'Alpha-Version without jedwede Gewähr!
Window Title upper$(" A r i s t o t e l i s c h e L o g i k")
'(CL) Copyleft 2015-10 by P.woodpecker, Wien (Austria). No warranty whatsoever!
'Q: Wikipedia cue "Syllogismus". without jedewede Gewähr!
var w$="Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,no Quadrat is a circle,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,some Rhomben are Squares,some Rhomben are Rechtecke,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing with gilles,some Wassertiere are Säugetiere,some Wassertiere breathe not gilles,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,some Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,some Squares are no Kreise,"+\
"Alle Professoren are serious,some Dozenten are not serious,some Dozenten are not Professoren,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing through gilles,any Fische breathe through gilles,no fish is a Säugetier,"+\
"Alle Fische breathe through gilles,no Säugetier breathing through gilles,no Säugetier is a fish,"+\
"No deputy is a rascal,some attorneys are rascal,some attorneys are no assemblymen,"+\
"Einige Münchner are not Politiker,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are not Politiker,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Rechtecke are Squares,some Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"Einige fruits are Äpfel,any fruits are plant,some plant are Äpfel,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,some Münchner are students,some students are not Passauer,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are Vierecke,some Vierecke are Rechtecke,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are no Passauer,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Vierecke are Squares,"+\
"Alle Passauer are bavaria,No bavaria are saxons,No saxons are Passauer,"+\
"Einige Rauten are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Parallelogramme,some Parallelogramme are Rauten,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are no Passauer,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,some Münchner are students,some students are no Passauer,"+\
"Alle anglers fishing Fische,any Fische swim in the sea, No anglers fishing not sea,"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are no anglers,No response meaningfully(some vielleich already?),"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are anglers,some anglers fishing not???,"+\
"Dieser fish is blue,Jener fish is silbern,some Fische are blue and some silbern,"+\
"Einige Säugetiere life in the waters,some animals The on the country life are Säugetiere,- No response meaningfully,"+\
"Dieser fish isn't yellow,any Fische life in the sea,No sinnvolle testimony possible.\n in the sea living one not-gelber fish?,"+\
"Alle Schweine grunt,this beast grunt,some animals are Schweine,"+\
"Alle animals go born,any Schweine are animals,any Schweine go born,"+\
"Keine animals go not born,no pig is no beast not,No sinnvolle testimony möglich"
'pool with incorrect Schlussfolgerungen:
var f$="Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Vierecke are Squares,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,no circle is a Quadrat,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,some Rhomben are Squares,No Rhomben are Rechtecke,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing with gilles,some Wassertiere are Säugetiere,any Wassertiere breathe with gilles,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Vierecke are Squares,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are no Kreise,"+\
"Alle Professoren are serious,some Dozenten are not serious,some Professoren are not Dozenten,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing through gilles,any Fische breathe through gilles,some Fische are a Säugetier,"+\
"Alle Fische breathe through gilles,no Säugetier breathing through gilles,some Säugetiere are a fish,"+\
"No deputy is a rascal,some attorneys are rascal,some delegate are no attorneys,"+\
"Einige Münchner are not Politiker,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are not Politiker,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Rechtecke are Squares,some Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"Einige fruits are Äpfel,any fruits are plant,some Äpfel are plant,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,some Münchner are students,some Passauer are not students,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are Vierecke,any Rechtecke are Vierecke,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are Passauer,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Squares are no Vierecke,"+\
"Alle Passauer are bavaria,No bavaria are saxons,some saxons are no Passauer,"+\
"Einige Rauten are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Parallelogramme,some Rauten are no Parallelogramme,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Passauer are no Stadtbewohner,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,some Münchner are students,no student is no Passauer,"+\
"Alle anglers fishing Fische,any Fische swim in the sea, No anglers swim in the sea,"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are no anglers,some Fische are anglers,"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are anglers,any Fische are anglers,"+\
"Dieser fish is blue,Jener fish is silbern,some Fische are blue or some silbern,"+\
"Einige Säugetiere life in the waters,some animals The on the country life are Säugetiere,Säugetiere life on country,"+\
"Dieser fish isn't yellow,any Fische life in the sea,in the sea living one gelber fish,"+\
"Alle Schweine grunt,this beast grunt,some Schweine are animals,"+\
"Alle animals go born,any Schweine are animals,no pig becomes born,"+\
"Keine animals go not born,no pig is no beast not,Schweine are Tiere"
Windowstyle 24:CLS:randomize:font 2
declare in&[29],ok&[29],k&
whileloop 0,29
until in&[k&]=-1:in&[k&]=&Loop':print k&,in&[k&]
declare p$,m$,tr$,i&,a&,a$,ant$,score&,off!
Whileloop 0,29*3,3:i&=&Loop
a&=rnd(2)'true 1 or Wrong 0 to feature?
if ok&[i&\3]'If yet not yet answers:
cls rgb(240+rnd(16),240+rnd(16),240+rnd(16))
locate 2,2:print "Score = ";
locate 2,10:print score&;" ";
locate 9,9:print tab(10);"Frage ";int(i&\3+1);"By 30:\n"
print tab(10);"----------------------------------------------------\n"
print tab(10);substr$(if(a&,w$,f$),3*in&[i&\3]+1,",")+".\n"
print tab(10);substr$(if(a&,w$,f$),3*in&[i&\3]+2,",")+".\n"
print tab(10);"----------------------------------------------------\n"
font 0:print tab(10);"Also counts: ";
font 2:print tr$;".\n\n"
font 0:print tab(10);" correctly. or wrong ";'a&; 'Please not schummeln!
font 2:print " [r,f] ?: ";
input ant$:ant$=trim$(ant$):ant$=left$(ant$,1):ant$=lower$(ant$)
casenot (ant$="r") or (ant$="f"):goto "nochma"
if ant$=if(a&,"r","f"):score&=score&+202*off!:sound 1000,40:ok&[i&\3]=0
else :score&=score&-101*off!:sound 110,40:sound 100,40
Sound 2000,100:print "\n\n Passage geschafft with Score = ";score&
if off!>=sqr(0.2)' Endtest
print "\n it follows a Korrekturmöglichkeit for Fehlantworten."
print " [Button]"
waitinput 30000
goto "Rept"
waitinput 30000