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![Normann Strübli: 07/14/04](.././../../i/a/12207944441fcd654bf55d.gif) Normann Strübli | with XProfan Ownerdraw-Menüs create...
![](.././../../i/s/_2_new.gif) X-Menu ver. 1.2 is ready...
each exhaust can a Own type / Formatierung allocated go.
Icons or Check boxes are no trouble
function to that inquire / settle the Check boxes
any colours are now completely! anpassbar
an scheduler with Abkürzungstasten becomes automatically prepares
the Menu can one Wallpapers allocated go ![](.././../../i/s/_2_new.gif)
plenty Fun so ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif) |
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![: 07/17/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Normann...
your Demos You this INC (be random above stumbled) see KLASSE from! the could I very well use, unfortunately work I but with Profan² 7.5 and find none suitable Substitute for SIZEOF and can therefore in the moment neither at Weiterentwickeln give a hand . circa from scratch to begin and SIZEOF simply rauszuschmeißen missing me too The Time.... son Mist! Please work moreover dran! find I just well! |
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![: 07/17/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | the part is wonderful! I habs time aufstruktoriert, no idea why: |
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![: 07/17/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | so, again I. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif)
The following, i'd the X-Menu gladly, because it so gernial is, into Funktionsumfang the XPSE with yielding.
the hieße, the the Progger The X-Menu INC having must, with XPSE however only instead of
in example
and instead of
To Disposal has.
XPSE should then from the xappendmenu, xpopup etc. The suitable Passagen from the X-Menu bring into action.
points I my? I custom there naturally your Help.
in the Result ought to it possible his, z.B. the following write to: CompileMarkSeparation is only an example How XPSE The Sonderattribute parsen could, Perhaps there there too yet something eleganteres.
iF |
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![Rolf Koch: 07/17/04](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | |
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![Normann Strübli: 07/19/04](.././../../i/a/12207944441fcd654bf55d.gif) Normann Strübli | thanks for your positives Feedback ![](.././../../i/s/03.gif)
having unfortunately forget To allude that I of last friday to date on the way was and so unfortunately not Answer could.
the part is wonderful! I habs time aufstruktoriert, no idea why:
Weils hold a little bit unübersichtlich was... thanks iF.
Related to the XPSE can We also gladly in forward line take but Have yet (not integrally) understood How I you there best help can...
Greeting Normann |
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![: 07/19/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | OK, lez begin ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498551.gif)
means, the Simplest what the Profaner Yes employ can is still eigendlich one: CompileMarkSeparation this 2-Zeiler opens one Fensterchen and wait a Click ex. ![](.././../../i/s/02.gif)
now moreover: CompileMarkSeparation now, the is Yes yet clear, but could you ne INC building, which the following Ermöglicht (first without jeglichen Schnickschnak): CompileMarkSeparation so, if your INC means NEN XPopup and NEN Xappendmenue had, then ought to in this example no Difference to that Pop and Appendmenu of XProfan visible his!
The extensions make we later, ok?
so can we the XProfan Step by Step procure, ownerdraw-menüs darzustellen. but everything to the voluntarily Motto. that is if someone his Prog compiliert, and (then Yes later) The XMenu.inc with eincompiliert, then ought to first of all no Difference To remember his. but then, if it z.B. (and the must we then among themselves turn off) Xappendmenu 101,men2:disabled:pic=pic.bmp bla bla bla having the Progger The Possibility with plainer Syntax its Menüs tidy aufzupeppen!
but first To step 1.
To denne, iF |
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![Normann Strübli: 07/29/04](.././../../i/a/12207944441fcd654bf55d.gif) Normann Strübli | Hi,
jaja The Time... (The me instantly missing) :| gives unfortunately not plenty new though solltet your the new Version runterladen The of course no new functions provides for but a Error less contains. ![](.././../../i/s/02.gif)
If to the Menu with ALT+? called has watts the markierte exhaust defective displayed. (If the yet none notice???)
@iF: don't be cross with me but I think still i'll first on whom yet missing functions works and if then everything is done can we circa a Integration in the XPSE concern... ![](.././../../i/s/eusa_think.gif) I Have there of course with started but if I on the INC yet what change müsstest You indeed always mitändern and this is Yes somehow double work...
Greeting Normann |
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![Normann Strübli: 07/30/04](.././../../i/a/12207944441fcd654bf55d.gif) Normann Strübli | one Update comes seldom alone...
Have now time simple Check boxes in the Menu realized The with XgetChecked / XsetChecked quizzed and staid go can.
Also contains The zipper now a new File for verwendeten Icons. Desweiteren watts The Optik the Icons by a adjusted size heavy correct.
Ausführliche Doku follows later.
Please testing!!
alas and on the side: white someone random How I one Icon not 2-bit SW separate in Graustufen transfiguring can???
Greeting Normann |
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![Normann Strübli: 07/30/04](.././../../i/a/12207944441fcd654bf55d.gif) Normann Strübli | Mist Have what forget:
IF can You BÜDDE time your Posting so far edit the one here no SCROLLKRAMPF at reading get ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1148399572.gif) |
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![: 07/30/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | With the whom Scrollkrampf, gg, habs Done. ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif)
Normann Strübli
white someone random How I one Icon not 2-bit SW separate in Graustufen transfiguring can??? Greeting Normann
Meinst now yourself calculate PixByPix, or Apileierei?
To denne, iF |
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![Frank Abbing: 07/30/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
Icons gray dye from of my Buddelkiste (here in the Context with Buttonsimages). CompileMarkSeparationEine Methode, um Icons grau zu färben.
(C) 2004 Frank Abbing.
Declare bild&,text$,neu&,array&,x&,y&,z&,but&,pseudobitmap&,bitmap&,wert&,x%,y%,z%
Def SelectObject(2) !GDI32,SelectObject
Def CreateCompatibleBitmap(3) !GDI32,CreateCompatibleBitmap
Def GetSysColor(1) !USER32,GetSysColor
SetTrueColor 1
Window 0,0-800,600
Cls GetSysColor(15)
Originales Icon mit Profanmitteln ins Fenster laden.
DrawLibIcon text$,0,40,40
Originales Icon mit Profanmitteln im Hintergrundsspeicher laden.
MCLS x&,y&
Startpaint -1
Cls GetSysColor(15)
DrawLibIcon text$,0,0,0
Icon grau färben
Whileloop 32
Whileloop 32
If z&<>GetSysColor(15)
SetPixel x%,y%,Rgb(z%,z%,z%)
Inc x%
Inc y%
Pseudobitmap erstellen. BM_SETIMAGE funktioniert nur mit Bitmaps, die keinem HDC zugeordnet sind.
Pseudobitmap unserem HDC zuordnen
Als Ergebnis bekommen wir unsere losgelöste Bitmap zurück !
Button erstellen via Control / die Create(Button,...) Methode funktioniert nicht ohne weiteres
Button noch nicht sichtbar !
Bitmap dem Button zuordnen
Sendmessage(but&,$F7,0,bitmap&) BM_SETIMAGE
Button sichtbar machen
- Button zerstören, damit die Bitmap wieder frei wird
- Bitmap löschen
DeleteObject bitmap&
4 href='./../../funcion-referencias/XProfan/end/'>End
Have too another ProSpeed-Variante, The very plenty faster operates, but Please... |
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