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![iF: 01/28/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | simply time lospoltern, what AndroidProfan everything can should - alike obs the already gives or not or or!
I make time whom beginning:
request the Lagesensoren. |
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![iF: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | OK, Have fingers lane. Please report if I again ran can.
have The TabsEngine almost ready. can Yes time supra with Help couple Tabs open. |
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![HofK: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | this is Chick, and my nachträgliche "Deutung" ][ ~ with [...] is rather ? as some of my Ausreden. |
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![iF: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | I find tappt im dunkeln cool! ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif) |
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![HofK: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | The first attempt with copy with latex do not have worked, must me sure yet far hither with the Regulären squeeze out keep busy. there be I by far no expert. dig means first in the theory moreover.
/* with latex
\begin{align} E &= mc^2 \\ m &= \frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}} \end{align} ---------------- this.foldingStartMarker = /^\s*\\(begin)|(section|subsection)\b|{\s*$/; this.foldingStopMarker = /^\s*\\(end)\b|^\s*}/;
*/ |
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![iF: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | have the proposition dateimässig now time in smaller ones Objects zerteilt so one itself unwahrscheinlicher into "Quere" comes. |
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![HofK: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | to that closing-time small Teilerfolg ![](.././../../i/s/freude.gif)
to proc and if shows itself already the "Faltungsdreieck", but functions not yet.
have times the Faltungsmarker for comments temporary rausgeworfen around the system possible To durchschauen. |
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![iF: 02/23/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Jau, I see it juhu!
have too some access. Z.B. have I mean small Tabs-Engine right ready (even if I there yet tonnenleckeres Zeugs install can later).
additionally the Popupmenü correct and a entry "Fenster" shows any Tabs anwählbar etc. and bisl Kleinkram.
now must The Projektverwaltung since and the Source-Save etc.
too The spots under "Hilfe" functions now. |
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![iF: 02/24/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | OK, Have quick yet installed that each Editortab its own editor has. i'm today plenty on the way and if you want, that same one Editortab at IDE-Start appear then in /js/jprofan.js simply Lines 346; 347 comment and 348 enable. |
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![HofK: 02/24/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | ... come first afternoon moreover ... |
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![HofK: 02/25/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | Farbwahl: which Farbpackage bringts?
by the Themes Ambiance To Xcode go The Farbgruppen quite durcheinandergewürfelt.
after I now a while across any Themes geschaut have, is for me Solarized-light the Theme for normal work. it has How many others Themes none allzugroßen contrast between whom Farbgruppen, is weder remember Black, simply pleasantly.
against it have I always on Monokai umgeschaltet, if I irgendeinen Error sought have. For this is the there strong contrast and the Farbzusammenstellung perfect.
from this visibility out get The groups again new sortiert. The pretended terms of AutoHotKey are the structure ohnehin not for Android Profan made, means not primarily.
to that Test the two Files whom editor copy and the Themes (cogwheel right supra) go through. |
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![iF: 02/25/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | i'm there z.B. apparently quite schmerzfrei, me personally almost alike which Theme I dial. Solarized-light is me too less pleasantly as Ambiance and Cobalt likes I weils me on whom Atari reminds.
i know now not as einzuschätzen is, but is not letztendlich alike which Theme one dial as long as the "Parser" The words with Syntax correctly. recognize?
If possible then would so did i later The Themenauswahl leave - so itself eachone self select what it for itself optimal finds. If the however whom hoisted increased (where I yet but from gone out be that this not the case is) then go we the naturally retrenching.
I make me again on whom editor. |
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![HofK: 02/26/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | iF (25.02.15)
... If the however whom hoisted increased (where I yet but from gone out be that this not the case is) then go we the naturally retrenching.
... the hoisted won't increased, letztendlich is it pure Geschmackssache ... |
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