The App becomes schrittweise expanded and then in the book accurate auseinandergenommen.
The stood: opposite the Version v0.0.4 watts a simple Gestensteuerung implementiert, see [...]
Fußgängermodus, bicycle and Automodus accuracy To maximum 8, Speicherung and bill in exakten Dezimalgraden, display in strain, minutes and gerundeten sec.
Stopp the Datenaufnahme by streichen \ of supra since. thereafter tipp supra -> data back, tipp under <- data to. data in memory and to Stopp the Datenaufnahme on Gerätespeicher in the Ordner ip_track as csv-File (ip_gpstrack.csv). These File can with of/ one spreadsheet analysis opened go. The "Flachlandhöhe" is by me circa about 12m To squat! The Coordinates voices right well with Earth überein.
terminate with streichen / of supra.
Programmquelltext self yet Construction site, Bugs inklusive.
The screen to end the Datenaufnahme (v0.0.4) In v0.0.5 circa a Auswertungszeile with Gesamtweg and speed complement.
The csv-File with of/ one spreadsheet analysis on the note2 opened.
Update: an small morgendliche bicycle tour sees then z.B. so from.