend" and "Resume" finds itself below in the example 3.

- programs, The "Resume" or "Suspend" use, should at Start Verify, thes at least windows2000 the actually Betriebssystem is.

- with "SetPriority" can The priority one Prozesses on squat, noprmal or high tuned go.

- is the itegebnis 0, was is no suitable lever!

- Prozessübergreifender Access to Controlls

- so that so (recommend the Duden)  a address in several Prozessen Gültigkeit besassß.
you are Real lustich...

- a own Adressraum, so that a Addresse only own Process validly is.
s.o. alternatively the comma displace

- there now z.B. at write Text in one Control solely The address the Textes übermittelt becomes, would the now not any more functions, if one SetText or @AddStrings() now on one Control-lever one others Prozesses apply would.

- in the entrapment the Standardcontrolls How Edit,

- Synchrondit appeal one XProfan-Moduls or of/ one individual XProfan-procedure

- the Program waertet means with the process, To the Module or The procedure worn out is.

- the with End n% zurückgegebene Exit-code the Programes.

- the Hauptprogramm launch The 9 Procedures and gives as last Parameter the Offset with,
Offset becomes sooner as maskulinum interprets. is of course in the Duden not yet arrived but otherwise finds one everywhere "der Offset" 

- is ar the processes closed been, becomes the ebenfallss displayed.

- here go correspond tode Textfields in the Hauptprogramm created

- The first Prozeß ("A") can here over Buttons the Hauptprozesses angehalten, again launched and exits go.

- 'alle begot perceat terminate
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer (29.03.12)

has it a designed reason, that You in Kommentaren no Umlaute verwendest?

some Programmcodes are not of me, separate z.B. From Stefan quick. and there it professionelle Entwicklungsumgebungen gives, which with Umlauten - about with the Search - heavy do, having itself some Programmer angewöhnt, too in Kommentaren Umlaute To avoid. who moreover Java z.B. on unterschiedlichen Betriebssystemen program becomes because of the unterschiedlichen Zeichensätze with Umlauten in Source code too no joy having.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Jörg Sellmeyer (30.03.12)

The Codes any very uneinheitlich format. it sees sure rather from, if The Schreibweisen whom Begriffen in the Help follow. I Have here time any Schreibweisen umgestellt. If you what dran lying, can I later time any Source thereupon go through. plenty later... 

there The Codes partly of others Authors stammen and sometimes from unterschiedlichen "Schaffensperioden", are you even not uniform. Gewiss would a gewisse uniformity beautiful ... but moreover missing simply The Time.- Perhaps write I time a "Code-Beautifier", the the automatically power and thereby same jegliche antiquated Syntax ausradiert ...

XProfan X2
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Zur Funktionsreferenz

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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