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Robert Hildebrand | Hello together,
I have 6 serial Interfaces permanent abzufragen (Messgeraete) and must these in a data base (dBase) Save.
has someone a idea??
Robert |
| XProfan 10, WinXP prof
Robert Hildebrand | 05/27/09 ▲ |
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Robert Hildebrand | your code shows me always only 0 on |
| XProfan 10, WinXP prof
Robert Hildebrand | 06/09/09 ▲ |
Sato Pinto | Hello Robert
Why is @SetCom(COM2:2400,n,8,1) auskommentiert? You must so The baudrate indicate The Empfänger and the Transmitter must on The same Baudrate tuned go.
greeting Sato |
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GDL | Hi
well,can I not to judge,I your Gegenstelle not Have.with my Controlern goes it in the Einschnittstellenbetrieb in my Auszugscode correct. Why remst You setcom in your code from?
Quote f% = @OpenCom(COM2, 1024, 1024) @SetCom(COM2:2400,n,8,1) Zitatende
with which speed runs now your interface ? with the Windows voreingestellten Baudrate? You must setcom benefit and of course with the same Values The your Gegenstelle has.
I had yet still The conceived characters with @Ord(Einzelzeichen)again zurückwandeln.means characters for characters. take but on that this everywhere so is.having yet yet no interface The this automatically power.
Nutzt your Gegenstelle The Handshaking Lines ? If No : Startbit.......stopbit relating itself always only the To sendende byte.with of/ one freilaufenden Gegenstelle must then pay attention the The first sends if your Program already runs and the interface ready is.otherwise gehn you integrally quick couple characters of a Datensatz ex.
Ausserdem need some Interfaces älterer Bauart one DTR high circa at all To works.
More can I moreover not say, I 1. your Gegenstelle to that testing not Have 2. only with the UART or. SUART the Atmel Controler work.
now are here The Profis demand.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | Hi
during I wrote was NEN Zwischenposting of Sato Pinto. |
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Robert Hildebrand | have auskommentiert, because I only leren wants |
| XProfan 10, WinXP prof
Robert Hildebrand | 06/09/09 ▲ |
GDL | too only at reading must You setcom benefit.You must setcom always benefit. |
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H.Brill | Vorrausgesetzt The Baudrate is correct, what give because your Meßgeräte from ? are The konzipiert for 9 V or make The only 5 V TTL Pegel ?
with letzterem should one then yet a MAX232 with a couple Kondensatoren between hang, the from 5 V TTL 9 V makes. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 06/10/09 ▲ |
Robert Hildebrand | GDL, Beitrag=52639, Zeitpunkt=09.06.2009
too only at reading must You setcom benefit.You must setcom always benefit.
Baudrate is correct, I get indeed a display, but the can I not understand ( see graphic).
Robert |
| XProfan 10, WinXP prof
Robert Hildebrand | 06/10/09 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | GDL hats but already said:
I had yet still The conceived characters with @Ord(Einzelzeichen)again zurückwandeln.means characters for characters.
look you in your procedure GetComInput each values at times and gib tappt im dunkeln not as String via print from. means instead of ReadCom$(f%,14) make You: CompileMarkSeparation so see You first, as signals zusammengesetzt are.
Also commit You your procedure of course the value f% as Parameter, empfängst it but not as such. rather is: CompileMarkSeparation |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 06/10/09 ▲ |
GDL | Hello Jörg,
thanks for your Support.explain was yet never my strength.
over again To setcom : I had there already one Eigentor because one Mikrocontroler with falschem quartz running and accordingly The Baudrate not stimmte. Only the was PC RS232 completely alike.The given nevertheless characters from.only lauter Mist hold.have never rausbekommen Why too verworfene or. not erkannte Übertragungen as Zufallswerte in the Receive buffer stored go. i see not Why it setcom wegläßt and itself on The pretended Windowswerte leaves. there's too tools The Send only 7bit instead of 8bit per characters.or having another Parität. it must The interface on his meter adjust.or it must it How handelsübliche Modemsoftware over communication with the Gegenstelle through Softwareprotokoll aushandeln.the but got so did i not there.
How should something running brought go,if I of house from Schwachstellen in the code Have.is now only my opinion.
Nochwas Robert with each meter the in a PC connected go can is a software thereby.means take we on, that your Meßgerätesystem one Eigenbau is ? then come so things,How moreover supra of H.Brill already posted too still in Betracht. or want You only one selbstgeschriebenes Program benefit? concise : can you us a correctly. working Gegenstelle confirm?
Hello Georg |
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| [keineAhnungHab] @Robert: very! well? well?
[/keineAhnungHab] |
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Robert Hildebrand | Messgerät is no Eigenbau, software lying too with,.these can but only a Messwert Show and not Save. the Messgerät is Baugleich with the Conrad Voltcraft VC 820/840. have in the meantime herausbekommen that of Messgerät 14 byte transfer go these however binary transfer and so can I unfortunately nothing so begin. Esw gives one Program in Visual Basic, the my Problems solve could, I but no VB and can it so not XProfan umsetzen. can me Perhaps hierbei someone help?
Vielen Thanks beforehand. |
| XProfan 10, WinXP prof
Robert Hildebrand | 06/15/09 ▲ |