
Biosmeldungen suppress


Hello people,

I login me time back (to ca. 2 years ) in them I really utterly quite no Time
found have me with Programming etc. To keep busy.
some of you kennen me Yes Perhaps too yet.... nunja, How the too be i am pleased
the it the community yet gives and here still some positives happens is.

but about... sozusagen my first task .
has unfortunately with Profan not very plenty To do, but Perhaps can your me Yes nevertheless help on.

I bastel straight in a Media-Center-PC and nutzte The Opensource software Mediaportal for WinXP.
around the whole sozusagen "Idiotensicher" To make I will Profan bring into action circa z.B. The Softwarefunktion
To to supervise and some Features einzufügen, so not yet integrate are.

only for interested: (I hol means time a little bit from)
I have The windows-Shell by a others supplant and Bootlogos etc. prepares. I wanted to the The
windows-surface complete disappears. furthermore ought to the system steady his and possible quick
Hochfahren - unzwar "kalt". for the nötige "langzeitstabilität" have I The Systempartition without
Festplattenzugriff prepares (with RAM Overlay for Schreibzugriffe) and one Systemtreiber the it me
allows the of MS "Horm - Hibernate once, resume many" named take action To use.

so far everything okay, the complete windows with Mediaportal launch to the Bios in unglaublichen 6 sek.
and there lying already my trouble... DAS BIOS.
not only the the Bios now very such a long time need How the windows-Start, No these stupid
Übersichtstabelle in the "rechteckiger Kasten" becomes too displayed. Beautiful and well the one with whom most
Bios one Bootlogo use can, alldings disturbing me these subsequently indicated scheduler still very.

gives it a SPEZI under you the it itself zutraut one Bios auszulesen (okay, the could so did i yet) and
To Edit? The Textfarbe on Black Change would certainly the simplest where simply always very relatively is...
waiter has jmd. experience with Coreboot? (alternatives Bios), or knows jmd. one Bios with the these informations
abschaltbar are?
would be over each Info grateful...


Suuuuuuuper the You again there are! I have me sure a couple Male demand where You abgeblieben are!

I faith the Bios setting no colour separate it'll The colour (7) the TextModi CO80 the Grafikkarte uses which of this tuned becomes to Initialisierung the Modi. One Biosprogrammpatch would means insofern difficult there not only one worth changed go should (of $07 on $00) separate first the Farbänderungsbefehl eingefügt go should - what a Änderung the Adressen mean would. I fürchte if you no suitable fertiges Bios find, then become You so life must.

Gleichwohl faith I the this "Schönheitsfehler" überbewertet becomes, belasse it best what's it like what about me can me even present, the etwaige (visible) Fehlermeldungen (How z.B. disk hardship found) you help would.

but cool the You again there are!

thanks iF, werd now again often time come round.

though I say must that I the program already somehow a little bit verlernt have
preceding everything something leichter from the hand, naja becomes well again go.

you mean So the The colour not explizit chosen becomes separate to initialisierung the Grafikkarte
automatically chosen is?
I speech Yes but not from the Posts-Screen the directly to the on comes, where The drives etc.
recognized go, whom can I Yes with a Fullscreenlogo right elegant hide, separate the what to
the "cls" on-screen appear.
Therefore could I me present the The colour still new chosen becomes.

i want it Yes even not so leave what's it like, okay Perhaps something narrow-minded but if I my
Mediacenter einschalte would like I hold nothing more see what on PC reminds - and the tuts nunmal.

we talk of same Screen - where z.B. The IRQ and Devices aufgelistet go...

I have already Mediageräte seen The the same "Problem" had - How I personally find but not schlümm...

an Möglichkeite would whom Bioshersteller To pay for, for a bestimmtes board one bestimmtes Bios To "brennen".

has here someone such a Bios-Eeprombrenner? Georg?

I could me present the it me succeed The spending the list To skipping instead of tappt im dunkeln To dye.

Hi Normann!

Moin Frank.... must first reading what You in the last Time so everything made have

iF, i think time we need so a Brenner first not absolutely...
I can Yes first try the Bios with nem tool auszulesen and schick it you then gladly time
if you it try want.
moreover be said, that I now objectively on the consider be me before another new board To buy
- with Dualbios - then might I relatively gefahrlos one little flashen??!?
(should not hot, that I you not credit but if what schief runs is board first putt....)

what mean You?

if I meant be.
No I have no EEPROM Programmiergerät for standalone EEPROMs.I progge solely Atmel MCs in the ISO fashion.

I stops me too streng on The recommendation ours Funk- and Radar- Technikausbilder : fingers lane of a gehenden Bios.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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