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GDL | Hi,
on take off thoughts one in a warm bath often comes. there would iF his Leuchtradproggi and my Dateigenerator. one take : - The Oberflächengestaltung of Dateigenerator - The MC Proggsoftware of Leuchtrad - something Hirnschmalz
it comes out : an spare programmierbare 8X8 LED Matrix with 64 Stufenbild EEPROM memory in the Attiny 2313.
Wozu To use : - Riesenradbeleuchtung on MoBa - Kirmesbeleuchtung on MoBa - Herbertstraße evt. with Striphologramm on Moba - with Trockeneis Nordlichter on MoBa - with Triacnachbrenner Partyraumbeleuchtung or Schaufensterbeleuchtung
where there the Module: in the GDLMoBa Steuerungsmonster
The Aufholjagd in the Steuerungssektor on MiWuLa and LoXX has for me accordingly began.
Hello Georg |
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| How comes the normal human now on such with XProfan spare programmierbare LED-Matrix ? |
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GDL | you have already whom Urahn. once The Platine ready, gives it The by me. One computer alone reicht hold not at me.i'm Steuerfuzzi and no Spieleprogger.
Hello Georg |
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| and with you can gladly dazusagen: to that Happiness! |
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GDL | If blos this USB Kram not soviele Zusatztreiber bräuchte.Grmbl. |
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| such a thing ähnliches have I on the Atmega8. , even without Fussbad.
be now already at 4-wheel-robot arrived with Funkkamera, Funk for RS232, Abstandssensoren SD-ticket 1giga and ... and.....2x Atmega32
mfg peter |
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GDL | class, yet NEN Steuerfuzzi.
wished time NEN Nitty robot building.failed but on my chronischen Geldmangel.
momentarily be I on the Search to needed Linearantrieben.best with Kugelumlaufwendeln and free. have it full constantly 100th of 0,6mm holes with Ner Ständerbohrmaschine To bore.Langt already the SMD Gefummel.
Hello Georg |
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| Eimal here : [...]
now already extended very extended.
and here the board, with which I the robot on the computer steuere.
the means, The data come of Grafischen robot to that board and this piloting then whom Grafischen robot on-screen. for people, The gladly with the Atmega proggen want , itself but none robot building want.
and here the wonder-Propeller-board. so beget I Fernsehbilder (F-Bas-colour) and Images on the PC-Monior-VGA
mfg |
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GDL | there hüpft the Elektronikerherz. |
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| Stereotypes see with Objekterkennung? |
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| Stereotypes see with Objekterkennung?
Ne, a Funk-Kamera sends the image of robot to that Pc, the evaluates the image from and gives then whom lane to on The RS232-interface over Funk to that robot where the robot The Hindenisse umfahren should.
mfg |
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