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 HofK | print "assoziatives Datenfeld" var adf adf["preis"] = 49.99 // adf.Price = 100 // gives (yet?) Error |
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 | Jo,
benefit the Assoziationen by Stringkonstante would then still The Case-Sensitivity, because my.Test would then my["test"] but not my["tesT"] and one could too with my.Test my["tesT"] not meet.
but the would well too ok so, because one can z.B. indeed not my["te st"] by my.th st meet. |
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 HofK | I thought particularly too on The vordefinierten assoz. Arrays, z.B.
var gpsdat = gps()
had We also somewhere already time so discusses - only where? |
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 | alike where, so reserves and Better get going Yes go! |
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 | so,
print device().kernelversion is a possible spelling for print device()["kernelversion"], what indeed against only a possible spelling is of: var tmp=device() print tmp["kernelversion"] additionally functions:
var a a.test="Hallo" a.wert=20 print a
against however:
var temp.variable
no Variable temp created separate The Variable "temp.variable".
look time: CompileMarkSeparation i'm too for the The spelling: msg.toast("Test" possible his should for: msg(msg.toast,"Test
might look whether The Constant msg.toast as method called becomes syntaktisch. |
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 HofK | moreover had we gedanklich already something. question is means, What is meaningfully and umsetzbar:
iF (06.04.15)
if id == event. menukey
if id==menukey
and/or from
msg msg. toast, "Menütaste betätigt"
we Yes
msg toast, "Menütaste betätigt"
where I Yes (How written) consider too
msg toast "Menütaste betätigt"
To make possible,
and there konstanten too functions his could:
toast "Menütaste betätigt"
iF (07.04.15)
what I plenty doller find is these spelling The I now well funktions capable hinbekomme: display rotate left instead of display rotate,left or. instead of display(rotate,left) or. instead of display(display.rotate,display.rotate.left) so can I against too The spelling(n) rotate display left make possible, speaks too nothing against left rotate display, The Constant rotate or d. k. left could as function understand and display left turn. Later too: rotate sprite winkel or sprite rotate winkel no idea How one such Spracheigenschaft(en) (be?)name could.  all this bläht too only whom serverside Präkompilierer on what niemanden disturbing or quite interested ought to. |
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