next to whom regulären Downloads How the XProfan-SDK on the Download-Page bid XProfan.Net all XProfanern infinite plenty Space and hostet software and Files free, hochwertig and werbefrei with many Features Specifically for us.
Create a new topic or contribute by post editor and upload files to put sure, that Files on the right place einsortiert are. For this, on the search-Button in the Posting-Editor clicking and accordingly hochzuladene Files dial.
Max. 50MB per File, any Dateiendungen allows - it can as much as you want Files uploaded go. circa a File To renew or. a already hochgeladene File to exchange simply on the search-Button clicking and the new file select and subsequently on New Hochladen" clicking.
Each uploaded file is hosted and automatically attaches a high Download-Counter-Image. Except for image files can manually access a definition and a price will be provided for each uploaded file, for images is the physical URL for easy re-use available.
The Download-Counter provides for easy integration Download-Counter-Image and an URL to read serversided.
next to the counter stand too erweiterte Herunterlade-Information available, in example becomes displayed whether the Download successful exits watts, How long loaded watts and who (if public Profil vorliegt) Downloaded has.
Additional exists The Possibility festzulegen, z.B. whether:
guests only Members only one bestimmtes Member only defined Members or nobody (blocked) only up to of/ one designed Landeanzahl
... The File down(ge)loading (go) can/ can.
WhileLoop & could under my-XProfan aufgelistet go.
Files rename:
The Dateiname can discretionary changed go. simply a neunamige File Upload with the option "Aktualisieren" - means integrally normal whom Attachment update and the File has then too whom "neuen" names.