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Error in the Help: course 4: OpenGL with XProfan

lessons 2 - 18 and Lesson A


Lesson 2: the first Polygone
- as Erstes benöltigen we one Window for OpenGL-spending. this can the Mainwindow one XProfan-Programes his or one with Create() erzeugtes Window:

- The Backgroundcolor becomes on 0,0,0 (= Black) tuned and the fourth 0 displays, thereß we first of all none Beleuchtungseffekt using.

- The OpenGL-world becomes on The Fenstergröße angepaßt and the perspective so tuned, thereß The world a extent of 0.1 To 100 has. the means, that Objects, The hither dran or moreover lane are, not displayed go.

- Info: it go objectively another row Anothere Grundeinstellungen undertaken,

- The übrigen Lines the Hauptprogrammes care for, thereß at pressing the Escape-Button

- the most important the Programes is the procedure,

- The scene becomes deleted and the 3-D-world on The actually Fenstergröße angepaßt.

- negatives z-values move whom Ursprung into screen into., positive on the Viewer To.

- dial one smaller ones values, are The Objejkte hither and larger,

- circa our nächstes Objekt to drawing, to put we a others Ursprungspunkt for drawing one.

Lesson 3: now comes colour in that game
- Bislangf are the two Objects only tedious in weiß.

- as long as no Tranzparentmodus tuned is, has it no weight.

Lesson 4: Rotation
- there it now circa movement goes, must The scene Yes constantly new drawn

- The the program in cooperation with the Grafikkarte doingsächlich creates.

- to the End of program muß the Timer yet removes go.

Lesson 5: 3D-Objects

Lesson 6: Textures and Tastatursteuerung I

Lesson 7: filter and Tastatursteuerung II

- with the kusortasten can we whom die turn
- but since we Yes The bearing the Filters investigating want, take we three mal the same Image.
or thrice 

- so with längerem pressing on Button "F" The filter not so rasch change, thereß we tappt im dunkeln not begutachten can, react we on "F" (code 70) only, if it straight not is pressed, fp% means on 0 standing. In this case becomes then fp% on 1 staid, circa view, thereß The Button now is pressed.

- The übrigen adjustments in the Hauptprogramm to changed Control the Würfels by the kursortasten/BildHoch/BildRunter dürften selbsterklärend his.

Lesson 8: transparency-effects
- It can namely not guaranteeing go, thereß The straight not visible pages first drawn go.

- on the Listing has not very plenty verändert.

- texture%[0] = oGL("LoadTextureBMP","glass.bmp",1)
only time 'ne question: Why glass on english? 

- with kursor high/down can we The Sternengalaxie tip and BildHoch/BildRunter hgeranzoomen or. Remove.

- rnd(255)/255 yields a worth between 0 and 1.
the goes Yes with Rnd() in the meantime yet eleganter. 

- now becomes the point to that zeichnen the stars on The distance the Sternes of zero the x-axis set.

- alike as we our Coordinatessystem straight turned having.

- we need The turns the Koordinatensystems finally only, in order to detect, where our star hingezeichnet go muß. having we whom point ermittelt, can we it to that characters again turn back.

- the bewirkt, thereß The moreover entfernten stars itself faster moving.

- and finally verringern we the value how far The stars of Mittelpunkt removes are.
rather: to diminish we the value, the The distance the stars of Mittelpunkt certainly. 

Lesson 10: wander through 3D-worlds with XPGL
- there tappt im dunkeln(?) but letztlich always two Dreiecke one rectangle form, using we here same Rechtecke.

- with den kursor right/left turn we and change our Blickrichtung. with kursor high/down we go along or. backward.
How come You really on Kursor??? 

- with "B" can we spasseshalber too whom Transparentmodus one- and switch off.

- becomes The Button kursor high pressed goes it along.
the diving yet weitetere Male on and you should it absolutely Change!! 

- to that Rückwärtsgehen (kursor down) stzeht then instead of the "-" one "+". through verändern the Multiplikators 0.05 can The go-speed adjust.

- The subesquent 6 Lines with the Walkbias becalculate the wiegende On and ex at gwedlocks.

- eachone druck on The right- or left-Button turn whom Blickwinkel circa 2 strain.

- The second Parameter gives on, how muche spots drawn go.

- The first Paramater gives on, from take off Objects The world exists.

- In unserem drop are But Rechtcorner and Squares.

- it muß means always present his.

- The three values to the Semikolon are The three Koordinaten the spotss.
The second Koordinate is here everywhere 0, means lying the Quadcouncil levelly in Höhe 0 in the space.

- there a corner the Vierecks the point 0/0 the Textur entsprucht

- circa itself the time optisch clear To make, recommend it itself, with "DrawXPGL" once as last Parameter The 4 einzusetzen, so only the ground drawn becomes. to that Üben and understand rewards it itself thoroughly, once with different Values for Texturkoordinaten herumzuexperimentieren and To look, what happens.

- The dieselbe world from Dreiecken erzeugt and the same data contains,

Lesson 12: lists with boxes

- unfortunately becomes in this Lesson the benefit the Displaylisten not integrally so dramatable explicit, How in the Original. the lying in the integral on it, thereß in XProfan drawing

- with Displaylisten goes it therefore, a row of always recurringwhom OpenGL-instructions together To grasp.
is in this drop sooner one word or should there objectively instructions together gefasst go? 

- One, mostly hinzunehmender, disadvantage be too called:

- therefore is it too importantt, not any more benötigte Displaylisten again spare To give.

- In unserem example building we with boxes oneen Q-Bert-ähnliches Spielfeld.
What is because Q-Bert?? 

- there these for all boxes same are, grasp we tappt im dunkeln these in a small Displayliste together.

Lesson 13: Bitmap-Fonts
- variables for Fontnommer (font&) and the Farb- and Positionswechsel go declared.

Lesson 14: 3D-Fonts
- natürlich wirken zweidimensionale Bitmapfonts in a 3D-world quite levelly.

- And so lookt it from:

- The only Difference to Lesson 13 is here, thereß The oGL-function "OutlineFont" akin becomes. These has as additional Parameterr The deep the letters.

- here's the only Difference To Lesson 13, that The Positionierung
jolly - only three Lines moreover take You that. 

- naturally can the the Textobjekt now too with "Rotate" turned go.

Lesson 16: mist-effects
- In unserem beispiel should it How wirklicher mist aussee.

- "F" toggles zwischen whom Filtermodi circa and "G" toggles whom mist one or from. with the kursortasten can The box in turn shifts and be with BildHoch and BildRunter becomes tappt im dunkeln to in front and hinten beweht.

Lesson 18: complex Objects (Quadratics)
- The latest Parameter gives on, thereß tappt im dunkeln from 32 Segmenten drawn becomes.

- here becomes a flacher ring drawn, the a Innenradius of 0.5 and a äußeren wheelsius of 1 has.

- for a Zylinder counts the same How for Röhre, with the Difference, thereß the Zylinder supra and under by a lid completed is.

- too here can through niedrigere values very interesting shape erziehlen.
or still bring up? 

- in the entrapment of/ one slice sees the part from like a Tortenstück.
Lustigerweise bemängelt OO here the Tortenstück and proposes so things How "Totenstück" and "Totenstarre" to. Brrr... 

- The übrigen withewhom Parameter are the initially- and the Endwinkel the Kreisteils in strain.

- with all this Objects rewards it itself, with dien Parameters herumzuspielen, circa numerous different Objects To produce.

Lesson A: which planet's is the?
- The Textures go loaded: sun, mars, world, moon and Hinterreason (stars).

- which OpenGL-Objects on whom suitable Bildschirmkoordinaten drawn go müßten. with the oGL-function "EndTest" becomes the Testmodus exits and the Objektnummer the the Viewer on the next liegendenwhom OpenGL-Objektes on this position zurückgegeben. this Objekt is logischerweise the Objekt, the we to that Testzeitpunkt on the bewußten position see.

- The allocation the Objektnnummern results with the oGL-function "SetName".

- OpenGL can of course too with Gradzahlen over 360 and under 0 correctly bypass (and rechnet intern modulo 360), but so we go sure, thereß it at Program not to some years Laufzeit to a Überlauf comes.

- the gcorpse How supra, only here for Rotation the planets around the sun.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
only time 'ne question: Why glass on english? 

too The Bitmaps the Kurses entstammen largely the english Presentation!

XProfan X2
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
What is because Q-Bert?? 

here you are:  [...] 

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Zur Funktionsreferenz

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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