I have whom View source deliberate small held. can it eachone slight on etwaige Erfordernisse adjust. with the left Mouse button scrolls one The Zeichenfläche and the rechten Mouse button opens itself one characters- Program around the actually view To paint.
I have The Exe with XProfan 11 compiled, with FreeProfan-compiled Exe was unfortunately very plenty explicit slower.
Level clear simply by Level-directory-Delete.
These Help counts ex Programmversion 2.
there's 2 Modi: "Sichbares" and "Kollisionsmaske".
in the mode "Sichtbares" (the standard-mode) can How follows valet:
left Mouse button around the Level To scroll rights Mouse button around the currently visible area by Bildbearbeitungsprogramm To Edit Bilddateien can also simply by Drag&Drop into Level pulled and subsequently positioniert go
in the mode "Kollisionsmaske" (einschaltbar over Pop-Menu) can How follows valet:
left Mouse button around the Level To scroll rights Mouse button circa a Kollisionslinie with the Maskenfarbe to drawing, The Maskenfarbnummer can in the Pop-Menu tuned go. F2-Button around the under the mouse located area with the Maskenfarbe auszufüllen Bilddateien can also simply by Drag&Drop into Level pulled and subsequently positioniert go