



' Icons in Toolbar32 and Toolbar:
'it are missing yet some, with them I I do not sure be, what tappt im dunkeln mean should or not white, How I tappt im dunkeln bezeichnen should.
IconArrowLeft = 0;
IconArrowRight = 1;
IconSTRGX = 5;
IconSTRGC = 6;
IconSTRGV = 7;
IconTurnLeft = 8;
IconTurnRight = 9;
IconDelete = 10;
IconNewFile = 11;
IconOpenDir = 12;
IconSave = 13;
IconSearchText = 14;
IconPreferences = 15;
IconKontextHelp = 16;
IconExamin1 = 17;
IconExamin2 = 18;
IconPrint = 19;
IconSortAZDW = 24;
IconSortSizeDown = 25;
IconSortFileDown = 26;
IconSortDateDown = 27;
IconDirUp = 28;
IconDisconnect = 29;
IconPrinterDisconnect = 30;
IconPhone = 35;
IconDial = 36;
IconSettings = 46;
IconForward = 47;
IconFastForward = 48;
IconDoorExit = 49;
IconQuestion = 50;
IconHelp = 51;
IconMail = 52;
IconPaperBin = 53;
IconRecycleBin = 53;
IconTrashBin = 53;
IconExclamationHint = 54;
IconSmile = 55;
IconHome = 56;
IconLight = 57;
IconStar = 58;
IconPaperClip = 59;
IconAccept = 60;
IconPin = 61;
IconRecord = 62;
IconSkipBack = 63;
IconSkipForward = 64;
IconFastBack = 65;
IconFastForward = 66;
IconPlay = 67;
IconEject = 68;
IconPause = 69;
IconStop = 70;
IconLEDOn = 71;
IconSwitchOff = 72;
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

evtl. so?

' Icons in Toolbar32 and Toolbar:
IconArrowLeft = 0;
IconArrowRight = 1;

IconFolder = 2;
IconDoc2Folder = 3;
IconList = 4;

IconSTRGX = 5;
IconSTRGC = 6;
IconSTRGV = 7;
IconTurnLeft = 8;
IconTurnRight = 9;
IconDelete = 10;
IconNewFile = 11;
IconOpenDir = 12;
IconSave = 13;
IconSearch = 14;
IconPreferences = 15;
IconContextHelp = 16;
IconExamin1 = 17;
IconExamin2 = 18;
IconPrint = 19;

IconShowBig = 20;
IconShowLittle = 21;
IconShowList = 22;
IconShowDetail = 23;

IconSortAZDW = 24;
IconSortSizeDown = 25;
IconSortDateDown = 26;
IconSortFileDown = 27;
IconDirUp = 28;

IconDisconnect = 29;
IconPrinterDisconnect = 30;

IconFolderDisconnect = 31;
IconCanvas = 32;
IconSaveRestore = 33;
IconCopyTo = 34;

IconPhone = 35;
IconDial = 36;

IconShowBig2 = 37;
IconShowList2 = 38;
IconShowFont2 = 39;
IconShowDetail2 = 40;
IconRefresh = 41;
IconRefreshCopy = 42;
IconFold2Fold = 43;
IconDoc2Fold = 44;
IconDocs2Fold = 45;

IconSettings = 46;
IconForward = 47;
IconFastForward = 48;
IconDoorExit = 49;
IconQuestion = 50;
IconHelp = 51;
IconMail = 52;

IconPaperBin = 53;
IconRecycleBin = 53;
IconTrashBin = 53;

IconExclamationHint = 54;
IconSmile = 55;
IconHome = 56;
IconLight = 57;
IconStar = 58;
IconPaperClip = 59;
IconAccept = 60;
IconPin = 61;
IconRecord = 62;
IconJmpStart = 63;
IconJmpEnd = 64;
IconFastBack = 65;
IconFastForward = 66;
IconPlay = 67;
IconEject = 68;
IconPause = 69;
IconStop = 70;
IconLEDOn = 71;
IconSwitchOff = 72;
Alle Sprachen
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Normann Strübli02/03/23
Rolf Koch03/08/22


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