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Sven Bader | On Base of Rolands Open Source XProfEd [...] have I a on my needs adjusted Version prepares, which I in senses the Open-Source-Gedankens again available to put would like.
new functions in the SE-Version
- Parallelbetrieb of up to 10 Profan/XProfan versions, 1-Click change the Version
- Profan2Cpp Integration
- Darkmode and advanced Syntax Highlighting
- Integration of WinMerge, circa Source To vergleichen (selection or Files)
- Extensive Versionierung/Sicherung of Quelltexten
- improved Tabs with icons and Closing-Button
- Codeformatierung
- One-/move out, One-Comment and Codeformatierung with a Undo-step
- Search and supplant too of Zeilenumbrüchen and Tabs
- Suchfeld in the Toolbar
- Search automatically in both directions
- Per Strg+Click on a function jumping one directly to that suitable Proc or Def
- Translation of OpenGL command from C++
- Farbkonvertierungen by Rechtsklickmenü
- File-Open Menu shows directly any kompatiblen Files
- Live-Syntaxhilfe in the Status Bar
- Farbvorschau in the Status Bar
- plunge to last position with Strg+B
- F5 as Hotkey to updating the piloting
- Navigationsspalte by Drag&Drop vergrößerbar
- Header-Files Navigationsspalte open on Click
- comments for several Lines settle and Remove
Bugfixes on the Originalcode
- "move out" has sometime whom code in front deleted
- GetLine$-function supplied partly the latest characters not
- performance Improvements
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| Very löblich! |
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 08/17/21 ▲ |
Sven Bader | New in Version 1.02:
1. switch of XProfan versions one can right quick between two versions hither and thither chid and has to each a Indikator in the Toolbar.
Yes, my X4 Installationspfad is strange
2. Integration of Profan2Cpp: at that pressing of F6 becomes the korrekte Profan2Cpp proposition opened, compiliert and launched. prerequisite is solely a .p2c - Projektdatei with same names as .prf. The Projektname inside the File ought to too identical his. The thing is about virtual Mausklicks in the P2C-Window resolved means Hands from the mouse to the pressing of F6
here another example How one The compilierte File automatically perform can. Since I tappt im dunkeln too still in whom Projektordner copy must I the replacement the Ressourcen yet beforehand forcieren.
the Batch-Skript tum copy & pastes:
3. comments of marked Lines Remove and add, too over Hotkeys. In middle-aged Profan versions (or if one Profan2Cpp uses) there Yes The /* */-comments not yet. The function is right tough and deletes not further, if no Hochkommas present are.
4. The Farbgebung the standard Farbschemas (bright) have I something revised.
5. Ordner automatically change. at that Open of/ one File or change one Tabs, becomes each the Arbeitsverzeichnis with changed, so with usage the Open Dialogs the korrekte Ordner vorgewählt is. additionally can itself by Strg+old+E the jeweilige directory of/ one opened File in the Explorer open.
6. Unerwünschte Hotkeys blockiert. with happens it with Vertippern occasionally, that unerwünschte Steuerzeichen in the View source lying, there it to editor Hotkeys gives, these overlay I (Strg+n, P, Q) Strg+E have I forget, comes in the next Build.
7. to last position jumping, everybody can machine has Hierfür have I the Hotkey Strg+B introduced
8. plunge to angeklickten function Per Strg+Click becomes automatically to that suitable Proc or Def sprang, sofern these in the same File are.
9. Bugfixes i haven't been any Fixes documents but on the Quelltextformatierung z.B. be I really over ands over again time dran and presumably have I the list here even Features unterschlagen |
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Georg Teles | Very very well finally can I any Compiler into ProfED directory zusammenlegen
Sven Bader (28.09.2021)
Yes, my X4 Installationspfad is strange
at least have you got no 5 Editoren
row 2767 ( ShowToolbar(0) ) ought to vllt to row 2910 moved go the Mainwindow is there not yet visible, so the Suchbutton the Toolbar integrally link appear, or is it only me so ?
Regards |
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Georg Teles | small Nachtrag: ex the row 2316 should 6 time one + "\\" + between AppData and ProgSprache abgeändert go
(row 2316 To including row 2335 adjusted follow
RegKlasse$ = $AppDataDir + "\\" + ProgSprache$ + "\\" + pp$ + "\\" + ProgName$ + ".cfg"
' if new Konfigurationsdatei not yet existing, old File on new place copy
Ifnot FileExists(RegKlasse$)' Cfg-File is not yet in the AppData-directory
Ifnot DirExists($AppDataDir + "\\" + ProgSprache$ + "\\" + pp$ )' ggf. directory lay out
MkDir $AppDataDir + "\\" + ProgSprache$ + "\\" + pp$
Def AppData(0) ReadIni$("HKEY_1", "Software\\Microsoft\\windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "AppData")
RegKlasse$ = AppData() + "\\" + ProgSprache$ + "\\" + pp$ + "\\" + ProgName$ + ".cfg"
' if new Konfigurationsdatei not yet existing, old File on new place copy
Ifnot FileExists(RegKlasse$)' Cfg-File is not yet in the AppData-directory
Ifnot DirExists( AppData() + "\\" + ProgSprache$ + "\\" + pp$ )' ggf. directory lay out
MkDir AppData() + "\\" + ProgSprache$ + "\\" + pp$
otherwise becomes a directory ...\Users\ <User> \ AppData\RoamingXProfan new laid out instead of in the directory \AppData\Roaming\XProfan\... stored
Regards |
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Sven Bader | thanks for Feedback, Georg!
with the Pfaden have you got right, in the $AppDataDir seemed already one Backslash drinnen To his but with AppData() fehlte it. the having sure for the one or others confusion provided.
with the Suchbutton I had no trouble but it likes on the place zeitkritisch To his, your Solution ought to means help I had a while used, The Search there to house, without the tappt im dunkeln again disappears, The Solution here was Entry /()
with with crashes the editor any 1-2 hours ex, the window won't new drawn and the Syntax-Highlighting reacted not any more. unfortunately coming I not yet behind it, whether it only on the Time lying or on designed Nutzungsverhalten. The Fehlersuche configures itself here difficult, evtl have you got a idea, How to the Debuggen can. be In any drop warned, and cans Backup your Source, on them You work. |
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Georg Teles | Ahja very
I look it me very on, whether by me the same Phänomen to 1-2 h appears The Suchfunktion is In any drop very helpful must I say
Config have I here time uploaded with your Farbeinstellungen, The Paths (Include, X4 and alternative) müssten only adjusted go
(copy to: ...\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\XProfan\Verzeichnis_trägt_PFAD_zum_XProfEDSE)
Regards |
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Sven Bader | super, thanks!
Meinst You with the Suchfunktion The Schnellsuche in the Toolbar or The Possibility, Zeilenumbrüche To supplant?
what so did i not yet integrally durchschaue, is the Verbiegen the Paths in Interpreter and fertigem Program or Why in the Interpreter the Syntax-Hightlighting none goes. |
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Sven Bader | an new version is online, mainly are it Bugfixes: -way to that Save the Settings was partly not correctly -Codeformatierung for ASM / ENDASM -check on ausgewogene bracket clinging -Klammernausgewogenheit ignore, if row on \ end -Upper/Lower and Hex-conversion by Context menu -"Andere Tabs schließen" -functions and Codesnippets by Context menu, for the time being Stringfunktionen and Profan2CPP-Direktiven -Include-Files from the Treeview too klickbar, if lastly a File in another way opened watts -Markiertes word in the Search -Mehrfaches Open of/ one File not any more possible, instead becomes the tab changed |
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Sven Bader | so, now power The work with XProfed SE correctly. Fun:
New in Version 2.0
-Icons on Tabs -Closing-Button for Tabs -Parallele Konfiguration for up to 10 Profanversionen inkl. Profan2Cpp via aP2CCOMP -1-Click change the Compilers over The Toolbar -Help own Procs: display the Parameter in the Statusbar -items: Using for XProfan11, X2, X3, Profan2CPP if present -Visuelle Improvements (Cursor in the Darkmode, colour the selection) -faster Codeformatierung -Verbesserter and explicit schnellerer construction the piloting (Treeview and list) -Integration of WinMerge circa Source To vergleichen, selection or whole Files -Extensive Versionierung/Sicherung of Quelltexten -Verbessertes Undo-behaviour for Codeformatierung, One/move out etc only another Undo-step -Bugfixes -further small Improvements |
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Georg Teles | Very very nice
have Proposals to Fenstergröße / -positionierung with not desired Values or Bildschirmen, The it z.B. not any more gives (z.B. on one external Monitor worked then abgeklemmt and Program launched).
Defs to Headereinbindung:
Bildschirmdaten reading, on the the hWnd launched watts and KorrekturProc:
'{ Monitor amendment:
' -------------------
Declare rcMonitor#,rcWork#,mon#
Struct MONITORINFO = cbSize&,rcMonitor#(16),rcWork#(16),dwFlags&
Struct RECT = left&,top&,right&,bottom&
Dim rcMonitor#,RECT
Dim rcWork#,RECT
mon#.cbSize& = SizeOf(mon#)
Proc mbm
Declare mpos#,x1&,y1&,wix&,wiy&
Dim mpos#,8
wix& = %winLeft - long(mpos#,0)
wiy& = %winTop - long(mpos#,4)
case x1&<Long(mon#,20):x1&=Long(mon#,20)
case x1&>Long(mon#,28)-(%winRight - %winLeft):x1&=Long(mon#,28)-(%winRight - %winLeft)
case y1&<Long(mon#,24):y1&=Long(mon#,24)
case y1&>Long(mon#,32)-(%winBottom - %winTop):y1&=Long(mon#,32)-(%winBottom - %winTop)
setWindowPos %hWnd=x1&,y1& - (%winRight - %winLeft),(%winBottom - %winTop);0
Dispose mpos#
ex row 572 in the Original End of program, ungewollte Fensterzustände comment, since the Proc mbm this undertaking and DisPose mon#:
Proc ProgrammEnde
Declare Files$, PE_X&, PE_Y&, PE_DX&, PE_DY&
changed(1, 0)
If ~IsZoomed(%hWnd)
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"MAX" = 1
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"MAX" = 0
' Reading the Normalen Fenstergröße
PE_X& = gWindowData(0)
PE_Y& = gWindowData(1)
PE_DX& = gWindowData(2)
PE_DY& = gWindowData(3)
' Ungewollte Fensterzustände ausfiltern
'Case ((PE_X& < 0) Or (PE_X& > %MaxX)):PE_X& = %MaxX / 20
'Case ((PE_Y& < 0) Or (PE_Y& > %MaxY)):PE_Y& = %MaxY / 20
'Case ((PE_DX& < 540) Or ((PE_DX& + PE_X&) > %MaxX)) : PE_DX& = %MaxX - %MaxX / 10
'Case ((PE_DY& < 380) Or ((PE_DY& + PE_Y&) > %MaxY)) : PE_DY& = %MaxY - %MaxY / 10
' FensterStatus secure
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"X" = PE_X&
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"Y" = PE_Y&
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"DX" = PE_DX&
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"DY" = PE_DY&
Files$ = ""
WhileLoop 0,MaxTab%
Case File$[&loop] > "" : Files$ = Files$ + File$[&loop] + ";"
WriteIni RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"Dateien" = Files$
' straighten up
Dispose Edit#[]
Dispose LDat#
Dispose mon#
DeleteObject DFont&
FreeDLL seDll&
ex row 3147 in the Original, DX & DY possible fixe Mindestgröße give (here x=500 y=400), have z.B. 32:9 screen, there does it Window To 3.456 px in the horizontale ... X% and Y% ignore, there with the Proc mbm The position automatically korrigiert becomes.
' Window create
' -----------------
Set("ErrorLevel",0)' Warnungen at first Program Start Hide
X$ = ReadIni$(RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"X")
X% = Val(X$)
'Case (%Error > 0) or (X$ = "") or (X% < 0) or (X% > 32767) : X% = %MaxX / 20
Y$ = ReadIni$(RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"Y")
Y% = Val(Y$)
'Case (%Error > 0) or (Y$ = "") or (Y% < 0) or (Y% > 32767) : Y% = %MaxY / 20
DX% = Val(ReadIni$(RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"DX"))
Case (%Error > 0) or (DX% < 500) or (DX% > 32767) : DX% = 500'%MaxX - %MaxX / 10
DY% = Val(ReadIni$(RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"DY"))
Case (%Error > 0) or (DY% < 400) or (DY% > 32767) : DY% = 400'%MaxY - %MaxY / 10
Max% = Val(ReadIni$(RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"MAX"))
Case (%Error > 0) : Max% = 0
Dateien$ = ReadIni$(RegKlasse$,RegPfad$,"Dateien")
Case (%Error > 0) : Files$ = ""
ex row 3773 in the Original: with maximalen Window is X & Y alike, there this on the actually screen maximiert and is zwangsläufig = 0 totals (theoretical) ... with not maximierten Window comes The automatic Korrektur Proc mbm to that employment
ex row 2909 in the Original: what yet noticed is, the SuchEdit and SuchButton at erststart on the same place started, since the Fenstergröße now always korrigiert becomes, can The position of beginning on fix:
TBSuch& = CREATE("EDIT", %hwnd, "", width(%hWnd)-203,1, 175, 22)
TBOk& = CREATE("ICONBUTTON",%hwnd,icon(20), width(%hWnd)-27, 0, 24, 24)
A Propos The Search, genial with the "\n" Search, functions very well the switch, whether it along or backward seek must unfortunately in the Window Search 1x betätigt go, so The "Schnellsuche" means in the Edit along or backward seek.
Genial, that You whom switch for versions To Profan 6 added have is whom a or andreren moreover force, new Verzeichnisstruktur with XProfan vorzunehmen hehe ... have too extra for profX2, profX3 and profX4 directories since your first SE Edtor laid out, where the Interpreter, Compiler, Linker and Runtime drin lying ... XProfed then extra in the directory above
Regards Georg |
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Sven Bader | thanks for your ausführliches Feedback. The Fenstergrößen must I me again look at, have unfortunately self only 16:10 Monitor but for two, and so I with the the switch off at least testing can. The "Poweruser" get the window indeed integrally slight again windows + Pfeiltaste there, where it it would like.
Suchfeld and Suchbutton on same position I thought is alike, there each Start at least once The Subclass to Änderung the Fenstergröße called becomes but a korrekte position of beginning on can't damage.
with the to- and Rückwärtssuche be so did i not yet pleased.I have already some Improvements on it undertaken but I think i'll again without Message "im Kreis" search let and Yes, The Schnellsuche ought to best unbeeindurckt from the Settings the Suchfensters his.
in the actually "Beta" have I the following behaviour eingefügt: -in the Explorer angeklickte Files open in the already apertured XProfan SE-Window -XProfan SE can of course yet as often as you like open, läd but only in the first instance The lastly opened Files -it can several Files at the same time over the Explorer open -Drag&Drop unterstützter Dateityp is possible (as target unfortunately currently only The left slot or Kopfbereich, the editor has the Drop-Target not adopted) |
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