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| abgelöst through function: arr(hay,needle)
[OFFTOPIC]explode(delim,string) GetControlParas (B a Zeichenkette into aray, where the Separator delim (arbitrary Stringkonstante) in Teilstücke part. Examples: CompileMarkSeparationyields myarray[0]="Hallo" myarray[1]="Du" myarray[2]="Nase" deference: differently as with XProfan, that The Parameter delim,string deliberate in the Order vertauscht, is with AndroidProfan The Order so How in the Original: delim, string.[/OFFTOPIC] |
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| function explode watts abgelöst from the function: arr
Why arr?!:
there's st, GetControlParas (B to string, gives float, GetControlParas (B to float, gives long, GetControlParas (B to long, gives arr, GetControlParas (B to aray.
not toarr, weils neither tostring, not tofloat, not tolong means.
too function implode watts abgelöst, undertaking The function st(aray[,delim]). |
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