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Error in the Help: course 4: OpenGL with XProfan

The XPGL-course 1 - 4


XPGL 1: The XPGL-functions and a Anzeigeprogramm
- The Nummerierung the spots begins with 0.

- kursurtasten or mouse with gedrücker linker Mouse button: the Objekt becomes around the x- or y-axis turned, circa it of several pages To viewing.

- Pos1 / end: the Objekt becomes to supra or to untern moving.

XPGL 2: spots, Striche, Dreiecke, Squares and Polygone
- recommend the usage the Programes XPGLViewer,

- The first Datenzeile of/ one XPGL-File muß always a Description the subesquent data include.

- the "V" muß always in the Description vorkommen,

- In unserem drop are it apieceweils point The three Coordinates, each through comma separated.

- so we see, thereß tappt im dunkeln objectively in the dreidimensionalen space are, can we with the kursortasten whom Blickwinkel on these spots change:

- contact we means each two ours Punkte to a line.

- we hätten whom second Parameter standing "VC" too "CV" write can (?). then müßthn though with whom Values too The Wertegruppe for colours to the Wertegruppe for Coordinates stand.

- but not the three lines in the space, could one The six spots indeed benefit, circa a row of lines To zeinchen, The each a point together having. too for knows OpernGLAS - and so too XPGL - a own Objekttyp, the through "LS" marked becomes.
time see, whether the drin remaining... 

- In many Make likes it meaningfully his, of last point the lines again a line to that first point To zeichnen.

- there our 6 spots only for 2 Dreiecke wealthy and we jezt time To rotten are,
then but at least "getz" 

- too here form The three first spots the Ausgansdreieck and eachone Another point forms one new Dreieck:
correctly. would AusEntenDreieck!! 

- even if each Viereck as combination zweier Dreiecke understood go can, there in OpenGL the Viereck (Quad) as own Objektyo (?) "Q".

- there we The each 4 spots one Viereckes not of/ one plain lying having,

- there any Objects The same amount spots needen,

XPGL 3: Textures and normal-values
- around the Textur To vberwenden, muß our XPGL-File next to whom Vertexwerten too Texturwerte include. the kennzeichnen we through 1 one "T" in the second Parameter the first Datenzeile.

- for a Quadrat with Textur To zeichnen, must our first Datenzeile means "Q;VT;1" lauten.
Sach time - what was because there go? 

- for each point muß now indicated go, welchem point in the Textur it corresponds to. means kommten to the three Koordinatenwerten per point yet The Wertegruppe for Texturwerte with the two Texturkoordinaten hinzu. The Coordinates the Textur wealthy of 0,0 left under To 1,1 rights supra.

- an XPGL-File can only The currently tuned Texturbitmap use. nevertheless are different Textures in a XPGL-datei possible, because these a Bitmap different Images contains.
the "eine" reads itself something clumsy and the set is verständlicher without. 

- In unserem Baugame becomes The Textur horizontal 3-case and Mouse and Sprite 2-case appropriate:
the was now not solid, or? 

- therefore, thereß we fromachnitte the Textur using can,

- here empfiehlt it itself integrally particularly, too once The Textur "level.bmp" auszuprobieren:

- naturally can too colours together with Textures use. dann is the second Parameter

- with the additional "N" give we on, thereß normal-values akin uses go should.
here had I Yes sooner uses akin. 

- the first three values are The Coordinates the Mittelpunktes the by the XPGL-File dargestellten Objektes.
the first three values are The Mittelpunkt-Coordinates the by the XPGL-File dargestellten Objektes. 

- is this worth negative, go The Flächen of light bestrahlt, The to that Mittelpunkt hinzeigen,. ist it positively, react The Flächen on light, The of Mittelpunkt lane show.
rather: react The Flächen, The of Mittelpunkt lane show, on light. 

- we're so geänderte File with XPGLView viewing, appear the Würftel dark.

- into die "heineinfahren", see we, thereß it too inside dark is.

- and there the XPGL-stature on Points orientiert is, must must To each point of/ one expanse three Normalwerte for x-, The y- and the z-direction indicated go.

- direction shows, muß the
number of times following 

- with one bißchen try and Forschen becomes one quick behind it come, as Normalwerte functions.
in the meantime: bisschen - pity really um's nice Esszett 

- / supra, Mangenta

- we're it turn (kursor right/left), see we, that, How expects, only The yellow Page the imaginäre light reacted.

- so that one itself with this functions lest befassen muß.

XPGL 4: XPGL binary - XPGL in the program
- the "V" muß always in the Description vorkommen,

- How already bekannt go The XPGL-data with the oGL-function "DrawXPGL" displayed.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Funktionsreferenz

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