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![HofK: 02/04/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | Importent Info! The subesquent Posts relating itself on ursprüngliche versions of AndroidProfan/Infinity-Profan from the year 2015 and are so with regard to content/syntaktisch antiquated and accordingly not run. (15.01.2016)
Musste simply time dry testing, How AndroidProfan - new name Infinity-Profan - itself so coded. In of my Programmiersteinzeit durfte I in tidy large Druckbuchstaben one Programmformular describe. And then to persönlicher submitted one, two days on The long gedruckte Fehlerliste Waiting. The Steinzeitheimwerker mussten indeed with 'nem Faustkeil cope.
now integrally soft typed and by network in any world common. time see, what nowadys so zurückkommt.
first local: tidy tabuliert (comes in the Codebox not fully rüber) is the clear. might me saponaceous so make friends and if need be on The Beginner api dispense.
Update: See IF-Fehlerfindung under, but well still bestanden? so itself Error not get around, have I tappt im dunkeln markiert and correct. the Pi sooo long is - hereon entrapment I guaranteeing again mere.
The colours I had aware time rgb() and times as Konstanten in Internetfarben #hexhexhex indicated. moreover I had yet nothing näheres discover or overlooking ($ Notation). would be but useful, The HTML- Notation optional benefit to.
Update: code null there The Syntax for gui changed watts is the code null. becomes soon on the actually stood brought. is results, see below.
area of the circle
// Program area of the circle
var headl = "Das first AndroidA Program
var stat = "Status: Kreis"
var kfl = 0.0
var grg = gui( gui.add, gui.grid, gui.hwnd, [3,4] )// GrundRasterGrid
var h_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,1], headl )// Textcontrol for Headline settle
var m_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,2], kfl )// Textcontrol Hauptzelle
var s_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,3], stat )// Textcontrol for internen status
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, gui.hwnd, rgb(192,192,192)// primitive colour silver (dezent gray)
gui gui.mod, gui.width, grg, [8,84,8]// Spaltenbreiten prozentual
gui gui.mod, gui.height, grg, [12,70,10,8]// Zeilenhöhen prozentual
gui gui.mod, gui.textcolor, h_txt, rgb(150,191,61)// Headline in androidem green #96bf3d
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, grg[2,2], rgb(255,255,155)// Hauptzelle gelblich
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, grg[2,3], $e7e7e7// Statuszelle hellgrau
gui gui.mod, gui.textcolor, s_txt, rgb(255,0,0)// roter Statustext
msgbox 0,"Radius","Kreisberechnung","OK","1.0",kflaeche// Interaction input
proc kflaeche(txt)
// wrong: kfl = math.pi*(float(txt))^2
kfl = math(math.pi)*float(txt)^2// corrections IF
// wrong: gui gui.Text, m_txt, "Die area of the circle totals\nA = " + st(kfl)
gui gui.mod, gui.Text, m_txt, "Die area of the circle totals\nA = " + st(kfl)// ... spending
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![iF: 02/04/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | small Error see I immediate:
kfl = math.pi
should kfl = math(math.pi)*float(txt)^2
otherwise: Muahahha! ![](.././../../i/s/qq5.gif)
#96bf3d is neither correctly., correctly. would $3dbf96.
but not gui gui.Text, m_txt ists sooner gui gui.mod,gui.Text, m_txt |
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![HofK: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | The Syntax-Changes concerning gui are well "durch" and really need one only the gui.add and gui.mod rauszulöschen. so becomes it yet übersichtlicher!
Update: 10.02. so itself my code-Schlampereien not festsetzen have I The corrections of IF (see below) umgesetzt. hopefully now fehlerfrei. have Yes yet no Debuggingchance.![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1191248715.gif) CompileMarkSeparation// Programm Kreisfläche
var headl = "Das erste AndroidA Programm"
var stat = "Status: Kreis"
var kfl = 0.0
var grg = gui( gui.grid, gui.hwnd, [3,4] )// GrundRasterGrid
var h_txt = gui( gui.text, [grg,2,1], headl )// Textcontrol für Überschrift setzen
var m_txt = gui( gui.text, [grg,2,2], kfl )// Textcontrol Hauptzelle
var s_txt = gui( gui.text, [grg,2,3], stat )// Textcontrol für internen Status
gui gui.bgcolor, gui.hwnd, rgb(192,192,192)// Grundfarbe silver (dezent grau)
gui gui.width, grg, [8,84,8]// Spaltenbreiten prozentual
gui gui.height, grg, [12,70,10,8]// Zeilenhöhen prozentual
gui gui.textcolor, h_txt, rgb(150,191,61)// Überschrift in androidem Grün
gui gui.bgcolor, [grg,2,2], rgb(255,255,155)// Hauptzelle gelblich
gui gui.bgcolor, [grg,2,3], $e7e7e7// Statuszelle hellgrau
gui gui.textcolor, s_txt, rgb(255,0,0)// roter Statustext
msgbox 0,"Radius","Kreisberechnung","OK","1.0",kflaeche// Interaktion Eingabe ...
proc kflaeche(btn,txt)
kfl = math(math.pi)*float(txt)^2
gui gui.text, m_txt, "Die Kreisfläche beträgt\nA = " + str(kfl)// ... Ausgabe
iF (04.02.15)
but not gui gui.Text, m_txt ists sooner gui gui.mod,gui.Text, m_txt
what to the previous Syntax wrong was could now voices? Have I there what geahnt??? |
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![iF: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Yes, have You. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif)
i'll today evening (if I on the PC sit) the program time einspielen and ablichten! |
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![iF: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | so, be strain dran...
var h_txt = gui( gui.Text, grg[2,1], headl ) correctly. is: var h_txt = gui( gui.Text, [grg,2,1], headl )
because grg is a lever and no aray here too:
gui gui.bgcolor, grg[2,2], rgb(255,255,155) correctly. is: gui gui.bgcolor, [grg,2,2], rgb(255,255,155)
another small bow:
proc kflaeche(txt) correctly. is: proc kflaeche(btn,txt)
but now...
![](https://xprofan.net/files/oaaaa.png) |
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![HofK: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | The "Programmierer-Benchmark" application -Kreisberechnung- is on Java-Page too one Piece vorangekommen. [...] with wichtigstem Source and apk.
is sure not yet the last stood. should but Anfängerniveau for Java and AndroidProfan keep and vergleichbar his. therefore too weitestgehende Abstinenz of xml.
in the application -Kreisberechnung- is with Android Java and AndroidProfan one for the Hochformat gedachtes simple Grid created. turn one now into Landscape, becomes with Java, if one No further institutes power, simply under cut. with AndroidProfan go The Lines if one prozentual operates z.B. gequetscht.
both behaviors can To Problemen lead. therefore there with Android Java Yes relatively complicated Layouts and things How Fragmente - z.B. right well described (german) [...] speziell [...] (Image Page 2 shows the trouble) and [...] (Image Page 4 shows whom Lösungsansatz)
the eigentliche trouble are but the very different large Displays.
might one such a thing ähnliches as with the spreadsheet analysis with very large tables very useful is implementieren? one gives a slot or row or cell (for slot and row) to, ex the the Grid (but dependent upon one vorzugebenden Bildschirmmaß) on of/ one new "Seite" displayed becomes, everybody can through wischen right or under access. so How one by the gallery or whom Calendar wischt. with 'nem symbol V or, > could one Verfügbares intimate.
i'm clear, that there yet More Problems dranhängen, should only one Denkanstoß his. Perhaps there Yes yet something Intelligenteres or is already in work? |
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![iF: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | The thing is that I in AndroidProfan The cell wischbar made have, presumably so many Problems not at all first come into being.
adopted want a 50it Kopfleiste and a 50it Fußleiste and the middle a drittel Tonne Text, then say simply:
height...[50,zero,50] and pappst simply whom Text into middle and is done the Döner because The middle will adjust dank Size zero and there tappt im dunkeln automatically scrolls ifs with the Space not ausreicht is the Layout already ready.
and whether of/ one rumwischt can ohnehin by Event discern and then hereon react. see You there yet apertured Problems? |
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![HofK: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | to that abgelichteten Program:
"var h_txt = gui( gui.Text, grg[2,1], headl ) correctly. is: var h_txt = gui( gui.Text, [grg,2,1], headl )
because grg is a lever and no Array"
there i was still To quick drüber, that the lever into Klammer heard mussich me dran gewöhnen, is then a good distinction with whom many [ ... ] the new with the btn Have I straight gecheckt and into in work located AndroidProfan application -Kreisberechnung- installed. |
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![HofK: 02/09/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | iF (09.02.15)
... see You there yet apertured Problems?
there must I time drüber sleep. The Problems come eh first always with the virtually work. was only so 'ne Idea because of the Ergebnises "ohne Aufwand" with Java. |
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![iF: 02/10/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | only on the side:
Klaus Hoffmeister (09.02.15)
in the application -Kreisberechnung- is with Android Java and AndroidProfan one for the Hochformat gedachtes simple Grid created.
one can in AndroidProfan the display slight festsetzen on Hochformat by: display(display.rotation,display.rotation.top)
now turn itself nothing more.
Aufhebung with display(display.rotation,display.rotation.sensor) |
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![iF: 02/10/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Klaus Hoffmeister (09.02.15)
turn one now into Landscape, becomes with Java, if one No further institutes power, simply under cut. with AndroidProfan go The Lines if one prozentual operates z.B. gequetscht.
and here The Landscape-Screenshots The I you not vorenthalten wished:
![](https://xprofan.net/files/coaaa.png) |
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![HofK: 02/11/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | Designproblem?
iF (09.02.15)
and whether of/ one rumwischt can ohnehin by Event discern and then hereon react. see You there yet apertured Problems?
Klaus Hoffmeister (09.02.15)
there must I time drüber sleep.
have two Nights drüber slept, something gelesen [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) and a bisschen video geschaut [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) as well as time consider, what accurate I there "im Kopf" having.
concise To "Papier" (2 pdf) brought: |
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