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CHM-Helpfile: XProfan X2

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Error in the Help: introduction Topics 29 - 29.10


29 - Spezialitäten for Experten
into Subtopics go The Schlagworte coloured highlighted. Sinnvoller is it evtl., these as left anzugeben. 

29.1.1 - GetDriveType and GetVolumeInformation
- If the Laufwerkstyp, the current Laufwerkes, a Festplatte is,

29.1.6 - date/Uhrzeit detect and settle
- additional Information over The tuned Zeitzone as well as over The tuned Sommerzeit determined.

29.2 - Kompilierte XProfan-Programmeals binäre Resources in DLL-Files
- with one Ressourcen-Compiler can,
yet further Vorkommen 

- here The modified Source code the Programes and the Module.

- on the end want it only twoit Files:

29.3.1 - Files XProfan-Program einbetten
- first becomes on the Runtime-Module arbitrary Files appended.

- this can with the copy-commands in a DOS-Kommandorow implemented go:

- go two Files the angegebenen Order binary to a third zusammengefügt.

- so the program The File Test.Dll benefit can, must it these naturally, to the usage, again properly from the Program extract.
or the comma to naturally 

- 'Hier The Groesse the TEST.DLL

- 'Hier The Groesse of PRFRUN32.EXE

- of these code becomes first one File-Puffer, with the Grösse the eingebetteten File, generiert.
in the principle are Kommata here optional - I find tappt im dunkeln here unnecessary. 

- Then the FileMode on "only reading" staid and the ongoingn Programit opens its Own File.

29.3.2 - XProfan-Runtime-Module telescope
- there the actually XProfan-Runtime-Module of 10.04.2004 475.136 Bytes, means 464 kByte, big is,...
time update can't damage 

- important: it can weder Ressourcen yet Icons compressed go.
in next set 

- It can z.B. simply over a Batch-File, with entsprechender option, ausgedial go.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

29.3.3 - XProfan-Program with Versionsinformationen slip
- first becomes The Versionsinformationsresource prepares and then go different this set.

- to that example the name the firm or The copyRright-notice the program.

- Ressource kompilieren
in further Text

- thereafter standing in the equal directory a File with samemn names but the Dateierweiterung .RES available.
or: the same 

- to that example whom Resource Hacker
here's it correctly 

29.4 - Strings code

- Oftmals can it necessary his, Textinformationen not as lesbaren Text abzuspeichern, separate in verschlüsselter shape, so that it not any more readable is.

29.4.2 - UUEnc-Verschlüsselung

- The UU-Kodierung, mostly simply as UUEncode expressed, is with of/ one the oldest Kodierungsalgorithmen in the EDV-area, circa 8-bit data on over 7-bit-systems To transfer.
rather: ..., heard to the oldest Kodierungsalgorithmen ... 

- The Algorithmus is so tuned, that only druckbare characters from the ASCII-area 33-96 in the kodierten

Text attend.
falser Umbruch 

29.5 - Dynamic Arrays with Structures
- solely deas ReDim, to that change the Size the belegten memorys, and the Fill,

- 29.5 - Dynamic Arrays with Structures

- 'Gesamtgroesse the structure 93 Bytes
Umlaute in Kommentaren? 

- 'Hinweis: with one String becomes always one zero-byte, as end-
' mark, angehaengt, therefore String-Groesse plus one.

29.6 Structures with the Variablentyp Union
- Öfter attend, with the Programming with the WinAPI, Structures, The whom Variablentyp Union imply.

- in the now subesquent example becomes inside the structure VARIANT The Variable Union, with of/ one Size of 8 Bytes, definiert.
here come quite no Kommas mere - I Have me with of/ one real Koryphäe erkundigt!
i'd whom set sooner so formulieren:
in the now subesquent example becomes The Variable Union inside the structure VARIANT with of/ one Size of 8 Bytes definiert.

- The method The address the variables Union#, inside the structure VARIANT, of/ one new Memory-Variables zuzuweisen, creates The Possibility with the command and functions the reaches access.
because The address the variables Union# inside the structure VARIANT of/ one new Memory-Variables allocated becomes, becomes The Possibility created, hereon with the XProfan-command and -functions for reaches access.

so klingt's for me at least verständlicher

- '-structure fuer Variant#.Union#

29.7 Opcodes with XProfan perform
- at Return indicated go, wieviele How many Bytes of Stack deleted go should.

- an Opcode-Erzeugung( )can z.B. with the Microsoft
doppeltes space 

29.8.1 - Programming of DLLs in Delphi
- with Library begins The Library, for Compiler is this the Schlüsselwort a DLL To produce.
something unmotiviertes comma. either point or dash 

- then follows the code, in shape of functions and Procedures.

- at that Deklarieren this uses one always StdCall.
rather: same 

- this has its cause therein, thes The DLL too of others Programmiersprachen used go can, too of XProfan.

- in the Unit system there a Bboolesche Variable with the names IsLibrary.

- TypWertebereichFormat
Integer / LongInt-2.147.483.648...2.147.483.64732 bit with omen / 4 Bytes
Cardinal0...4.294.967.29532 bit no omen / 4 Bytes
Single1,5 x 10^-45...3,4 x 10^3832 bit with omen / 4 Bytes
PCharZeiger on nullterminierten String32 bit / 4 Bytes
PointerUntypisierter Zeiger32 bit / 4 Bytes

29.8.3 - Programming of DLLs in PureBasic
- and this sepeacouncil for processes or Threads.

- so becomes each one incidents triggered, which over a procedure abgefangen go kann; gGleiches counts for Threads.

29.8.4 - Interfaces between PureBasic DLLs and XProfan
- TypWertebereichFormat
Long (Variable.l)-2.147.483.648...2.147.483.64732 bit with omen / 4 Bytes
Float (Variable.f)1,5 x 10^-45...3,4 x 10^3832 bit with omen / 4 Bytes
Pointer (*Variable)Zeiger32 bit / 4 Bytes
here shine me ditto some space To are missing 

- Degg individual Programmteile go under 27.11 detail declared.

29.9 system-Menu strain
- now becomes demonstrating, How the system-Menu circa Own Entries extended go can.

- In ours Ereignisschleife, in the area Main, becomes the appeal the Menüpunktes with @MenuItem quizzed and a MessageBox appear, with appeal, on the Bildschrim.
tendenziell belong here but quite no Kommas mere... 
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

29.2 - Kompilierte XProfan-Program-Meals ...


I mach another list of my Lieblingsfehler
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


Zur Funktionsreferenz

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Wodrich02/22/14
Andre Rohland09/10/13
Julian Schmidt06/12/13


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